Questions tagged [redis]

Redis is an open source, highly-scalable key-value store, commonly referred to as a "NoSQL database."

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6 votes
2 answers

Redis with custom data dir: systemd config file changed automatically?

I'm running Redis 4.0.9 on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS with a custom data dir for the RBD file. To make this work, besides updating the dir in redis.conf to the new location, I also had to update /etc/systemd/...
Andrei O's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Redis reports read-only filesystem, but it isn't

I get this in my Redis logs: 1182:M 30 Nov 14:27:00.028 * 1 changes in 900 seconds. Saving... 1182:M 30 Nov 14:27:00.029 * Background saving started by pid 1920 1920:C 30 Nov 14:27:00.029 # Failed ...
Joe's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Redis: read-only slave vs fail-over slave?

I'm reading a lot of documentation around Redis network configurations, and I'm confused about how it seems the requirements in the architecture mental model I had, don't seem to map with the current ...
knocte's user avatar
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0 answers

redis-cluster - add-node slave to existing cluster from remote machine hanging forever

I am trying to connect a cluster of 8 replicas on one address to an existing cluster on another address. The replica servers are all running in cluster mode. When I try to do either: ./redis-trib....
Christopher Reid's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Redis Sentinel not respecting announce-ip option

I am attempting to create a redis-sentinel cluster using docker-compose on my system and have it visible to the host machine (this is to try and replicate an application that is going to use redis-...
mdedetrich's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

redis not following redis.conf settings

I am running redis server and have set the dir to /var/lib/redis and dbfilename to dump.rdb in the redis.conf file but i notice redis starts to produce these errors below 120844:C 23 Sep 02:59:31.098 ...
uberrebu's user avatar
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unable to connect to redis using gcp external ip

I followed the following instructions and installed a redis-server on gcp. I set the firewall so that port 6379 is open to all ip (0.0.0....
I-PING Ou's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Starting Redis in systemd with Auth

Does anyone know how to pass the auth to redis "when it is started in systemd." You have to use a custom init script here. Mine is the following: [Unit] Description = Redis In-Memory Store After = ...
Nathan Thomas's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Caching with Redis on a Parse Server

I'm on a 2.6.3 Parse Server and I need to cache the results of queries, to speed things up! I understand that Parse Server offers a Redis adapter. What exactly do I have to do, in order to start ...
Sotiris Kaniras's user avatar
2 votes
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Redis not starting on boot with systemd but works with manual start

I have installed redis on Ubuntu 16.04 according to the digialtocean guide. It uses systemd and should start on boot. I can start redis from cli sudo systemctl start redis and it works with no ...
beginner_'s user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to have a Cloudwatch alarm of the 'free memory' of a ElastiCache Redis cluster?

I'm looking to set up a cloudwatch alarm on a Redis cluster in ElastiCache rather than each individual node. Is this possible in cloudwatch? so far I've only found ways to set alarms on each ...
Matthew Bidewell's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Kubernetes (K8S): TCP clients waiting very long timeout on connection to a Service when there are no Pods serving its requests

My problem occured when using Redis on Kubernetes, but it seems that it is not a problem with Redis itself, but with network/infrastructure. My scenario: I have a Redis Service with single Redis Pod ...
rideronthestorm's user avatar
0 votes
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Can AWS ElastiCache instance fail during a manual/automated backup?

I have an AWS ElastiCache instance running at around 85% memory capacity. Before scaling to a bigger instance, I would like to take a manual backup and test a few things out. Failure of this node is ...
abhijeetpawar's user avatar
2 votes
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/tmp directory is not cleaned on live server

Laravel: 5.5 Horizon: 1.2.3 php: 7.2 ubuntu: 16.04, LAMP I don't know if this issue is related to redis server of horizon, but what I'm sure that this happens. When using database driver the /tmp ...
Yamen Ashraf's user avatar
0 votes
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Use redis with externally hosted Mysql

I have an Apache2 (aws ec2) based server and just installed Redis However when I try to start Redis I get the below error and not sure how to fix it so that Redis can be started? I believe it is ...
Jay's user avatar
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-2 votes
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MUltiple App Instances To One Remote Redis Server

I need to setup 4 locations / servers that all run one instance of an app. Traffic will be fed through a load balancer and directed to the closest node depending on location. The problem I am running ...
Dehay's user avatar
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PHP 1.5m session files. Size on disk greater than actual content. Should I go Redis?

I noticed my PHP sessions folder is filled with millions of files with the same session data. For example let's assume its a 48 byte long string, content remains the same. Let's assume there are ...
Prathamesh Gharat's user avatar
1 vote
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Redis Sentinel Systemd services failing to start on Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7

Having trouble getting my Redis sentinel systemd services to start. I can run sentinels manually with success -- e.g.: root@poolwc:/etc/redis# redis-sentinel ./sentinel.conf --sentinel Three redis ...
Joenarr Bronarsson's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are thousands of expired keys bad on performance for Redis?

I'm new to Redis, so I don't know which metrics I should care about and how to monitor its healthiness and responsiveness. My colleagues and I are maintaining a software, which uses Redis heavily for ...
Michael Hirschler's user avatar
1 vote
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Redis Client not connecting to Redis server via HAProxy

I'm facing an issue while connecting to Redis server via HAProxy using Jedis as a redis client. Everything works fine when Redis server is directly connected to but, the same is not working via ...
Sandeep Singh's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How can you link nodes in a redis cluster via hostname instead of ip?

Redis cluster requires that all nodes can see each other to chatter; to accommodate some trivial situations (eg. docker with all nodes publicly exposed) some additional config options are available: ...
Doug's user avatar
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4 answers

Redis fails only at startup

Redis fails to start every time I start our CentOS 7/openvas server. After the server boots up I can manually start redis without any issues using systemctl start redis.service. Below are the ...
thebitguru's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Installer for Redis Sentinel on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I've installed Redis server v=4.0.6 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS from Chris Lea's PPA. It works great and I set up 2 Slaves. All is good. -- Now I want to install and configure Redis Sentinel, but I can't ...
user450409's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

Redis not starting with systemctl

I have installed redis on an ubuntu 16.04 machine and if I run /usr/local/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/cluster/7000/redis.conf it starts up and I can connect to it without issues. However I want to ...
munHunger's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

AWS Redis Encryption in-transit + TLS EC2 Connection

I'm already using AWS Elasticache Redis but without "Encryption in-transit". I've created a new small/temp cluster with this Encryption Enabled but I can't connect to it - redis-cli error: ...
Adam's user avatar
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1 vote
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HAProxy for Redis Sentinel: want BACKUP, not DOWN

I configured an HAProxy service for my Redis Cluster installation (3 nodes with Redis Sentinel managing the master delegation) and it works good: clients are redirected only to the master node and ...
Mat's user avatar
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Redis - Manual failover works but Automatic doesnt

I have a node Redis cluser with 1 master and 2 slaves. Sentinel is running on all of them. master slave1 slave2 With my master up, this is the status of my ...
Jason Stanley's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

One liner to check if specific port(s) is/are open

Redis Quick Start states: Make sure the port Redis uses to listen for connections (by default 6379 and additionally 16379 if you run Redis in cluster mode, plus 26379 for Sentinel) is firewalled, ...
Majid Fouladpour's user avatar
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Is there a newer version of the module php5-redis for ubuntu 16.04?

I installed owncloud (v in my server (Ubuntu 16.04) and I try to resolve an warning I get about: Transactional file locking should be configured to use memory-based locking, not the ...
yaylitzis's user avatar
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Recommendation for disk size for GitLab, PostgreSQL and Redis containers [duplicate]

At present, GitLab is running as an omnibus docker (includes both postgres and redis as part of single container) and the size of data directory is 500 MB after 2 months of usage. We have around 70 ...
Technext's user avatar
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4 votes
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AWS ElastiCache Redis - Why has SwapUsage slowly climbed just over 100MB dispite having FreeableMemory available?

Starting around 7/28/2017 the SwapUsage started to climb for reasons I cannot figure out. I have spent many hours Googling and reading AWS documentation. At no point do we run out of FreeableMemory. ...
Curtis's user avatar
  • 41
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2 answers

Open up MySQL, Redis etc. only to certain other servers?

Many server applications like MySQL or Redis are by default only accessible by localhost, having a config line like bind If you want to connect remotely, you have to remove this line. Now, ...
user2015253's user avatar
0 votes
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heroku redis error : NOAUTH Authentication required

I wanna deploy my django project to heroku. My project uses channels so I need to set up ASGI based environment. I have two installed add-ons in heroku app. One is Heroku-postgresql and the other is ...
newbie16's user avatar
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Aws Redis clustered session managment not working

We are running php7 with nginx in aws ELB and handling sessions in AWS clustered redis, but session is not storing in AWS redis clustered.. Sometime it works but most time it not working. in php.ini ...
venkat venkatesh's user avatar
0 votes
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Redis-cluster Master consumes more memory than expected

I am running this redis cluster implementation in kubernetes: After some time running the master starts consuming more and more memory. It gets ...
Rogelio Rup's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Systemd: Redis server wont start when run as a service - too many levels of symbolic links

I have recently ran into the issue from the subject. I have installed Debian 9 as a webserver (with nginx, php7.0-fpm and some other stuff) and I want to use redis with my PHP installation. When ...
j0hny's user avatar
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redis-server process keeps restarting when killed on macOS

I am trying to kill the redis-server process on macOS. Whenever I kill it or shut it down, it restarts under a different process id. I've tried killing it three ways: redis-cli shutdown sudo kill [...
YWCA Hello's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Freshly installed redis not responding? [closed]

I had to install a very old redis-server on a very old Ubuntu server and used the package manager for it. However, after installing and starting the server, I do not get any response but timeouts. ...
Cojones's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How to turn off 'protected-mode' in Redis?

I'd like to disable protected-mode on my production Redis. Regarding to the following error I got from my other Redis-Sentinel instance I could disable it live by connecting to Redis from the master ...
Thomas Schwärzl's user avatar
3 votes
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Redis not starting on boot

I have installed the redis-server package on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, running in Amazon EC2. ii redis-server 2:2.8.4-2 amd64 ii redis-tools 2:2.8.4-2 amd64 It didn't start on boot. So I ran the ...
Duncan Bayne's user avatar
0 votes
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Redis - `CONFIG REWRITE failed: Permission denied`

I am trying to install and configure a redis service on centos7. redis tries to rewrite its configuration file from time to time with no success, so it throws the following error: CONFIG REWRITE ...
Tomer Amir's user avatar
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How compile PHP modules/extensions from source

I have set-up multiple PHP versions on single apache ubuntu instance using below tutorial. Both PHP versions working fine but php-geoip and ...
adminz's user avatar
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redis sentinels in AWS and static IPs

I want to set up a 3-instance sentinel cluster in AWS and then have a master and standby redis instance controlled by the sentinel cluster. The question is how to deal with DHCP in an AWS VPC. Since ...
numb3rs1x's user avatar
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systemd redis.service won't allow unix socket connections?

I've installed redis-server on ubuntu 16.04 and I'm trying to connect to it via unix socket. I have commented out the bind and port directives in redis.conf and uncommented the unixsocket directives ...
ptr's user avatar
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How to setup common php session across multiple servers using redis

We have one main domain and 4 sub domains running different instances and using same remote mysql database server. Some domains using PHP 5.6 and some using 5.5. we want to have our domains sharing ...
adminz's user avatar
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AWS- Best way to control dates on distribuited systems?

I have a system that initially didn't need to control so tight the dates and times (it only worked in a single timezone), but as a requirement now we need to use multiple timezones on this system. ...
MikeVelazco's user avatar
1 vote
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HAProxy health check consecutive counts not resetting

We have two Redis servers behind an HAProxy server. One server is the master, which is up, and the other is the slave, which is down. If the master goes down, the sentinels elect the other server to ...
siride's user avatar
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Health check to detect redis master from google tcp load balancer

I am trying to setup a google TCP internal Load Balancer. Instance group behind this lb consists of redis-server processes listening on port 6379. Out of these redis instances, only one of them is ...
Yadvendar's user avatar
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Configuring Redis for a read heavy application

Redis connection timeout even after upgrading to elasticache m4.xlarge We are facing connection timeout.Our cache size is hardly 1.5Gb.We have been using m4.large instance and there was around 150-200 ...
tessie's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to increase allowed number of clients in Redis?

(Server: Ubuntu Xenial 64bit) /etc/security/limits.conf has the following lines: * soft nofile 24576 * hard nofile 32768 redis soft ...
DejanLekic's user avatar

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