Questions tagged [revoked]

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OpenSSL invalid revocation date / update CRL?

I have an index.txt file where I changed the value of a certificate - whose certificate file I do not have - from V to R to revoke it. The index.txt looks as follows exemplarily: V 220303095424Z ...
Ferit's user avatar
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How does certutil determine that a cert is revoked

I'm testing that an x509 certificate can be correctly determined to be revoked. I'm taking the cert from and verifying it via certutil. When my system is online, it seems to ...
Stealth Rabbi's user avatar
5 votes
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What happens when a public-CA "code signing" certificate is revoked?

Specifically: Once the certificate is added to the public-CA CRL, how will Windows handle executables signed with that certificate?
Leor's user avatar
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Why does SQLclient still allow encrypted connection with revoked cert?

We are implementing SQL 2014 encrypted connections in the near future. I want to do my due diligence and confirm the cert validation process. I also want to use the trustservercertificate=false ...
user393394's user avatar
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Revoking client certificate two way authentication

can we revoke a client certificate by serial (we are using mutual authentication)? we tried revoking a certificate using the certificate file but the revocation date is not set to the current date . ...
Steve's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Does reissuing an SSL certificate invalidate the previously-issued certificate?

I used the "reissue certificate" functionality at a SSL certificate vendor (RapidSSL, FWIW) to get a new certificate - in doing so, I created and used a new private key and pass phrase. Will the re-...
Cooper's user avatar
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OpenVPN client self-sign cert, revoke on elsewhere?

I've got myself into a pretty messy situation: I generated a clients self-signed certificate on server A, with server A being the CA. I then copied the self-signed certificate (.crt, .key) to server ...
tw79's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Example of live site with trusted, signed but revoked certificate?

I'm drawing up some documentation for users with the intent on educating them on certificate revocation. I would like to include screen shots of browsers to demonstrate the user experience when ...
flumignan's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Unrevoke a certificate which was revoked with a status different from Certificate Hold

Is there a way to unrevoke a revoked certificate, which was revoked with the “Superseded” reason code? I'm using the Certification Authority provided with Windows Server 2008 SP2.
Ondrej Tucny's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is OpenVPN revoke (CLR blacklist) computation effective? How much keys can I safely revoke?

We are building a system where we will have to black-list OpenVPN keys quite a lot. Hence the question: is OpenVPN algorithm for blacklisting keys computation effective? How much keys can I safely ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Apache 2.2.14: SSLCARevocation location

I am installing a .crl in my apache config. It looks like this: VirtualHost default DocumentRoot "web" ServerName SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile "cert.crt" SSLCertificateKeyFile "key....
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4 answers

FireFox detects Revoked Certificate, IE does not

Our exchange web access is secured by an SSL certificate. When I try to visit the web access in FireFox (v2 and v3.5), I get: Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar