Questions tagged [rpm]

RPM Package Manager is a package management system used primarily for GNU/Linux operating systems. It used the .rpm file format.

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Are there RPMs for GlassFish v3?

It seems that the GlassFish project itself does not provide RPM packages, and neither does JPackage ( Is someone else providing ready-built RPM packages for RHEL/CentOS? On a ...
Make Mark's user avatar
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How can two RPMs be mutually exclusive providers of the same functionality?

I have a breakfast package that Requires toast, bacon, and eggs. Importantly, breakfast needs exactly one eggs implementation to be a balanced meal. The scrambled-eggs package Provides eggs. So does ...
ToBeReplaced's user avatar
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Install libxml2.8 on RHEL 6

I want to install the software TinyOWS on a RHEL 6 server. I followed the instructions: wget tar xvjf tinyows-1.1.0.tar.bz2 cd tinyows-1.1.0 ./...
jirikadlec2's user avatar
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Is there a way to see if an rpm was installed manually or installed from a repo?

Title pretty much sums it up, but I'm looking for an rpm or yum command to see if an installed package was installed from the repos (if repo, which repo?), or manually.
cat pants's user avatar
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Module RPMs makes kickstart installation of RHEL based distributions unusable

The title of the post has it all. The first steps to migrate from CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 8 fail (in my eyes) because of module RPMs. If something is installed the traditional way via dnf, dnf notices ...
Volker Raschek's user avatar
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Yum install/update hangs at the very end, unable to kill via ctrl-c

So I've got a group of servers (all RHEL 7.9) whose RPMDBs appear to have become corrupted. Not sure how or when, but no matter. I fixed the DBs using these instructions. After that, any attempt to ...
Jonathan Prater's user avatar
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Accidentally installed RPM package into ubuntu

I accidentally installed a package using directly RPM in my ubuntu system. The package was libiconv-1.15: > rpm -i libiconv-1.15-1.el6.src.rpm rpm: RPM should not be used directly install RPM ...
user530906's user avatar
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how to keep a rpm package during system upgrade?

I have a custom built rpm package which I installed manually (via rpm -Uvh / or yum localinstall). If I do an upgradee from CentOS5 to CentOS6 this package is removed and, because it missing in the ...
user140518's user avatar
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How to manually validate the signature of an rpm file

What I need A way to get an asc file containing the signature from an rpm file. Why I need it I'm running into the issue described in this Reddit thread, where Chrome installed from
Keegan's user avatar
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Fedora CoreOS os-tree apply-live not working

I'm trying to install k3s-selinux on Fedora CoreOS 38 with a systemd unit file: [Unit] Description=K3s SELinux policy Before=zincati.service ...
sctx's user avatar
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Unable to Downgrade OpenSSL from openssl-1.0.2k to openssl-1.0.1e-58 due to openssl-libs-1:1.0.2k-25.el6 dependencies

Due to issues with old CentOS6 machines and the Let's Encrypt root certificate that recently expired I found a solution online which involves installing a Patched version of openssl-1.0.2k from ...
ItsJustMe's user avatar
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RHEL 7.9: rpm --eval "%dist" is now .el7_9 instead of just .el7

Here, we've recently upgraded some of our systems from RHEL 7.8 to RHEL 7.9, and I'm facing an issue related to the "dist" returned by the rpm tool. In some scripts, we share between RHEL7 ...
oxben's user avatar
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RPM --queryformat FILEMD5S checksum is different than md5sum of machine

The RPM man page says: The FILEMD5S Tag The FILEMD5S tag is used to display the MD5 checksum for each of the files that comprise the package. Array: Yes (Size: One entry per filemd5s) Used with ...
Tanmay Baranwal's user avatar
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Segmentation fault when execute yum or rpm any command

I am facing some issues on centos-7 when I execute yum install, yum upgrade, yum installed list, yum search, yum list installed, rpm then getting an error Segmentation fault. system Logs:- segfault at ...
Atul Akabari's user avatar
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Is there a way to back out of an rpm update?

Say I have a product distributed as an rpm named myproduct-2.3.1.rpm. I produce an update to version 2.3.2. The rpm contains a script to do something, like convert a file format, that runs at the end ...
John Frickson's user avatar
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Need help setting up RPM repositories from behind a proxy

I have a server at work running Redhat 7.6, but the internal repositories are always hopelessly out of date. I've approached the security team who say they can whitelist a repository URL for me, but ...
Soop's user avatar
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How can i install an old samba version on Oracle Linux 7.5

Apologies if this is a lame question but i don't have much experience with subject.. I know that there are a bunch of posts regarding this but i wasn't able to find a proper solution... I running ...
Guilherme's user avatar
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how to know from which site it is safe to download pkgs

usually I download from redhat repository all rpms that I need one rpm is - java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel- location -
shalom's user avatar
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Yumdownloader fails to download postgres dependency

I am using this command: sudo yumdownloader --destdir=/opt/test --resolve I get this output: ...
tryingHard's user avatar
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error: unpacking of archive failed on file /etc/httpd/logs: cpio: rename

I'm working on an old server of mine. I'm trying to run yum update and there seems to be an issue. So far, I've tried setting that log directory to 777 and same with the 2 log files within it. That ...
User's user avatar
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yum error: cannot import name ts

We had a power hit to one of our servers during a yum update, and now trying to run yum produces the following: # yum update error: Failed to initialize NSS library There was a problem importing one ...
wortmanb's user avatar
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Centos yum error: Failed to initialize NSS library - other fixes not working for me

Basic issue from screenshot: yum error: Failed to initialize NSS library There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was: cannot ...
Dave Heritage's user avatar
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How to install gdk-pixbuf-devel on Amazon Linux?

I'm trying to install gdk-pixbuf-devel on Amazon Linux so I can use pixbuf with cairocffi in python. I found an RPM located here:
Travis's user avatar
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How do I search for a versioned rpm capability?

I would like to search the rpm database on the "CAPABILITY" of rpms but this seems to be poorly defined. See example below. on Red Hat, the glibc rpm provides the following capability: rpm -q --...
greg's user avatar
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Installing libreoffice on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

I have a server with a newly installed SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12. It appears that the libreoffice related RPM's are missing, and instead are part of SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop. What's the ...
sockmonk's user avatar
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We have multiple repos having same package. IF we do yum install package, install from stable repo and yum install package-version install other repo

We've got multiple custom-added yum repositories (on CentOS 6), We have a package that is available on multiple repositories. It's named the exact same thing on two different repositories, call them ...
shri's user avatar
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libgcc multilib version - unable to install any package with yum

System: Red Hat 6.5 I have a problem with libgcc, which is apparently installed in 2 different versions on my machine. Anyway, when I try to install literally anything, I am unable to do so, because ...
pnadczuk's user avatar
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CentOS 5.11: yum installs, but packages remain missing

I'm trying to figure out a very strange problem with yum on a fairly old CentOS 5.11 VPS using DirectAdmin. Executing the following command suggests the telnet package is installed: # yum install ...
Paul Lammertsma's user avatar
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RHEL yum broken

I have RHEL which is deployed from Amazon AMI, and yum is somehow broken. I must use that AMI because of corporate software installed on it. There is no way to rollback to previous state. This is the ...
azivanovic's user avatar
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install libxml2 without internet connection so that nokigiri can be installed

I am trying to install libxml2 on a redhat box which cannot connect to the internet. So i downloaded and scped the following rpms: libxml2-2.7.6-1.x86_64.rpm libxml2-devel-2.7.6-1.x86_64.rpm ...
Micheal's user avatar
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Library Dependency is different when checked via yum vs. rpm

I'm new here and am debugging something I've never seen before, so I'm hoping someone can show me where I'm going wrong. I've created a local yum repo for all my servers. The idea is to distribute ...
Jeff Thompson's user avatar
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libexecdir in systemd .service file?

I'm deploying something to machines (internally, not for public consumption) using RPMs. Now, in RPM .spec files there's the %_libexecdir variable. The package deploys a service binary in that ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Cannot install mysql server - Error in PREIN scriptlet in rpm package mysql55-mysql-server-5.5.32-3.el5.x86_64

I am trying to install mysql server 5.5 (or any 5.x versions) on Redhat 5.5 and am having some trouble. I can install the other mysql components but when I try to install mysql-server (or mysql51-...
leeman24's user avatar
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Yum the same version as in a repository (automatic upgrades/downgrades)

In our infrastrcture, we have servers installed and managed by puppet. All our software is then installed from rpm. On each server is a small script that performs yum update if there is some change in ...
Yarik Dot's user avatar
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Centos Yum Repo Issues

I'm trying to enable the REMI repo by executing the below command: rpm -Uvh as a result I keep getting: package remi-release-5.10-1.el5....
Jake's user avatar
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How to stop meta-rpm transaction if a precondition fails?

I currently have a meta-package rpm which contains a list of dependencies on other rpm packages. I want to stop the update/install transaction of the meta-package (and all subsequent packages) if the ...
fduff's user avatar
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rpmbuild fails with parenthesis in name

I am building RPMs with maven, triggered by Jenkins. Someone decided it was a good idea to have ( and ) in jenkins job names. This breaks my rpm generation, and it's immediately evident what's wrong ...
Jepper's user avatar
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Yum does not install specific RPM version with custom repo

We use RPMS for our packaging and yum to update our environments. We have an rpm package-5.1.1-3 installed in our production server and in our yum repository we have 2 newer versions such as package-...
Sridhar's user avatar
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Oracle's JDK RPM doesn't provide "java"

I have the Oracle RPM for the Java 7 JDK installed on an Amazon EC2 instance. The Oracle RPMs for Java 7 JDK don't "provide" java nor jre. RPM reports that it provides the following: # rpm -q jdk --...
Greg Kopff's user avatar
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Keeping a local mirror lean and mean for what our application needs

We have a local mirror RPM repositorythat lives where our virtual servers live on Amazon Web Services. This setup could conserve some network bandwidth, but my predecessor probably set it up as place ...
radlab's user avatar
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Ordering RPM virtual packages

I have following packages, built by my RPM spec: libevent backend %package -n libfoo-libevent Summary: libevent backend for FOO Provides: libfoo-backend Requires: libevent >= 1.4 libev backend %...
avsej's user avatar
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Running rpm does nothing

I'm not sure what happened with rpm on my system. This is a CentOS 6.3 VM hosted on Amazon EC2 if that makes a difference. When I run any rpm commands, it returns to the command prompt doing nothing. ...
Starkey's user avatar
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Multiple identical GPG Keys. What can cause that?

I'm using OpsCode Chef to manage all my VMs, but since the last week, I'm having issues with one VM. When running chef, it hangs right at the beginning. After a bit of investigation, I found out that ...
Sebastien Lavoie's user avatar
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Install gettext-0.17-1.el5.i386.rpm on CentOS 5.8 i386 gives "/usr/bin/python is needed" error

I've removed yum by mistake. So, now I'm installing all the dependencies needed by yum manually. One of those is gettext-0.17-1.el5.i386.rpm and when I try to install it gives the following error, ...
viji's user avatar
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rpm rollback ignoring rpms - no error output

Issue rpm rollback is not working with a set of repackaged rpms created in the last couple days, but does work with more recent ones. [root@host1 repackage]# ls -l zsh-4.2.6-* -rw-r--r-- 1 root ...
ytjohn's user avatar
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Mock build system error: sh: ruby: command not found

I am trying to build a RPM using the mock build system. However, the shell in the mock environment cannot seem to find the ruby command. I run in to a build error: sh: ruby: command not found I can ...
Andy Shinn's user avatar
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Installing handlersocket

I am trying to install handlersocket plugin as explained here... I have downloaded and installed ...
shantanuo's user avatar
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Not able to install Statistics::Basic on RHEL5

I am trying to install the perl module Statistics::Basic::Mode on a RHEL 5 system and am having issues. I have tried MCPAN and RPM. Here is the result of running sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell > ...
Alos Diallo's user avatar
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Query IBM domino server linux package

I have used rpm -qa to export the list of package installed on the linux machine. After which, I didn't see any IBM domino server related packages in the exported file. May I know what is the ...
phlai's user avatar
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How do you update a driver after a fresh CentOS installation?

I've been a long time Debian user but now I'm working with Red Hat and I'm a bit lost. I just installed a fresh install of CentOS 5.5 on a new Dell server. Dell provides a current Red Hat 5.5 driver ...
Daniel's user avatar
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