Questions tagged [ruby-on-rails-3]

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4 answers

Errno::ENOSPC: No space left on device in Ruby on Rails

Iam hosting a Ruby on Rails Application on a Linode with 96 GB storage. All the images of my application are stored on amazon and they are fetched from amazon. Thus my linode should have a minimum of ...
Swati Aggarwal's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can't connect to Ruby on Rails Development Server on Centos 6.3

I've having trouble connecting to my Ruby on Rails development server: When I type in into a web browser on a different the connection just times out. I suspect the problem is with ...
sandyscott's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Setting passenger with Apache virtual hosts?

I am setting up a new server which I intend to host multiple Ruby on Rails applications on. The server is running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and I have set the Apache virtual hosts up so each application has ...
dannymcc's user avatar
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3 answers

Redmine 2.x with gitolite integration [closed]

Has someone here correctly configured Redmine 2.x (I'm using Redmine 2.0.3) with gitolite? If yes, how?
boos's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to resolve high CPU + excessive stat("/etc/localtime") and clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) calls

I've been experiencing really high CPU on a ruby on rails app (see stack below) and have been trying to diagnose the possible causes to no avail. Stack: ruby 1.9.3 rails 3.2.6 Apache/2.2.21 (Debian) ...
Yemster's user avatar
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3 answers

Install postgresql on fedora 16 for use with Rails3

I'm trying to install posgresql on F16 to work with my rails installation. Using this guide But when I run service postgresql initdb I ...
Antarr Byrd's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Unicorn workers dying

Last night at around midnight, our app fell over and I'm trying to determine why. We currently have a nginx front end server and 2 unicorn worker (app) servers on EC2. Pretty much our unicorn workers ...
James's user avatar
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0 answers

Suddenly started experiencing enormous wait times before requests hit server

Our web app has been getting 20k-30k views a day, and steadily growing. About 4 days ago we suddenly started seeing wait times of 30-40 seconds before the HTML was even being delivered, on pages that ...
Bill Stites's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Should I do a fresh install of PostGreSql?

I had to reinstall a Rails app onto a fresh OSX Snow Leopard installation. I had a hair pulling session just trying to get the pg gem to install properly with Rails. First I installed PgSql 9 through ...
Christian Fazzini's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Whats better, Higher GHz and fewer cores or more cores with lower GHz for a ruby app [closed]

I just finished developing a web crawler that essentially allows users to crawl their site and it informs them on errors through out their site. However my app is very server resource intensive. it ...
akaDanPaul's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

ActiveAdmin User management

I am new to Ruby on Rails. I am using ActiveAdmin for administration purposes. I have Googled a lot about "how to manage admin users" for example, changing default username password from admin@...
Moon's user avatar
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1 answer

Separate server for Resque workers

I'm trying to segment a few servers for a Rails project and part of that is entertaining the idea of isolating Resque workers to their own box. I already have Redis broken out, but is it common to ...
cmhobbs's user avatar
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IP spoofing attack errors after setting up a nodebalancer on

I recently set up a NodeBalancer in front of a Rails 3.2.12 app. The app is served by nginx and Unicorn. All seems to work fine, but I get a lot of errors such as these that I didn't get when I only ...
jlfenaux's user avatar
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Configure SSL and HTTP in nginx with Rails 3.2

I've looked at some examples but I really can't figure out why ssl wont work. My situation: First of all I have a rails application with passenger, the normal application works with nginx, no problem ...
DanFritz's user avatar
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Should I be THAT concerned over malicious attempts in log?

Whenever I look over at server logs, I run into a bunch of failed fraud/hacking attempts. Mostly just failed attempts to access config files and what not. This is never that big of a issue for me ...
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Co-locating my first server [closed]

I have been running a self-managed dedicated server for a a few years now, and think I'm ready for my first co-located server. I have some questions I hope you can help with. What is the server for? ...
A4J's user avatar
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Rails AWS Architecture - migrating from single Linode machine to AWS

Our startup has an app that's been in production for nearly a year running Rails/MySQL+MongoDB/Unicorn/Nginx successfully on a single Linode box. We've recently decided to move to AWS for several ...
sa125's user avatar
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Relative path incorrect in the view layer when hosting a rails3 app in a subdirectory using passenger and apache

I want to host multiple Rails apps on a multiple server using sub-directories. And have encountered some relative path problems. I have made a symbolic link to the app's public directory and placed ...
Saifis's user avatar
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"Thin" Rails Server - Automatically Startup

I am looking for some ideas on how to start up my "Thin" Rails server automatically, whenever the machine where it resides reboots. The problem is that when the machine reboots, "Thin" needs to be ...
Slinky's user avatar
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Showing Directory Root When Launching Rails App Using Apache2 and Passenger

I have done the following in an attempt to host a Rails 3.2.3 application using Apache 2.2.21 and Passenger 3.0.13: Installed gem Passenger rvmsudo passenger-install-apache2-module Added website ...
Pamela Cook - LightBe Corp's user avatar
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Rack processes taking over CPU under Passenger

I have a Spree site running the following stack: Nginx 1.0.8 Passenger 3.0.9 Ruby 1.9.2-p290 Rack 1.3.6 Rails 3.1.4 Spree 0.70.5 I recently upgraded from Spree 0.70.3, which also brought a Deface ...
pjmorse's user avatar
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2 answers

Best Practice: RVM w/ Multiple Nginx-Passsenger Standalone Servers Running One App per Server

I'm wondering what would be the best approach to hosting multiple Rails applications where each application has a different gemset and may possibly use a different version of Ruby. I'm thinking of ...
John's user avatar
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nginx blank page with puma and rails on beanstalk

I tried to deploy rails api to elastic beanstalk with nginx and puma as the app server. THe deploy was successful, database created and migrated. However, when accessing the web, it just show ...
hudarsono's user avatar
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Issue serving static contents securely via nginx X-Accel and rails send_file

I am trying to serve static contents via nginx & rails using X-Accel-Redirect. My actual static content directort located at rails root folder like this rails_root\books. This is my nginx config ...
RameshVel's user avatar
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iptables - ruby on rails mailer problems

Hey guys i am having issues with my iptables configuration. When i allow all packets my mailer in ruby works. When i deny all and have my rules setup i have issues sending mail. The output from the ...
itmanager223's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Installing both rails2 and rails3 on the same server

I have a VPS running debian lenny, and I currently am running a Ruby on Rails application that uses Rails 2.3.5. This application works fine by itself, and uses Apache 2.2 with mod_rails. I would ...
invalidsyntax's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Worried that my webserver has been hacked (or compromised) with redirects to '' [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY So I am very panicked. I have a Rails application I am building hosted on a VPS for a staging environment. I configured it earlier in ...
Ash's user avatar
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2 answers

Install Ruby and Rails on Debian Squeeze

We have a Linux (Debian Squeeze) server in production, currently running apps on a LAMP stack. I now need to bring over an existing RoR app from a different server onto this new server and get it ...
Slinky's user avatar
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2 answers

Capistrano 2 update_code task not using sudo

I'm using Capistrano 2(.15.4) to deploy rails applications (i know, trying to get to 3 but not quite there yet). We have a new server environment being set up, with IT preferring access through our ...
ilasno's user avatar
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2 answers

Rails 3 with Thin Server - Removing Port 3000 from URL

I have a small Rails app currently being served (dev and production) by Thin server on port 3000, on a Debian box that also has apache2 running, serving PHP applications. I am not certain if this is ...
Slinky's user avatar
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1 answer

Multiple host on AWS Ec2

I need to deploy multiple Ruby on Rails application on an EC2 AMI on AWS and I need every application to be attached to a domain name I think this first part is all for the Apache web server and ...
Mr_Nizzle's user avatar
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1 answer

Due to Haproxy I didn't get the client ip address

I am using Haproxy for load balancing. My website run on ruby on rails. I have done some googling and come to know to add this line option forwardfor header X-Client in /etc/haproxy.cfg file. In ...
manish nautiyal's user avatar
0 votes
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pgpool-ii show server as down, but server is running fine

I am using postgres 9.2 with streaming replication. I have 1 master DB and 2 standby DBs, it's hosted on amazon EC2, each has it's own server. On separate server i have pgpool(3.2.3) that does load ...
Dzmitry's user avatar
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Should I create a system user for unicorn server?

When running a Unicorn server on Linux I am debating whether to run the service under a system or normal user. Which one should I use and why?
mr_ffloyd's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Production server setup problems

I'm trying to setup rails 3.0.10 on a Ubuntu VPS server. I'm using postgres 9.0.4, Apache and passenger. When I run my server I get this error: PGError could not connect to server: No such file or ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to deploy Rails 3 on FreeBSD 8?

I'm pretty nooby to FreeBSD and I only have worked before with ROR on Mac OS and Heroku. Now I've got VPS with installed FreeBSD 8 and found it problematic to install ror 3 with mongrel properly. ...
Anton Axentyuk's user avatar
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Apache ssl connection in ruby on rails (SLES)

Now (Rails version: 3.2.13, Ruby version: 2.1.9p490) I have a sles machine and I've got the following files to make it from http (which works) to https (does not work) connection by hand: - cacert....
Marcel B's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

AWS EC2 DNS not responding to Rails app deployment on CentOS 6 with capistrano

I'm attempting to deploy a small rails app w/ sqlite3 to a micro AWS EC2 CentOS 6 instance using capistrano (after not having much success with nginx & passenger). I follow this site to deploy my ...
Guy's user avatar
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1 answer

404 not found error on Rails app with Helicon Zoo on Windows Server

I'm trying to run Rails App with Helicon Zoo on Windows Server 2008 R2. For the test case I used Redmine 2.3 that goes with the Helicon Zoo module. Redmine has been installed successful, but it is ...
Artem Koltsov's user avatar
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phusion passenger processes dying and new ones starting up mysteriously

as you can see, passenger processes are dying and new ones booting up, even though we're not explicitly restarting passenger ourselves. we can't pinpoint what's causing this. what are some common ...
Crashalot's user avatar
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Duplicate requests with different IPs from client causing duplicate actions in Ruby on Rails 3.2 controller

I have been trying to figure this issue out for a while re-checking my code and searching on the internet, I found some possible answers if the cause was something else but nothing exactly like I have ...
tronmcp's user avatar
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2 answers

500 error with deploying rails application via apache2+passenger

I finally completed my own app, so the only work left is deploying the app. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and apache2(installed by apt-get), so I'm trying to deploy through passenger. I installed passenger ...
user avatar
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Easy way to launch several rails apps on the server

I have several rails applications on my server. Each application uses its own rvm gemset. I'm using Thin as web server for each application, this servers installs as a gem separately for each ...
Riateche's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

IE Ajax Request times out even though server is responding

This is a repost of the following SO question because I'm pretty convinced that this is a networking/server issue, and not something wrong with my code.
Topher Fangio's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Can we run Ruby on Rails app and a Wordpress blog in the same server? How?

Im running Nginx on my PS server. It have three Wordpress websites. Im trying to start converting one website into a Rails application. First I will convert only the front page. The other sections run ...
THpubs's user avatar
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Request from 10.x.x.x a few seconds after original request

When debugging my Rails application I noticed often when I do a request, about 4 seconds later the same page is requested from a 10.x.x.x IP address. I googled for the IP addresses and if I understand ...
Mischa's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Deploying Rails 3 Application on GoDaddy Linux Dedicated Server

I currently have a Linux Dedicated Server hosted through godaddy. How would I go about deploying a rails 3 application on this server? I currently do not have rails installed on the server and I have ...
stevenaq's user avatar
-3 votes
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Is there any big changes if I use different VPS with better RAM? [duplicate]

Currently, my Rails app is working on a server with 1GB RAM. I feel it's so slow so that I'm planning to shift to better Server. There are 3 choices such as 2GB, 4GB, and 6GB. or 2GB with SSD. Is ...
MKK's user avatar
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