Questions tagged [ruby]

Ruby is a general-purpose object-oriented open-source scripting language. It sees a high degree of use in the configuration management space, and is popular for web development due to the high adoption of Ruby On Rails

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2 answers

Install Ruby 1.8.7 on Fedora 11/12

Is there a simple way to install Ruby 1.8.7 on Fedora 11 or 12 without side-stepping the yum/RPM package management system too severely? Building from source is always an option, but it tends to ...
tadman's user avatar
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Insecure world writable dir

I can't figure out how to fix this, apparently ruby doesn't like anything in my home directory. /Users/Connor/.rvm/rubies/ree-1.8.7-2010.01/bin/gem:4: warning: Insecure world writable dir /Users/...
JP Silvashy's user avatar
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3 answers

centos ruby 1.8.7 repository

I can't find a repository that contains ruby 1.8.7. All repos only contain 1.8.5 or 1.8.6 versions. Does anyone know of any repos with ruby-1.8.7?
Andrey Kuznetsov's user avatar
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2 answers

Redmine subversion won't ignore certificate error even if told

I have set up a copy of Redmine through the Bitnami Redmine Stack and am having trouble accessing a remote SVN repository through https. The trouble seems to be related to the fact that I don't have a ...
Pekka's user avatar
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Meta Information within Apache config files

I have a number of VirtualHosts config files controlling sites served on Ubuntu server using Apache. I'm writing a ruby script to parse these files, and then display information about the site being ...
purpletonic's user avatar
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Serving Ruby pages without Rails?

How would I go about displaying Ruby-generated dynamic pages without relying on a framework, such as Rails? My intention is to serve Ruby .erb pages just as I would with .php files. My server uses ...
Miko's user avatar
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How do I get started with Chef?

The chef documentation is pretty bad. And Google isn't helping me. Can anyone point me at a decent article or something that would help me get started? My specific issues are: How do I get a client ...
Brad Wright's user avatar
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3 answers

Differing packages between Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10

So I've been playing around with VirtualBox and both of the above Ubuntu versions and I've noticed that there are some differences between the available packages when doing a apt-cache search <...
bergyman's user avatar
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2 answers

Parse/Edit Apache conf files with Ruby?

I need to write some scripts to make changes to Apache conf files, namely to add/update VirtualHosts. I plan on doing this in Ruby. before I write my own, are there any scripts/rubygems which allow ...
Josh's user avatar
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1 answer

How best to automatically deal with multiple site_ruby locations?

Is there a way to automatically append to $: variable in ruby to account for additional site_ruby locations? Ruby is installed in /usr/local/ and using gem_install will properly install the new ruby ...
cclark's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to use custom script for authentication with PAM?

I want to enable users to use my rails application's credentials for login to sftp account. If I understand correctly I should somehow use PAM for this. But I didn't find any info on how to do this?
retro's user avatar
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5 answers

Multiple rack apps on nginx + passenger, one as root, the other not...config

So I've got two apps I want to run on a server. One app I would like to be the "default" app--that is, all URLs should be sent this app by default, except for a certain path, lets call it /foo: http:/...
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OpenSSL support for Ruby: "Cipher is not a module (TypeError)"

The Problem Our systems admin needed to upgrade the packages on our CentOS 5.4 dev server to match the packages on our production server. The upgrade affected ruby and/or openssl. We run a Ruby on ...
macek's user avatar
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2 answers

How to setup Nginx with Varnish

I'd like to see how to configure Nginx and Varnish. I'm running several PHP sites and Rack-Sinatra sites as virtual hosts across two IP's. I'd like to prevent Nginx from having to serve static files,...
arbales's user avatar
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3 answers

How to mark all packages under dev-ruby/ with keywords "~amd64" in portage?

I would like to use the ~amd64 test branch for dev-ruby/* packages.
Cheng's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I setup Apache with FastCGI and Ruby?

I've been reading alot of forum posts, tutorials, etc., about setting up apache under linux with fastcgi. I'm trying to run fcgi for some of my ruby development (not rails), but I figure it should ...
sdellysse's user avatar
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What specifically does FastCGI do (for Ruby, Java, and Python)?

If I have a server running Apache, and I install FastCGI, would that let me run Ruby and Python scripts? If Python is already installed on the server, wouldn't I just be able to add .py to the CGI ...
SJaguar13's user avatar
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3 answers

Installing Redmine on an NSlu2-Linux Device (QNAP)

I would like to run redmine on my NSlu2 NAS Server (QNAP) with an arm processor. I installed ipkg and so on everything runs well. Trying to install redmine I need to install ruby-on-rails. The ...
ovanes's user avatar
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3 answers

Ruby on Rails on Windows - IIS 7 or IIS 6?

I have seen a few places ( one example ) that there are newer speed improvements in IIS 7 on Windows 2008. While I know we would see possibly more power running ruby on rails under a Linux machine, ...
jmlumpkin's user avatar
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Forum Solution in Ruby or Python

I need to find a suitable forum in Ruby or Python for my company's web site. I've been given the following general criteria: Data Migration: How do they store the data? Preferably in database not ...
Rob's user avatar
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6 answers

Scripts That Need (some) Root Access

I have a general question about system administration scripts that require "some" commands to be executed with root access, and other as a normal non-root user (ie myusername, etc.). I should mention ...
Rob's user avatar
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7 answers

Explain this strange environment-related Ruby performance problem

We're diagnosing Ruby performance problems on our application servers which we've managed to reduce to a simple test case. We compare performance on a machine in our development cluster to a machine ...
Daniel Lucraft's user avatar
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1 answer

Running Ruby methods via cron having issues

So I have a method that is run every 10 minutes (Background.cron) to be exact. Background.cron loops through a set of database rows and if certain criteria are met, an ActionMailer method is run to ...
Shpigford's user avatar
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3 answers

Ruby net:LDAP returns "code = 53 message = Unwilling to perform" error

I am getting this error "code = 53, message = Unwilling to perform" while I am traversing the eDirectory treebase = "ou=Users,o=MTC". My ruby script can read about 126 entries from eDirectory and then ...
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4 answers

Upgrading Ubuntu hardy to Ruby 1.8.7

My server is running Ubuntu Hardy and Ruby 1.8.6 installed using aptitude. I'd like to upgrade to Ruby 1.8.7 but, unfortunately, the Ruby package includes Ruby 1.8.7 starting from Ubuntu Intrepid. I ...
Simone Carletti's user avatar
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2 answers

how can i figure out the max number of scripts i can run on my server?

I would like some tools or approaches to measure how much bandwith, cpu, memory is being used by each instances of ruby script (ex. a web spider). The goal here is trying to see the maximum number of ...
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4 answers

How do I cleanly remove ruby 1.8.7 from CentOS 5?

How can I cleanly remove my ruby version 1.8.7 from CentOS 5? I installed it by downloading the source code and performed a make.
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How to install mysql gem under OS X

When installing the ruby mysql gem by doing: sudo gem install mysql Subsequent rails migrations still fail, with a message like: $ rake db:migrate (in /Users/guy/code/project) rake aborted! ...
Michael Wehner's user avatar
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8 answers

How can I get alerts when my site is down?

My blog is a custom ruby/rack application, and has been crashing randomly every couple of weeks. I sometimes don't notice for days, and I'd like to be notified immediately if it happens. What's the ...
Sean Clark Hess's user avatar
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Why won't ruby recognize Haml under ubuntu64 while using jekyll static blog generator?

I have been trying, quite unsuccessfully, to run henrik's fork of the jekyll static blog generator on Ubuntu 64-bit. I just can't seem to figure this out and I've tried a bunch of different things. ...
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Capistrano deployment system, upgrade or migrate?

I'm using Capistrano to deploy a moderately complex web application built with Rails and some custom frameworks. There are about 15 roles and 30 hosts in the deploy list. For some unknown ...
lee's user avatar
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1 answer

Staging and Production versions of same Monit job

I have monit configured to monitor a job for the production version of my application: # in /etc/monitrc: include /etc/monit/delayed_job.my_app.production.monitrc # in /etc/monit/delayed_job.my_app....
James A. Rosen's user avatar
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3 answers

cron not running on centos 5.2

Sorry if this is a dupe - after I merged my Stackoverflow and serverfault accounts, my question seemingly was erased... Using CentOS 5.2 and this cron is not running at all (/var/log/cron is not ...
Kyle's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting up Redmine on Debian with Phusion Passenger, static content doesn't show up

I and some others are setting up Redmine on a Debian server running Apache. Actually, I didn't do the initial setup but I can't get ahold of the guy who did right now so I'm asking here. We are using ...
Ibrahim's user avatar
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2 answers

What is lighttpd's version of mod_ruby?

I'm trying to find a mod_ruby for lighttpd, not apache2. Does anyone have any ideas?
chutsu's user avatar
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5 answers

How to setup a webserver to run inline ruby?

I would like to run inline ruby code embedded in some kind of html webpage. There are ruby servers around like mongrel, thin, but I just wanted to run inline ruby in html without making a so called ...
chutsu's user avatar
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5 answers

Installing Mysql Ruby gem on 64-bit CentOS

I have a problem installing mysql ruby gem on 64bit CentOS machine. [jacekb@vitaidealn ~]$ uname -a Linux vitaidealn.local 2.6.18-92.el5 #1 SMP Tue Jun 10 18:51:06 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/...
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1 answer

Monit & backgroundrb with custom gem paths

I'm trying to use monit to monitor a backgroundrb process (that gets killed occasionally), but I cant seem to seem the start or stop commands to work (i simply get 'execution failed') - though they do ...
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Xen API Ruby Bindings?

Does anyone know if there is a full implementation of the Xen API in ruby floating around out there somewhere? I found this: but it is read only and is ...
bwizzy's user avatar
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Ruby Script to get some stats from Servers

I've been tasked with writing a script that will run on a server every few hours to log the cpu usage, memory, and disk utilization. This script will be run on windows and linux boxes. I chose ruby ...
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Ruby testing on stable debian server

I've a dedicated debian 5.0 server, which runs the "stable" tree. Now I want to install [testing] ruby 1.8.7 - but my system isnt configured for installing testing packages via apt-get. How can I do ...
BvuRVKyUVlViVIc7's user avatar
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How can I uninstall software from an RHEL 5 system?

I installed Rubygems 1.3.4 on an RHEL 5 system. The way you install that is to download source and run setup.rb. I did not find a package for it through yum list available. Now I'd like to uninstall ...
Agvorth's user avatar
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Is there a bash equivalent to "some content #{foo}" with ruby?

I'm used to being able to pass variables inside strings in ruby, like so "message in double quotes #{expression_or_variable_to_run}" What's the equivalent in bash, for really quick scripting?
Chris Adams's user avatar
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Ruby processes showing high cpu activity

I have three virtual linux servers running on Slicehost. Two of them are running 2.6.24-23-xen one is running 2.6.18-xen. All three servers are running almost identical software but the behaviour of ...
Chris McCauley's user avatar
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I upgraded to leopard and everything works fine except for ruby and rails

I just upgraded my Mac OS X to 10.5. Everything works great after a little Apache love, except for ruby and rails. This is what I am seeing Macintosh:~ TAmoyal$ ruby test.rb -bash: /usr/local/bin/...
Tony's user avatar
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Passenger + Nginx => 502 Bad Gateway

I'm trying to run a relatively simple rails app (http:// and it kinda works. The comments and the admin interface only work when I use "script/ server -e production" and connect to ...
rb2k's user avatar
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5 answers

Running Ruby on Rails App on Apache + Passenger == to much memory

I'm running redmine (a RoR app) on my server using passenger / Apache 2.2. Passenger and ruby are using way too much memory. Is there a more memory effective way to run redmine/ruby? I only need to ...
Rich's user avatar
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3 answers

What are my automation options with VMWare ESXi 3?

We have a brand new Dell 28-something-or-other that is running bare metal VMWare ESXi 3. I'm getting conflicting information on whether there's a command line console for things lke creating new VMs, ...
Otto's user avatar
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Optimal settings for Postfix and optimizing a custom delivery script on a VPS

So I have Postfix + saslauthd + Courier-IMAP deployed on a Linode 1080 VPS. We are a small company, we have around 30 accounts (I use physical *nix users for the sake of convenience + Maildirs, see ...
KTamas's user avatar
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