Questions tagged [ruby]

Ruby is a general-purpose object-oriented open-source scripting language. It sees a high degree of use in the configuration management space, and is popular for web development due to the high adoption of Ruby On Rails

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Openldap and ruby dont work with ruby command

Hi iam new in openldap and i have a problem know for 5 days iam searching for the fails but i cant find anything. Command is this here ruby publish.rb dev app100 password app101-x-requests its ...
cagi89's user avatar
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The way of logging at action of controller in Ruby on Rails for debug purpose

I am just trying to know if router is reaching to specific action of controller. In js, we are using console.log and var_dump in php. I tried with puts but it didn't work and I think it's because of ...
Alan Daniela's user avatar
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rb_sys_fail_path_in(rb_file_s_rename, (filepath1, filepath2)- errno == 0 error when running a newly installed version of chef

I have 1 box that seems to not want to run chef, while I have 5 other identical boxes that are working just fine using the same rhel and chef versions. On the non-working box, Chef runs correctly when ...
Alexander Brehm's user avatar
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AWS ElasticBeanstalk: Early termination of worker [puma] Loading development - gems?

I'm currently upgrading rails from 6 to 7 and so had to upgrade my eb platform-version as well (to run ruby-3.0). Now puma isn't able to start and always looping through: [13033] + Gemfile in context: ...
metafoo's user avatar
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Scalelite Load balancer giving error when trying to add new servers

I have two stand alone Vms in vultr running on Ubuntu 18.04 and on top of it I have installed Bigbluebutton server configs and a Greenlight frontend. I have configured another server for scalelite on ...
Cecil John's user avatar
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/usr/bin/env: ‘ruby2.7’: No such file or directory

I'm trying to setup ruby using rbenv on a server, instead of the apt-get installed version of ruby and bundler. I followed Digital Ocean's guide, deviating only on ruby version (I need 2.7.1) and ruby ...
Goulven's user avatar
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Extra trailing slash when re-directing www to non-www

This is my current configuration: server { if ($host = { return 301$request_uri; } # managed by Certbot if ($host = { ...
Dr.Kameleon's user avatar
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Passenger not running (Ruby on Rails + Nginx)

My AWS instance was working fine with my app. But, today, the server was down without memory ram. Then I run: sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches sudo service nginx start After that, ram ...
Diego Somar's user avatar
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Why are cron jobs not being logged by rsyslog on Debian 10 buster?

(I figured this out, it was multiple problems...I'm leaving this as is and explain the process I took to resolve in my answer to this question) I'm working on a simple Ruby script that runs as a cron ...
David Mackey's user avatar
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Installing sensu plugins as per ruby version

I have Ruby version 2.3 installed and I was looking to install sensu-plugins-http:6.1.0 because the latest version was installing another dependency which needs ruby to be on higher version. Like this ...
Learner's user avatar
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Sidekiq not starting on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS in production

I am trying to run Sidekiq in production using Systemd. I am receiving the following error when trying to start sidekiq. /bin/bash -lc "bundle exec sidekiq -e production -C config/sidekiq.yml -L ...
jeffci's user avatar
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Getting 502 response upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream on elastic beanstalk using Nginx + puma

I'm getting this error in log files. it happens when a person reloads page many times. other than that website is working fine. I'm using elastic beanstalk with Nginx + Puma. upstream prematurely ...
Muhammad Umair Raza's user avatar
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Why is curl failing to download from when ping works?

I have an issue similar to this: Wget, Curl, Yum Fail but Ping works - CentOS 5 In my case, I have 2 Ubuntu 18.04 servers which are failing to download from curl -O https://cache....
afarley's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk Puma NGINX - Ruby on Rails Load Issues

I have an Elastic Beanstalk instance running Ruby on Rails using Puma with Ruby 2.6 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.11.7, the instance is scaled to a c5.2xlarge and a database of db.m5.large. The ...
Rs Graphics's user avatar
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Is it possible to forward to publicip:4567?

I have a ruby server running , based on the following repository I am running Ubuntu without vnc installed. I tried to access the server via my public ip and ...
Joel Deleep's user avatar
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Gitlab prometheus error after upgrade with apt-get upgrade

after upgrading my gitlab from 10.9.2 to version 10.10 on my Ubuntu 18.04 it was not possible for the apt-get upgrade process to end successfully. It ended with following message: Ensuring Prometheus ...
eragon-2006's user avatar
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Is it possible to specify the same availability zone as my EBS storage when creating a new EC2 instance?

Right now I have an EBS storage volume in the us-east-2b availability zone. However, I have some code that is automating the process of creating an instance and it's using us-east-2 as its ...
LewlSauce's user avatar
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Failed to run multiple Rails apps with Unicorn + Nginx on single AWS EC2 Instance

I know this issue has been discussed several times but I had no luck and I couldn't fix the issue. I am going to run multiple Rails apps on AWS EC2 Instance with Unicorn and Nginx. I could run one ...
Remy Wang's user avatar
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Puma & NGINX upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out)

Accessing Puma app running with systemd service behind Nginx proxy results in the following error in nginx error.log: *6 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header ...
Ilya Cherevkov's user avatar
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any way to run passenger-status --show=requests without being root?

Periodically in production we get these ruby processes that hang up. I just discovered passenger-status --show=requests Which gives me exactly what I want. I want to write some code to build out ...
user1130176's user avatar
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Bind to slapd ldap server using uid instead of cn

I'm trying to connect to an LDAP server running slapd, using the net_ldap ruby gem. I'm able to perform the bind action using the cn of the user, but I need to use the uid. The LDAP server was ...
AJFaraday's user avatar
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Puppet 4.10 Regex

I'm trying to add a 'type' layer to our hiera backend so webservers can get common configuration, databases get some common configuration, etc. Our hostname scheme is [env][number].domain.tld where [...
user avatar
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How to upgrade Ruby Bundle version in AWS Opsworks

I have a project running on AWS Opsworks, which has current bundler version of 1.5.3 on Ruby 2.2.2. i want to upgrade the bundle version to 1.17.3 but when i try to do it i am getting this error ...
Nijeesh Joshy's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails Deployment to Server resulting in old Wrapper Scripts

I'm trying to deploy my RoR Application to an Ubuntu (Latest Version with Updates) Server. The Application will run with the Gem "Passenger". However, i am unable to run Passenger. rvmsudo bundle ...
Dominic Järmann's user avatar
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Deploying a c-compiled ruby gem with puppet module

I have a type/provider module that depends on a c-compiled gem. What is the best way to package this up and deploy to the users? Is the SOP to install the gem as a package (using gem provider) first, ...
destructo's user avatar
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Ruby app onetimesecret failing to start from systemd unit

I'm trying to install ruby app onetimesecret on CentOS 7.4.1708 (Core) by this manual: Ruby is installed with rvm. Everything is fine while running ...
user1540017's user avatar
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AWS CloudFormation: Internal Failure. Rollback requested by user

I am creating a stack via the AWS Ruby SDK v3 and it is failing with an internal error. After a long period of time (30-40 minutes) it fails and rolls back with an internal failure. No resources show ...
hellomynameisjoel's user avatar
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How to dynamically configure Nginx load balancer to send specific requests one server

For the purpose of debugging and testing, I am looking at ways to send requests pertaining a particular, say customer ID, from the Nginx load balancer to a specified machine. I am using Nginx on my ...
Lenin GAngwal's user avatar
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Puma with systemd and socket activation - Errno::EADDRINUSE

I have a Rails 5 app, running on puma 3.12.1, MRI 2.6.2, and Ubuntu 18.04. It used to run with pumactl and a custom control script but I want to configure it properly with systemd, using socket ...
vbalazs's user avatar
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TCP connections between docker containers timeout after ~10000 connections

I have 2 containers defined in a docker-compose.yml file, and am using them to run some rspec tests in a CI pipeline - the first container executes the tests, the second is an nginx container that is ...
aweraw's user avatar
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Puppet: Replacing create_resources() with hash iteration

We're migrating from Puppet 2 to 5. It seems the scoping is a little different. Before, when using create_resources() with a hiera_hash and a default hash, variables from within the calling script ...
bdetweiler's user avatar
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WP-DEPLOY : Cannot Push database

So I've been trying to set up Wp-Deploy for about 3 weeks now :( I have a digitalocean droplet that I am using for staging and was able to finally get my local environment to deploy the files to the ...
Jeremy Dixon's user avatar
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/home/webapp: No such file or directory elastic beanstalk

When I deploy my ruby app on aws using elastic beanstalk. Following error occur. pass log App 20278 stdout: intializing git App 20278 stderr: error: could not lock config file /home/webapp/.gitconfig:...
Fun Media's user avatar
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gitlab installation failing on debian 9.6

I'm having a issue on Debian 9.6. When installing gitlab an error is returned: Setting up gitlab (8.13.11+dfsg1-8+deb9u3) ... Creating/updating gitlab user account... Making gitlab owner of /var/lib/...
Fabrizio Mazzoni's user avatar
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A systemd service won't run for an app

I want to create systemd for "RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec rake jobs:work" I have this: $ sudo cat /etc/systemd/system/my_bg_jobs.service [Unit] Description=bg jobs [Service] ...
Jorimi's user avatar
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Pipe filenames onto Rubocop

I'm trying to pipe filnames into Rubocop as such: $ git diff --name-only | tr '\n' ' ' | rubocop However Rubocop still checks all project files. Is there something wrong on my piping? On Rubocop? ...
bjacquet's user avatar
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EasyRedmine rake redmine:email:receive_imap doesn't work

I'm trying to use redmine:email:recive_imap rake task on my company's Easyredmine Server to fetch emails from our server mail's adress, but when I launch the command: rake redmine:email:receive_imap ...
t.mod's user avatar
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Failed building puma 3.11.0 on Ubuntu 17.10

Tried to install puma with the following command sudo gem install puma -v '3.11.0' Got the below message: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing puma: ...
Koala Yeung's user avatar
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Trace rails email logs with postfix logs for email deliver-ability

I have rails application running, which send emails using postfix as relay. Here is flow Rails -> Resque workers -> Postfix -> SES -> email out to clients my problem is i want to find relation ...
Farhan's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Socket failure on Puma server when more than 300 connections at a given time

I've been dealing with an, arguably, strange issue on a AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment. I'm getting the following nginx error when there are more than 300 connections on a single instance at a ...
Icid's user avatar
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How can I debug Ruby Process that keeps climbing?

A few days ago all 4 of my app servers started having issues. It came after I deployed some code, but all I did was update a local database file that stores some IP Addresses, so I didn't make any ...
Sean's user avatar
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Get array output in puppet ERB from hiera

I have a array defined in the following format in hiera. master_servers: - "" - "" I am trying to populate the config file with ERB in the following format discovery....
nitin's user avatar
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What exactly is the difference between node vs @node in chef template files

I am new to chef and not able to get a hang of the difference between node vs @node usage in template files. I am not able to find a good documentation around this particular thing. Any explanation or ...
Sidtharthan's user avatar
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Explanation needed for entry in gitlab.rb file

in a project I´m working I got the task of being responsible for our gitlab server. In the gitlab.rb of this existing service I found the following line: nginx['custom_gitlab_server_config'] = "...
eragon-2006's user avatar
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ruby: symlink doesnt exist yet trying the command says it does?

I've borked something up somehow. On one of my servers, if I type ruby, I get the error bash: /opt/rh/rh-ruby23/root/usr/bin/ruby: No such file or directory which ruby gives: /usr/local/bin/ruby ...
jemminger's user avatar
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Gitlab login page is unreachable

I've configured accidentally that every logged out user will be redirected to x domain, this was done by using the admin panel in the web interface. Now, I only can access things via SSH like ...
Sigma Octantis's user avatar
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Set environment variables from header for Ruby/Rails app hosted in Nginx/Passenger

I installed a server for Redmine, running with Nginx/Passenger. The server also hosts Gitlab and it goes well. I put some kind of SSO plugin for Redmine (which I found and installed) and it needs an ...
leguminator's user avatar
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Chef template: Lookup a hash key by another variable

I'm trying to build nginx files for different environments. My recipe has a hashmap like so: domain = { production: { public: '', internal: '' }, staging: { ...
eternaltyro's user avatar
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Interpolation in PHP for chef automation

Hi I am using chef for deployment automation of a wordpress site where in I need to read database, host, username and password from my shared.yml for wp-config.php so I am trying below code in my ...
Shailesh Sutar's user avatar
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Permanent way to execurte a command for root on system startup in Mac OS

On Mac OS my CI server's build agent runs as root. I have messed with the ruby version on by defaul ruby -v reports version 2.0, while after eval "$(rbenv init -)" is being executed, I get a desired 2....
Maxim V. Pavlov's user avatar

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