Questions tagged [ruby]

Ruby is a general-purpose object-oriented open-source scripting language. It sees a high degree of use in the configuration management space, and is popular for web development due to the high adoption of Ruby On Rails

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chef: How do I increase the CommandTimout for Mixlib::ShellOut in a ruby block?

I'm trying to perform a database data load in a chef recipe on an Ubuntu 14.04 system with a Chef 11.10.4 based client. I'm doing the data load in a ruby block and here are the relevant portions of ...
Peter M's user avatar
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Trouble Starting Snorby / Ruby dependency issue

I am trying to install Snorby on a CentOS 6.6 machine and keep getting an issue with ruby and my Gemfile. I believe I either have to edit my Gemfile or it has something to do with an installation ...
rubyhelp's user avatar
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Installing rubygems after manually installing ruby 1.8

I have successfully installed Ruby 1.8.7 on Ubuntu 14.04 by downloading the package, building locally and installing. The command ruby -v, outputs Ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08 patchlevel 358) [i686-Linux] ...
Ralph's user avatar
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Chef/Ruby: use "each do" block variable with node attribute

Chef 11.10.4 environment running in AWS Opsworks. I can't figure out how to pass the value of the "each do" block variable, "lyr," below, with the node attribute node['aws-tag'][#{lyr}]? The code ...
Peter M's user avatar
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UFW blocking webrick on port 3000

On a ubuntu 10.0.4 server runs redmine. starting webrick with: ./server webrick -e production -b -d makes redmine available in browser. as soon as we enable ...
Anatol's user avatar
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Reload Puppet gem provider source

So I've got Puppet Enterprise 2.7 on a "master" node, puppetentmaster. While working to craft new recipes for installing Ruby 2.0 on a "client" node, I noticed if I forced the client to begin using ...
Joe's user avatar
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Bootstrap Chef on Vagrant Box

I'm trying to bootstrap a Vagrant box using hosted chef server. knife bootstrap --sudo -x root -N "testbed001" However, the command throws an error: Bootstrapping Chef on testbed001....
Ben's user avatar
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Organize code in Chef: libraries, classes and resources

I am new to both Chef and Ruby and I am implementing some scripts to learn them. Now I am facing the problem of how to organize my code: I have created a class in the library directory and I have used ...
ColOfAbRiX's user avatar
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Cannot run grack, passenger occurs error: uninitialized constant GitHttp (NameError)"

I trying to setup web server for publish git repositories on successfully installed and worked redmine server. Passenger occurs error: Web application could not be started uninitialized constant ...
vskubriev's user avatar
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Activesupport gem complains that it needs ruby 1.9.3 while it is already installed

I have problem installing paperclip gem in Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS. Activesupport complains that it needs ruby 1.9.3 but I have it already installed. root@Ubuntu-1204-precise-32-minimal /home/.../...
Wojtek B.'s user avatar
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Bringing up EC2 instances with vagrant-aws errors

I'm trying to automate acceptance testing by using vagrant to bring up machines with amazon's EC2 service, so I added the dummy box and copied the Vagrantfile off Github, but when I try to run vagrant ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Bundler (or Ruby) mangling require paths

About 50% of the time, when I run bundle (or bundle exec foo) I get an error like the following: > bundle /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/1.9.3-p374/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:...
Conor McDermottroe's user avatar
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Linux: find thin server running on port 80 and kill it

On my Linux server I ran: sudo thin start -p 80 -d Now I'd like to restart the sever. The trouble is, I can't seem to get the old process to kill it. I tried: netstat -anp But what I see on port ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Eruby or Erubis on Apache with Ruby 1.9.2

I am trying to get eruby OR erubis installed on my Apache (2.2.3) webserver so I can run inline ruby code on .rhtml files -- I am not great with command line and shell scripting, I'm experimenting ...
thomas's user avatar
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Ruby Enter Your Password to Create App

I have just installed ruby on rails on a Centos server with directadmin following I'm now in a non privileged user account (...
Pez Cuckow's user avatar
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Syntax error when starting Rails server, RVM could be the issue?

I am getting the following error when trying to start my Rails application in production for the first time: /var/www/railsapp/config/initializers/session_store.rb:3: syntax error, unexpected ':', ...
dannymcc's user avatar
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How to determine if ftp/smtp is up and running using a script? [closed]

Similiar to how these uptime monitoring servieces perform checks if your smtp or ftp server is running, how could I do this myself using python/ruby?
codecompleting's user avatar
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ruby or rvm ruby in Production web server

Currently our production server runs in system ruby. Passenger handles our rails apps. Should I move to handling my entire ruby stuff using rvm? What advantage can rvm give me in a production ...
Anand's user avatar
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Installed ruby from source on debian, apt-get no longer works due to failed dependencies, how do I fix it?

I installed ruby from source, and everything ruby related seems to work just fine. I can't install anything that depends on ruby using apt because I don't want 2 versions of ruby installed. After I ...
matt's user avatar
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rvm fails to install any ruby

RVM gives me an error during installation of any version of ruby. Let's take for example ree-1.8.7-head rasfast@rasfast-home:~$ rvm install ree-1.8.7-head Installing Ruby from source to: /home/...
Konstantin Ras's user avatar
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Trouble installing Heroku taps gem using RVM

I tried to install the taps gem on my rvm, but got the following result: larson:~ larson$ rvm gem install taps Successfully installed taps-0.3.23 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for taps-...
Andrew Lauer Barinov's user avatar
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Ruby 1.8.7 on Plesk 9.5.4

I'm trying to get Ruby 1.8.7 installed on Plesk 9.5.4. I'm currently running 1.8.6 but gem requires a newer version of Ruby to be installed: /opt/ruby/bin/gem update --system Updating RubyGems ...
Prisoner's user avatar
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How do I install Rake (Ruby on Rails)?

I want to install Ruby on Rails (I'm running a FreeBSD but don't want to use Ports for RoR) so this is a more generic unix/RoR question. Simply what is the best way to install Rake. http://rake....
Gazzer's user avatar
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Why no one seems to use FreeBSD to host Rails app? [closed]

I'm moving this thread previous adressed to stackoverflow. (Original Thread) We use FreeBSD 8.2, Rails 3.0.7, postgresql 8.3, passenger and nginx for our production servers. (More Infos) We seems to ...
Hartator's user avatar
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-bash: /usr/bin/ruby: No such file or directory

I have installed ruby 1.9.2 on my centos server as per this tutorial - It says that it should be installed to the following locations: ...
jaz9090's user avatar
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Installing sqlite gem fails on AWS Linux instance with sqlite-devel libraries installed

I'm running an instance built off ami-595a0a1c. I am trying to install the sqlite3 (or sqlite) gem and it's failing with the below error: $ sudo gem install sqlite3 Building native extensions. This ...
Scott's user avatar
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Dedicated server configuration - some tips -Xenserver/Debian

I am migrating from a vps based hosting to a dedicated hosting (8GB RAM/1TB HD). I need to run multiple Drupal and Ruby based applications? what would be the recommended configuration. I was thinking ...
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Ruby on Rails on Windows - IIS 7 or IIS 6?

I have seen a few places ( one example ) that there are newer speed improvements in IIS 7 on Windows 2008. While I know we would see possibly more power running ruby on rails under a Linux machine, ...
jmlumpkin's user avatar
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Forum Solution in Ruby or Python

I need to find a suitable forum in Ruby or Python for my company's web site. I've been given the following general criteria: Data Migration: How do they store the data? Preferably in database not ...
Rob's user avatar
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Ruby net:LDAP returns "code = 53 message = Unwilling to perform" error

I am getting this error "code = 53, message = Unwilling to perform" while I am traversing the eDirectory treebase = "ou=Users,o=MTC". My ruby script can read about 126 entries from eDirectory and then ...
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How to install mysql gem under OS X

When installing the ruby mysql gem by doing: sudo gem install mysql Subsequent rails migrations still fail, with a message like: $ rake db:migrate (in /Users/guy/code/project) rake aborted! ...
Michael Wehner's user avatar
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Why won't ruby recognize Haml under ubuntu64 while using jekyll static blog generator?

I have been trying, quite unsuccessfully, to run henrik's fork of the jekyll static blog generator on Ubuntu 64-bit. I just can't seem to figure this out and I've tried a bunch of different things. ...
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cron not running on centos 5.2

Sorry if this is a dupe - after I merged my Stackoverflow and serverfault accounts, my question seemingly was erased... Using CentOS 5.2 and this cron is not running at all (/var/log/cron is not ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Xen API Ruby Bindings?

Does anyone know if there is a full implementation of the Xen API in ruby floating around out there somewhere? I found this: but it is read only and is ...
bwizzy's user avatar
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Ruby testing on stable debian server

I've a dedicated debian 5.0 server, which runs the "stable" tree. Now I want to install [testing] ruby 1.8.7 - but my system isnt configured for installing testing packages via apt-get. How can I do ...
BvuRVKyUVlViVIc7's user avatar
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How can I uninstall software from an RHEL 5 system?

I installed Rubygems 1.3.4 on an RHEL 5 system. The way you install that is to download source and run setup.rb. I did not find a package for it through yum list available. Now I'd like to uninstall ...
Agvorth's user avatar
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Ruby processes showing high cpu activity

I have three virtual linux servers running on Slicehost. Two of them are running 2.6.24-23-xen one is running 2.6.18-xen. All three servers are running almost identical software but the behaviour of ...
Chris McCauley's user avatar
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Passenger + Nginx => 502 Bad Gateway

I'm trying to run a relatively simple rails app (http:// and it kinda works. The comments and the admin interface only work when I use "script/ server -e production" and connect to ...
rb2k's user avatar
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Scalelite Load balancer giving error when trying to add new servers

I have two stand alone Vms in vultr running on Ubuntu 18.04 and on top of it I have installed Bigbluebutton server configs and a Greenlight frontend. I have configured another server for scalelite on ...
Cecil John's user avatar
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Installing sensu plugins as per ruby version

I have Ruby version 2.3 installed and I was looking to install sensu-plugins-http:6.1.0 because the latest version was installing another dependency which needs ruby to be on higher version. Like this ...
Learner's user avatar
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Sidekiq not starting on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS in production

I am trying to run Sidekiq in production using Systemd. I am receiving the following error when trying to start sidekiq. /bin/bash -lc "bundle exec sidekiq -e production -C config/sidekiq.yml -L ...
jeffci's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk Puma NGINX - Ruby on Rails Load Issues

I have an Elastic Beanstalk instance running Ruby on Rails using Puma with Ruby 2.6 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.11.7, the instance is scaled to a c5.2xlarge and a database of db.m5.large. The ...
Rs Graphics's user avatar
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Gitlab prometheus error after upgrade with apt-get upgrade

after upgrading my gitlab from 10.9.2 to version 10.10 on my Ubuntu 18.04 it was not possible for the apt-get upgrade process to end successfully. It ended with following message: Ensuring Prometheus ...
eragon-2006's user avatar
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Puppet 4.10 Regex

I'm trying to add a 'type' layer to our hiera backend so webservers can get common configuration, databases get some common configuration, etc. Our hostname scheme is [env][number].domain.tld where [...
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How to upgrade Ruby Bundle version in AWS Opsworks

I have a project running on AWS Opsworks, which has current bundler version of 1.5.3 on Ruby 2.2.2. i want to upgrade the bundle version to 1.17.3 but when i try to do it i am getting this error ...
Nijeesh Joshy's user avatar
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Puma with systemd and socket activation - Errno::EADDRINUSE

I have a Rails 5 app, running on puma 3.12.1, MRI 2.6.2, and Ubuntu 18.04. It used to run with pumactl and a custom control script but I want to configure it properly with systemd, using socket ...
vbalazs's user avatar
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/home/webapp: No such file or directory elastic beanstalk

When I deploy my ruby app on aws using elastic beanstalk. Following error occur. pass log App 20278 stdout: intializing git App 20278 stderr: error: could not lock config file /home/webapp/.gitconfig:...
Fun Media's user avatar
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A systemd service won't run for an app

I want to create systemd for "RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec rake jobs:work" I have this: $ sudo cat /etc/systemd/system/my_bg_jobs.service [Unit] Description=bg jobs [Service] ...
Jorimi's user avatar
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Failed building puma 3.11.0 on Ubuntu 17.10

Tried to install puma with the following command sudo gem install puma -v '3.11.0' Got the below message: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing puma: ...
Koala Yeung's user avatar
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How can I debug Ruby Process that keeps climbing?

A few days ago all 4 of my app servers started having issues. It came after I deployed some code, but all I did was update a local database file that stores some IP Addresses, so I didn't make any ...
Sean's user avatar
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