Questions tagged [sa-exim]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Delivery mails to external MX (Google) with the same domain

I have a new instance with HestiaCP (Exim4) and I try to configure the email service with HestiaCP and Google Workspace I have already configured the rules so that all the sendings are made to Google ...
Jhosman's user avatar
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EXIM - send message copy with big spam_score

I'm trying to setup mail relay. I want to send message copy with spam_score greater than SPAM_SCORE_THRESHOLD. But the rule is not working, and it send copies even with spam_score lower than ...
RaSergiy's user avatar
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Prevent Exim from sending spam

I have an Exim server for our application and I noticed malicious users registering with our app to send bulk spam. I know that Exim has the ability to integrate with SpamAssassin to prevent the ...
Tom's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Whitelist Server in SpamAssassin

Iss possible add a server with various subdomains in SpamAssassin Whitelist, like * This is the host instance with subdomains: [email protected] [IP-ADDRES-...
Tom's user avatar
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