Questions tagged [scheduled-task]

A scheduled-task means the launch of a program or script at predefined times or after specified time intervals.

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2 answers

View a program under a different login session? (Windows Server 2008)

we have a server which is running WinSrv 2008 (not R2). There is a scheduled task on this server which runs at startup and just runs continuously, waking on an interval per a db setting to do work and ...
eidylon's user avatar
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2 answers

How to set up Windows Server 2003 to notify on scheduled task failure?

When trying to set up my Scheduled Task, I don't see an option to handle failures? Is there functionality that I'm missing? What I would like to have is an email notification when a scheduled task ...
Steve Wright's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

SQL Server 2008 (SSMS) : Find next run date for a job

I would like to know if there is a way to get the next time a job is supposed to be running in SQL Server 2008, using a T-SQL query or even in SSMS if possible, without having to consult all the ...
MaxiWheat's user avatar
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3 answers

Why can't I create a scheduled task using a domain account?

I don't recall running into this problem before, but I've hit a brick wall today. I'm trying to create a scheduled task, and I'm using credentials for my domain account, which is also an ...
Ducain's user avatar
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How to switch to gui-less vmware session in XP?

I have a scheduled task that runs a vmware session in the middle of the night (this in turn does a task from our legacy server). Last night, it did not complete. Is there a way to attach to the ...
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3 answers

Scheduled Task to show console window when logged on but still run when not logged on

Is it possible (and if so, how) to set up a task (console application) in Server 2008 so that it'll run both when a user is logged in and when no user is logged in, AND - if the user is logged in (...
HeartWare's user avatar
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wbadmin doesn't run as scheduled task

Continued from: wbadmin system state backup fails When I put the following a bat file and run it as scheduled task, I see that the webadmin.exe process starts but it never seems to create backup: ...
Kyle Brandt's user avatar
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2 answers

Scheduled Task has finished but still shows status as running

I have a scheduled task on a Windows Server 2000 box which is scheduled to run daily. On Monday, the task ran perfectly in that the thing it fires off (a console application) completed, but the ...
Unsliced's user avatar
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1 answer

check to see if a program is running, if it isn't then run it?

Is there a way in Windows to check to see if a program is running (in this case a java application) and if it isn't running (because of a crash) re-run it?
glisignoli's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

"The user account does not have permission to run this task"

I'm trying to get a scheduled task to run on Windows Server 2008. It has been working fine for months, and then hung, so I killed it, and now I can't get it to start. (In case it's not obvious, I'm ...
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11 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to disable a scheduled task from the command line in Windows XP?

On my Windows 7 machine I can run something like: schtasks.exe /Change /TN "MyTaskName" /Disable But /Disable doesn't seem to be available in Windows XP - is there any way of disabling it from the ...
John Sibly's user avatar
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How to automate turning on/off Windows VPN connection

I want to automate VPN connection to come ON nightly so that a database can replicate, then I would like to have it turned off. I know how to schedule Tasks, but is there a command line interface for ...
JoeJoe's user avatar
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Trying to use schtasks to run bubbaA.bat at 10:00 a.m each day using the following

schtasks /c1reate /tn "bubbaA.bat" /tr "\"\d:\1\sapd\tastks\" arguments" /sc daily /sd 07/22/2010 /st 10:00:00 /Ru system /RP * INFO: The Schedule Task "bubbaA.bat" will be created under user name ("...
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Detecting and flagging Scheduled Tasks that have run incorrectly

I have a number of scheduled tasks that run on various Windows servers. They are mostly custom console applications which we have written. Currently, when the app has finished running, we send out an ...
NeilD's user avatar
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Looking for something to execute a webpage every day using windows server!

I have windows server 2008 and ASP.NET application running on it. There is a page that renews all subscribers and should be run every 1 hour or so. I want to have this done automatically every hour. ...
eugeneK's user avatar
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3 answers

Windows Server 2003 scheduled tasks not running

The task which I want to run runs fine manually. But when I set a time for it to run using "Scheduled Tasks", it doesn't run. What may be causing the problem? How do I fix it?
Alex Gordon's user avatar
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3 answers

How to find which services/tasks in a domain are using domain credentials?

I've got an old service account that is attached to an undetermined amount of scheduled tasks and services across 7 or 8 servers. Unfortunately, this account was created by a previous employee who ...
user47994's user avatar
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1 answer

Failed Scheduled Task Does Not Restart

On a Windows 2008 Server I have a scheduled task which is configured to restart if the task fails. Everything works fine if the command succeeds. However, if the command runs and returns a failure ...
dso's user avatar
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How to run powershell script as Logon/logoff script on Windows 2003?

I've installed PowerShell Version 1.0 on my Windows 2003 server. How do I run a PowerShell script during logon or logoff event? I tried this through Local Computer policy>User Configuration>...
BlueGene's user avatar
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"No mapping between account names and security IDs was done" when importing Scheduled Tasks In Windows 2008?

OK, I have a Windows 2008 Server scheduled task that runs on system startup. This works fine. But I want to move this task to another box (actually, I'm using Amazon and need this to work on other ...
Ernest Mueller's user avatar
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2 answers

Searching for Scheduled Tasks (WIN2K3)

First off, I'm not a sysadmin but a developer. We're performing some system maintenance that will require our production servers to be offline for a period of ~14 hours. I've been tasked with making ...
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7 votes
2 answers

How do I give a user permisson to view scheduled task history on Server 2008?

I've set up a scheduled task on Server 2008 and want to run it as a user other than the local administrator. So I choose a domain account created specifically for this task and once I've closed the ...
pplrppl's user avatar
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6 answers

Query schtasks using Powershell

On a Windows7 machine I am trying I can run a query to view all the scheduled tasks using schtasks.exe This is fine but I would also like to filter the result set using something like schtasks /...
jdiaz's user avatar
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52 votes
7 answers

Process runs slower as a scheduled task than it does interactively

I have a scheduled task which is very CPU- and IO-intensive, and takes about four hours to run (building source code, if you're curious). The task is a Powershell script which spawns various sub-...
Charlie's user avatar
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5 answers

How do you monitor and react when some scheduled job fails? - general question

In many projects my team faced problems with 'silent fails' of some important components. There are lot of tasks executed behind the scenes and if somethings fails (either by errors in logic or ...
dzida's user avatar
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30 votes
10 answers

Linux: Schedule command to run once after reboot (RunOnce equivalent)

I'd like to schedule a command to run after reboot on a Linux box. I know how to do this so the command consistently runs after every reboot with a @reboot crontab entry, however I only want the ...
Christopher Parker's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to disable scheduled task services

As I am still fighting with Conficker infection on my Win Server 2003. I will like to temporarily disable scheduled task services on server. Until I can be sure that infection of network is over.
adopilot's user avatar
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How to schedule opening of command line or application in another PC

I am trying to schedule the opening of a command line to run task in another pc. But I am not able to open them. AT \\OTHERPC 15:00 "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" BATCHJOB.bat Any ideas?
Nassign's user avatar
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1 answer

Script for run script on vbs

Hello everybody I have a script on vbscript Dim WSHShell, WinDir, Value, wshProcEnv, fso, Spath Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim objFSO, objFileCopy Dim strFilePath, strDestination ...
DenisAnanev's user avatar
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3 answers

Automate creation of Windows startup script?

Is there a good way to automate installing local startup (rather than login) scripts in Windows XP and Windows 7, via the command line, WMI, COM, or otherwise (even Win32 if it comes to that)? I need ...
mshroyer's user avatar
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3 answers

Schedule a batch file with parameters containing spaces

I need to schedule a task in Windows Server 2003 that executes this script that deletes files older that n days in the specified folder. The script needs 3 parameters: %1 path to folder where files ...
Danilo Brambilla's user avatar
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2 answers

scheduled task share permissions

I would like to know if there is a way I can share : \\server\Scheduled Tasks On server 2003 with normal users, cause as far as I can tell it seems only administrators can see this share, is there ...
Enriquev's user avatar
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Cannot schedule task to run under domain user account other than current user

On our Win 2008 machines I can't schedule tasks for domain users because the domain name does not resolve to network name but the AD dc name. The "network name" looks like ABCDEFGE-HIJKLM and the "dc"...
Filburt's user avatar
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Task Scheduler permissions error for some jobs

I have recently moved to a 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2. I setup my Scheduled Tasks to run under one user (TaskUser) specifically created for the scheduler and most run just fine. However some of ...
MaseBase's user avatar
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2 answers

cron job executing every minute but should be setup to execute every 4 hours

Note: I've viewed cron: can’t lock /var/run/, otherpid may be 3759 but I believe my question is different (but with the same resulting problem.) I'm very new to cron. I setup a script to run ...
Frank V's user avatar
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0 answers

Can I disable Windows Server 2008 R2 Customer Experience Tasks?

Can I disable the CEIP and Application Experience Tasks in the task scheduler without hesitation? I'm talking about: \Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience: "AitAgent" and "...
user28271's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I run a job when the server load is low?

I have a command that runs a disk snapshot (on EC2, freezing an XFS disk and running an EBS snapshot command), which is set to run on a regular schedule as a cron job. Ideally I would like to be able ...
jberryman's user avatar
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Problem with creation of scheduled task from IIS6 on SR2003

I have also posted this question on stackoverflow, but will also try here, since it might be more system-related I am writing a webapplication using .NET. The webapp creates scheduled tasks using the ...
user avatar
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There are no email addresses or profiles when trying to configure a scheduled job to use email notification in SQL Server 2008?

I have configured and tested the database mail. That all works. I configured SQL Server agent to use the profile I created. I restarted SQL Server agent. When I configure the job and go to ...
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Open Web Page in Windows 2008 R2 Task Scheduler runs forever

I have a number of scheduled tasks which simply open a web page in Windows Server 2008 R2. They used to run and end without abending, but now they open and stay open and I have to setup the task to ...
Nissan Fan's user avatar
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How do I backup scheduled tasks in Windows 2008

"once" I did backup my scheduled tasks by xcopy'ing %winDir%\Tasks\*.job However this does not seem to work in Server 2008. How do I backub my scheduled tasks using xcopy/7zip/winrar ?
Nils's user avatar
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13 votes
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Run task every 90 minutes with cron

Trying to adjust a cron job to run every 90 min. It was previously running every 20 min, which was a simple cron job: */20 * * * * whatever To change it to every 90, it seems like I need to split it ...
Cory J's user avatar
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can a scheduled task run a c# console app or a java command?

I have 2 tasks that need to be run, 1 of them is a c# console application and another is a java application (main/console app also). Can a scheduled task make a call to the cmd prompt like: java -...
Blankman's user avatar
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L character in Cron Expression for "Last Day of the Month"

I'm currently writing an article on cron aimed at people who are familiar with the tool, but don't necessarily use it often. I want the examples to be compatible with most common Unix desktops in use (...
Michael Ekoka's user avatar
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Schedule Task run Without Being Logged in

I have seen similar threads here and on the net, but I think my question is slightly different than what I can find... I have a script that runs perfectly when logged in with a service account I ...
Webs's user avatar
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Windows Scheduled Task - 'Ping' webpage every xx minutes

What's the best way to have a Windows Server request some webpage every xx minutes? Coming from the Linux world, I know I can do this with a cron job using curl or wget. I don't need to save the ...
Colin O'Dell's user avatar
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Windows Scheduled Task - "could not start"

I'm trying to add a task to the windows task scheduler, but the path for my .exe is in a directory with spaces so it cannot find the file. It gives me an error of "could not start" and in the log it ...
Taylor Leese's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Is it possible for a Scheduled Task to run as NETWORK SERVICE?

It is quite simple to set up a task to run as a SYSTEM, but when setting it to NETWORK SERVICE it show "Access is denied" error message. Is there any way to get this working? (The problem is that I ...
Regent's user avatar
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A tool to acquire tasks [closed]

I have several machines that I want to use them in the following way: There is a central queue of tasks/jobs(that i can define) on some machine, there are other machines that when are free of tasks ...
khelll's user avatar
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6 answers

How do I kick off iexplore.exe to open a url from a windows 2003 scheduled task? It only seems to open the required url when I am logged in as the user it runs under

I want to startup iexplore once an hour pointed at a specific url to kick off some processing. It's a Windows 2003 server with Internet Explorer 7 running in enhanced security configuration. The ...
Paul H's user avatar
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