Questions tagged [scm]

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Mapping versioning for config and infra corresponding to application code version

I have an application that has something like below structure Service A - application and environment configuration, infrastructure dependencies (Queue, DB etc) etc. Service B - application and ...
user14013917's user avatar
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`baseurl` when hosting fossil as CGI

I'm self-hosting a repository on, running Apache. I've created a CGI script named index.cgi under DOCUMENT_ROOT as described in
Yakov Galka's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Azure app service Kudu add MySql to PATH

I am trying to set up Drush9 for Drupal8. I was able to get my site up and running using the site extensions to install composer and the Drupal installer, but now there is a Drupal update and I want ...
Jake's user avatar
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10 votes
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What is the start order of services in Windows server

I have a Windows Service which is working fine in most of the servers. But in one server, I see that it starts before the network services are started. This is causing the services to hang and as a ...
AnOldSoul's user avatar
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How can i check software version with Ansible?

I have three linux servers and i created the ansible inventory file: [web] And i have playbook.yml: --- - hosts: web tasks: - name: Check drinks ...
Ivan Denisovich's user avatar
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SCM Manager - creating new repository groups

We're using SCM Manager as a web front end to Mercurial. All our repositories are grouped into "main" but looking at this screenshot from the website: I see that it's possible to have other groups. I'...
Ian Fairman's user avatar
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Subversion Repository Corruption

I just had an issue where a newly created Subversion repository had around 80% of its revisions corrupted (the user received filesystem corruption and checksum mismatch errors when it eventually ...
codewario's user avatar
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SCM Manager's scm-server service start bind error

I perform: # service scm-server start SCM-Server will now be started # service scm-server status SCM-Server is running PID: 2166 PID: 2167 After a few seconds: # service scm-server status SCM-...
Gerold Broser's user avatar
2 votes
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Add new dependency to a Windows Service that already has dependencies

I want to add via Batch script a new service-dependency to an existing service with old dependencies, without deleting these dependencies. I know the command sc config ServiceA depend= ServiceB/...
Reflection's user avatar
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Azure Use Auto-Deployment from Bitbucket and My Local Git Concurrently?

it is possible that an Azure website even after being configured to use Bitbucket for automated deployment, can still accept updated triggered manually if it previously had a git (SCM) repository ...
JWL's user avatar
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Manage Multiple Local Group Policy objects (GPO) with Microsoft Security Compliance Manager (SCM)?

Is it possible to manage Multiple Local Group Policy objects (LGPO) with Microsoft Security Compliance Manager (SCM)? Specifically, I want to create different a LGPO for non-administrators. These are ...
tgiphil's user avatar
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Which tool to use for managing GPOs: AGPM or SCM?

I am investigating the different solutions available to manage GPOs. I see that Microsoft proposes two tools, which are AGPM (Advanced Group Policy Management), part of the Desktop Optimization Pack ...
dSebastien's user avatar
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How I can tell if a right is being removed by a remote Group Policy?

I need to know how I can tell if a right is being removed by a Group Policy. The right in question is SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE and is preventing code from opening the Service Control Manager on a ...
James's user avatar
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Automated FileSystem Versioning on(Linux) Server [closed]

So, basically, I'm looking for linux software to monitor a folder (and it's subfolders) for any changes and apply some form of versioning (that is, keep a "database", or whatever, from where I can ...
Christian's user avatar
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How to host a fossil repository with lighttpd?

I have a fossil project and want to host it in a server of mine. I'm using lighttpd to serve the git interface for some other projects so using apache or nginx is out of the question. I have ...
lfborjas's user avatar
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Script Repository Software

To help support our clients and make our jobs easier, our support team creates and maintains a number of small (often < 50 line) proprietary scripts in a number of different languages to simplify ...
JamesHannah's user avatar
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bash: svnserve: command not found

I'm attempting to setup an svn server. It's working on the server fine but when I attempt to access it externally via svn list --verbose svn+ssh://[email protected]/home/user/repo/svn/project I get ...
Ulkmun's user avatar
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Git multi-master, is it possible? [closed]

Is it possible to set a dual master GIT repositories? I would like to set up two different servers which I could push and commit to and changes on any of them would be propagated to the other. I've ...
scetoaux's user avatar
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RAID for a SCM server

I need to buy/build a server to host our Subversion repository (FYI: I am a dev/not an IT guy). Obviously this is mission critical, and needs to have high network and disk i/o performance. Our ...
user37245's user avatar
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How to upload project with Mercurial on Google Code?

I have create a local directory, and made some sub-directories and file in it. registered by project on install Mercurial and did hg init copied the auto-generated password ...
Vivek Sharma's user avatar
8 votes
11 answers

Git and Mercurial

I would like to know: What's the difference between Git and Mercurial? What are the pros and cons of using them? How good is the Windows support for both tools?
Michael Ellick Ang's user avatar