Questions tagged [search-engine]

Search engines are programs that search documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents or websites where the keywords were present.

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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DNS zone not working like it should S2012R2

I'm stuck in solving the following problem. We have 2 domain and DNS controllers. Everything works like it should, except for something very weird. On the DNS servers we have 2 extra Primary AD ...
The_cobra666's user avatar
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How can I add multiple Search Engines to choose from in Chrome Enterprise?

In Chrome Enterprise you can specify the default search engine via GPO, and with the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled option you can prevent the users from overriding or changing that default search ...
Scooby-Doo's user avatar
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"Windows Search Service" query results do not show thumbnails but icons

I am having a strange issue here on several Windows Server 2012 R2 machines. Problem description: Client machines searching a mapped network drive get the results shown as icons instead of ...
Matthias Güntert's user avatar
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Apache Solr: What is a good strategy for creating a tag/attribute based search for an image

I recently read an article about YayMicro that descries how they used solr to search their photos. I would like doing something similar (but on a smaller scale). I have figured out how to have ...
Development 4.0's user avatar
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Set a default search engine for the whole company via Active Directory with the option of switching (back) to a different one

Disclaimer: I am new in the field and my knowledge about AD is extremely small yet. So I was sent a package with Group Policy templates to implement in an Active Directory, so the default search ...
roggeb's user avatar
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1 answer

prevent search engines indexing depending on domain

We have a dedicated server with a hosting company with a couple of dozens of webs in it. It happens that the nameservers (EG:, ip's are coincident with some client webs, ...
Javi Prieto's user avatar
-1 votes
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Retrieving the search keywords from a search result entry (Google)

Is it possible to go back to the actual google query string given one or more URL results? for example, if I do a search using the keyword "pippo" I get this first entry:
Niugeo's user avatar
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