Questions tagged [secure-delete]

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6 votes
5 answers

Deep Format of a Harddrive on a Linux System

I've got an original Asus Eee PC Netbook that I'd like to sell. When I've sold old computers in the past, I've typically done a deep/secure/zeroing out style format. How can I do this on a Linux ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
99 votes
17 answers

Does drilling a hole into a hard drive suffice to make its data unrecoverable?

We have a lot of PCs in the company and nobody wants to wipe a multitude of hard drives. We also have many apprentice toolmakers who really want to destroy things. Thus, every couple of months, our ...
RubbelDieKatz's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Potential pitfalls associated with securely deleting SSD disks

I need to decommission two SSD disks from one of my Linux hosted servers. In order to safely delete data stored in the disks I was planning to use: hdparm --security-erase. I read this document and ...
Matías's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

WipeDrive Utility?

What is the best and fastest wipe drive (zero fill) utility that can be burned to a CD?
Kredns's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Securely wipe an entire Linux server with itself

I have remote ssh access and root access. I do not have physical access. I'm not looking for solutions involving booting into anything, I want to do this from what is currently running. OS is SL6. ...
cat pants's user avatar
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9 votes
7 answers

Why does everybody recommend Dban over more fundamental methods?

When people ask on how to wipe a drive, it almost seems as if the default answer is DBAN and I am not really sure why. Especially when doing commands like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda dd if=/dev/...
Recursion's user avatar
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