Questions tagged [security-groups]

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14 votes
1 answer

Difference between security groups (on AWS) and iptables

I'm just setting up a server and wondering if it's necessary to set the firewall twice. For example I've a security group with the following open ports: 80, 443, 22 Now I setup my server with UFW (...
Nepo Znat's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

SSH between EC2 instances not permitted

I am setting up a few EC2 instances in a shared AWS account and want to give them access to each other. At the same time I want to prohibit access from other instances in the account. I created a ...
Fer Dah's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Office 365 Exchange Public Folder lost SID assignment to security group folder permissions

We installed a new Exchange 2016 server and migrated all the mailboxes from the Exchange 2010 server to it. Then we migrated all the mailboxes and public folders from MSEX2016 to Office 365, and we ...
Michael Uray's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

cannot ping ec2 in another vpc through peer connection

I have multiple VPC's set up, A, B and X. I have a peered connection between A & X and between B & X, X is the Peered VPC in both cases. I have added the CIDR Blocks for A & B to the ...
jonnie's user avatar
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