Questions tagged [setfacl]

setfacl(1) is a command-line utility to set ACL (Access Control List) information on files, part of a withdrawn POSIX draft from 1997

13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Setfacl: Removing ACL make my file executable

I'm making a script to add and remove ACL for third party unix account. Adding ACL works like a charm. Removing works but make a file created by sub-users executable. See: ~/test$ mkdir directory ~/...
Soullivaneuh's user avatar
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setfacl setting unwanted group execute

I'm pretty sure I'm just doing something wrong, but I can't figure it out... I have some directories I set up with the following: sudo setfacl -dR -m u::rwX,g::rwX,o::rX,u:ubuntu:rwX,u:www-data:rwX,...
Tim Tisdall's user avatar
2 votes
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Default owner and setting sticky bit by default

I have a RHEL 5.5 server and want to set up some specific security for a directory: Please note that I am not asking how to do this one time... that has already been done. I want all new directories ...
user739866's user avatar
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Trying to use setfacl to allow script owner to delete cache file

I want to use setfacl to allow a php script owner to delete fastcgi_cache_path files that are owned by nginx. The user has been added to the nginx group. I have tried: setfacl -d -m u:user:rwx cache, ...
jamminjames's user avatar
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Given the permission to the directory via "setfacl", yet nginx will get "permission denied". Why?

(1) nginx is run as "http": $ sudo ps aux| grep nginx root 10932 0.0 0.1 22264 1340 ? Ss 18:27 0:00 nginx: master process /usr/bin/nginx -g pid /run/; error_log ...
Rurik's user avatar
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linux getfacl shows the correct permissions but user cannot rm a file from command line. "Permission denied"

This scratch file was created by apache -rw-rw-r--+ 1 apache apache 1960 Nov 16 2019 zlz7v5y9.php When executing the following: -bash-4.2$ rm zlz7v5y9.php I get: rm: cannot remove ‘zlz7v5y9....
Tim Duncklee's user avatar
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How to run setfacl inside a Docker Container

I have a bash file which uses ACLs to give permission to certain users. The bash file looks like sudo setfacl -m u:ChiefCommander:rwx /home/Army$i When i am building a Docker Container using this ...
TaDev's user avatar
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setfacl inherit permissions without bash scripting

i have this script to add inherit permissions in all directory's, asd=$(find -type d); for a in $asd; do setfacl -d -m "u:pythoncrons:rwx" $a; done my question is, i can set inherit permissions ...
TheBlueZombie's user avatar
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UNIX ACL Permissions Different when file is copied from Windows Explorer compared to unix cp command

Please share your inputs on the following scenario. Unix Path 1. Permissions for /source/dir1/test.txt are -rw-rw----+ Scenarios Case 1: When this file is copied from Windows Explorer to the ...
Jolly J's user avatar
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Cannot access files in docker as a non-root user 777 permissions + facls

I have a docker container with a web app. Apache cannot read to the log folder. The apache user has specific rwx on the facl folder. I set 0777 on the folder recursivelyinside and outside the ...
Justin Dearing's user avatar
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Default ACL to backup another user's home directory

I have written a script to backup our servers. It runs as the "backup" user on multiple Oracle Linux 7/8/9 systems and has to backup other users homes directories, among other things, using ...
Edzilla's user avatar
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set the permissions on all the files and folders within a directory (CentOS 7.0 )

I kind of new to Linux/Centos world, is there any way to set the permissions on all the files and folders within a directory. I know chmod 777 will set permissions on the directory, but if it already ...
Muhammad Zaman's user avatar
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setting umask for a directory so that all directories, executable file(.sh , .cmd, .bat) are 750 and regular file 640

need to create and change existing file and directory such that all directories and executable files(*.sh, *.bat, *.cmd ..) are 750 and regular file are 640 . I need to this in shell and python both. ...
user1656899's user avatar