Questions tagged [socket]

A socket is an abstract network construct with a sending and receiving side. In most modern operating systems (OS) there are device representations, and programming tools to address sockets.

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1 answer

uWSGI TCP/IP host:port vs Unix socket

We are running a Python WSGI server (uWSGI) and changed to socket file instead of a tcp/ip localhost:port connection. Now our uwsgi logs are full of errors like IOError: write error SIGPIPE: writing ...
Barmi's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can't touch/connect to a unix socket from the same group

sudo ls -la /var/lib/redis/6379/ produces: drwxrwxr-x 2 redis redis 4096 Nov 28 23:10 . drwx-w---- 3 redis redis 4096 Nov 22 00:10 .. srwxrwx--- 1 redis redis 0 Nov 28 23:10 redis.sock ...
Cenoc's user avatar
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Server response not being received

I have a python program that sends requests via a socket connection to a local 3rd party application which in turn forwards my request to a server. The server response then makes it's way back to my ...
darkpool's user avatar
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3 answers

Cannot connect to mysql server ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

i try to connect to mysql server but it gives me socket issue i have edited my.cnf from /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock to /home/mysql/mysql.sock Nb: the issue exist before moving mysql db file to the new ...
Omer Stimpack's user avatar
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Php-fpm corrupts my socket permission on startup

I've installed Apache2.2 with FastCgi module, and PHP-fpm on a Centos server. I configure FastCgi with an external server using the socket option: FastCgiExternalServer /var/www/cgi-bin/test/php....
Fractaliste's user avatar
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nginx won't connect to my socket due to insufficient permissions

I have the following setup for nginx and uwsgi to serve a cgit instance. # cat /etc/uwsgi.d/cgit.ini [uwsgi] plugins = cgi uid = nginx gid = nginx socket = /srv/http/cgit/cgit.sock procname-...
janoliver's user avatar
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Setting up phpMyAdmin on a 1&1 Managed Dedicated Server

I'm trying to set up phpMyAdmin on my Managed Dedi Server from 1&1 so that I don't have to log into my 1&1 Account to access the databases / so that my developers don't have to know my account ...
user3838500's user avatar
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1 answer

Transport layer - who makes the demultiplexing phase?

I'm reading the computer network a top down approach 6th edition, and I'm at the transport layer. I understand how a packet from a client is sent to the server through the client socket, but when the ...
itaied's user avatar
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Solaris: socket listening on a port (/etc/xinetd.d equivalent on Linux)

I've prepared a script that accepts a request on a server port, then process user input, provides an output through the same port and then dies. The script is not always running but starts when a a ...
Stefano Radaelli's user avatar
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zabbix_agent + socat hanging with close_wait

I have the following setup: remote devices running active zabbix_agentd (version 2.0) using socat to tunnel through an HTTPS proxy. On the server side: Apache with a proxy service allowing CONNECT to ...
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10 votes
1 answer

Netcat not able to bind a listening socket

In my computer with Ubuntu 14.04 I can do things like this: $ nc -l 5349 -vvv Listening on [] (family 0, port 5349) or this: $ nc -vvv -l 5349 Listening on [] (...
logoff's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Ubuntu Mysql stop working after outofmemory in a clamscan, mysqld.sock

I'm having daily problems with postman with autentification througth mysql on my Ubuntu14LTS Server. I think the problem arrise after a clamscan scron that breaks in an Out of Memory. In some way ...
surfealokesea's user avatar
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Wireshark RST against TCP Zero Window

During application sharing with Microsoft Lync Client (Mac OS X), TCP ACK with RST flag is sent from my application end to Lync end against TCP Zero Window packets and call gets dropped. Image Link. ...
zafar_sust_bd's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Do network administrators block outgoing traffic to not-well-know ports? [closed]

I've written a Java server to listen on port 49474. My client runs on Android phones all over the US. Of course, they will be connecting from a variety of networks: home, work, school, library, ...
Joe's user avatar
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Java TimeoutException on Ubuntu on SoftLayer

I have java application, that works fine on my local machine. But when I'm trying to start it on SoftLayer, ALL connection is toooo long. For example, simple http connection via HttpAsync or others ...
Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't connect to (or write to) a socket file, despite being owner?

I am working on Debian Jessie with Django 1.8, trying to set up Gunicorn to run my Django site. I have made a user called opuser, and made this user the owner of the gunicorn.sock file and of the ...
Richard's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Why is the same socket in TIME_WAIT many times?

I have read other threads regarding sockets in TIME_WAIT, but I am clearly still missing something. Below is a few lines from a "netstat -an". How could it get into this situation? If I understood ...
R. Hartman's user avatar
4 votes
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SSL - Apache and Node.js on the same Amazon EC2 instance

I hosted my website on an EC2 instance, using Apache. SSL was also set up properly, running on HTTPS, port 443. Currently, I just added a chat application to the website using Node.js + ...
Danh Nguyen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is "keeping alive connections" the smartest approach to access devices behind a router? [closed]

The problem I'm developing an IOT device that will connect to a common Wifi router. As you know in order to make this device publicly accessible from WAN you'll have to do some ports forwarding or ...
DomingoSL's user avatar
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1 answer

Dest host dont accept UDP when there is no route to source

I have three hosts with following config: Host A: IP: Host B: IP: Host C: IP: Everything happens on CentOS 6, and all interfaces are VLAN tagged (if it ...
Kamil Z's user avatar
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Where to create an AF_LOCAL/AF_UNIX socket file when not allowed to write in /var/run?

FSH says that socket and pid files should go to /var/run However, for security purpose, only root can creates file and subdirectories in this location. A common solution is creating a subdirectory ...
hl037_'s user avatar
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Will internal API calls be treated as DDOS attacks by AWS?

I have a nodejs development server. I am currently running on an AWS EC2 micro AMI. I have a hardware device which continuously submits data to this server via socket. The server then calls an API, ...
Jaseem Abbas's user avatar
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Keep connections of closed instances behind a load balancer

I'm looking for a system to create a live sockets application through and that can be balanced without problem. There are tons of solutions to balance the load between multiple socket ...
Jorge Fuentes González's user avatar
-2 votes
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IP address differences between two computers on the same local network [closed]

Why does the python command print(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) give: on my laptop on my Raspberry PI when they're both on the same local network, and the PI's IP ...
reggie's user avatar
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127/8 address is not passed to IP stack?

I send IP/UDP frames using raw sockets with destination IP address from 127/8 range - e.g. So, packets are sent over the network OK (checked using tcpdump on the target device). But on ...
Sergey Ch.'s user avatar
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Route only on output chain?

I have two machines A and B. I want to send iperf traffic from A to B, but first have it route through a userspace program on A. I did this with a tunneling device: therefore, I used the command ip ...
Ashkay's user avatar
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2 answers

sudo: unable to create sockets: Cannot allocate memory

On a VPS run by OVH (apparently OpenVZ-based, given /proc/user_beancounters exists), with relatively few processes running, trying to sudo gives me the error in the title. Here is a sample transcript:...
Ekleog's user avatar
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icinga2 mysql connection issue

I followed all the install wizards When setting up icinga2, I have the following error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (13) I ...
Peter Klipfel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Redirect subdomains to services on different ports of same server

I have a VPS which has 1 IP. If I run two socket servers, one on port 8080 and the other on port 8081, is there a way I can map to the socket server on port 8080 and service2....
user2370460's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use

I got this error when i done the setup dnsmasq. ashokkrishna@krishna:~$ sudo dnsmasq dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use ashokkrishna@krishna:~$ netstat -...
ashok's user avatar
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FTP Server error, A receive socket error occurred

I have a FTP server, Core FTP server, where i get errors for inbound transfers to one of the accounts. The inbound files are only 1k in size. The error occures in 5% of all inbound transfers. Error ...
Peter's user avatar
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How to use non-deprecated tools like ss to get process id running on a port?

I am looking for a non-deprecated way of running a command like netstat -tulpn | grep 8000 to output information about an active port. Any suggestions on how to use a tool like ss to get the process ...
modulitos's user avatar
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What are the minimum permissions for a libpam-ldap unix domain socket?

I'm setting up an LDAP server and libpam-ldap to run on the same host, communicating via a UNIX domain socket. I'd like to give this socket the minimum permissions necessary, so random local users can'...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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2 answers

HAProxy max session limit

I have an Amazon OpsWorks stack running HAProxy (balance = source) and several node.js instances running It seems HAProxy determines the max session limit for a given instance based on the ...
J Young's user avatar
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5 votes
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Nmap external scan shows port open, ASA says port is not open, but do get an socket

Folks, have a weird one, need your expert help. For one of our heavily used external facing server which came up in an audit, nmap -Pn scan shows the following: Starting Nmap 5.51 ... Host ...
user3196304's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

nginx - why i can't use variables in proxy_pass path?

Why i can't use variable $user in proxy_pass - like in example below? server { listen 80; server_name ~^(?P<user>[a-z|A-Z|0-9|_|-]+)\.example\.net$; root /home/$user/webapps/; ...
Abc Xyz's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Siege: descriptor table full sock.c:119: Too many open files

I am trying to make a stress test in my own server using siege with the following command: $ siege -c 500 But I get this error: [error] descriptor table full sock.c:119: Too ...
shakaran's user avatar
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node.js, only working on localhost, can't access from intranet

I am using node.js and for the real time notification system. I have tested node.js and with simple chat code, it pretty good with localhost but can't access the same from the ...
askm3's user avatar
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2 answers

How to let PHP connect to database by using UNIX socket (Joomla)

I'd like to have my PHP applications such as Joomla make use of the UNIX socket to connect to the local mysql database. I've already configured the php.ini with: mysqli.default_socket = /var/run/...
gijs007's user avatar
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How to work whit socket_file httpd (nginx-uwsgi)

I am trying to run Nginx/uWSGI/Django, the last remaining step is to run the socket_file all I get is a 502 Bad Gateway. Route my django application. #/home/deploy/webapps/myapp Configuration uWSGI....
Colpaisa's user avatar
7 votes
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WebRTC on standalone asterisk - no audio

After struggling with Asterisk for WebRTC for a few weeks now, I decided to put my problem on this forum. My Problem is as follows: Im not getting audio from WebRTC to WebRTC clients. I work in a LAN ...
Haije Ploeg's user avatar
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Can't boot Mysql on Centos 7

I've installed mysql on Centos 7 (mysql-community-server) as root. The problem is that I can't start the daemon with "service mysqld start", It never return me to prompt and even if I try to use ...
Blof's user avatar
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Yet another "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket" after a security update

SOLVED As yoonix pointed out, it was only an issue with the root partition being full... Thanks for your help! - So yes, this question has been asked several times, here and elsewhere. I apologize ...
shroom's user avatar
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Writing to Unix Domain Socket from rsyslog

I want to write output messages from rsyslog to a Unix Domain Socket. I want to do this so that I can read the messages from that socket using my script and parse log messages further. I try to use ...
shivams's user avatar
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Performance issues with Apache + Django + (long-polling) + Proxy

I'm trying to set up a website with django, apache and Thanks to some tutorials and other stackoverflow questions, I managed to make everything work, except for a severe lag, that occurs ...
basilikum's user avatar
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Limit to number of listening ports in linux

I have tried to launch a script to listen to thousands of tcp ports (1000 to 10000) but it appears to be hitting a limit of 1024 listening ports. I've confirmed this via netstat and closed ports above ...
loloy.batoytoy's user avatar
0 votes
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same port opened - one on the asterisk (*) address and one on localhost

running on Mac with two jetty instances i've arrived to this peculiar situation: ~$ lsof -ni :9905 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME java 40320 ******* 394u ...
Nadav's user avatar
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php-fpm: What is the bottleneck for accepting connections faster?

On a php5-fpm status page, what is the bottleneck that is preventing my server from accept()'ing new sockets fast enough? pool: www process manager: static start time: ...
A.B. Carroll's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is it possible to bind a socket with NIC Queue?

when i open a new socket linex system automatically bind it to a NIC queu. Currently i have two sockets and i want to bind them to two different NIC queues. My question is 1)Is it possible to bind ...
Rsvay's user avatar
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nginx handle multiple locations for one server

I need to setup a virtual host to run my website. It needs PHP support via php-fpm. The ideia is to have a mapping like this: -> /home/user1/...
pasadinhas's user avatar

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