Questions tagged [source]

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17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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rsync won't delete file that was deleted on source

I'm using rsnapshot to back up some servers of mine. It works fine, except it won't delete files that have been deleted on the source server. Here is where I give rsnapshot the options to pass along ...
srchulo's user avatar
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Installing something from source using chef, should I be doing some checks

I'm installing something from source using chef and the script resource. Should I be doing a check for the resultant executable etc. as part of it? e.g. What I currently have is: remote_file "/tmp/...
DEfusion's user avatar
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rsync - restore from multiple (identical) sources to one target

Im wonder if there is way to rsync (or any other tool) from multiple identical sources to one target. My thought was, one rsync process reads the filelist from the beginning, the other one from the ...
Marc's user avatar
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firewalld puppet module unable to add multiple sources error: INVALID ZONE on second source

We have a puppet module (v3.6.2 as we're using it for Satellite 6) The module works as expected, except when adding multiple sources to a zone. It will add the zone and then add one souce, then error ...
Amelia's user avatar
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Unable to get defined path in 'source' type on AIX node

I am trying to create a set of users on my AIX node and trying to get their authorized_keys which are already hosted on my server with name like, ''. Currently i am managing 2 nodes ...
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Firewalld: restrict ssh access to specific IP and allow that IP to access services in the interface zone

The target setup is the following: I want to restrict ssh access to the server to a specific IP, and allow the http service to all. Now, to start from "scratch" I defined a new zone which I ...
Egidio Docile's user avatar
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How to route traffic from source IP to gateway on another subnet?

I have the following network setup: 2 LANs; 1 local and 1 remote, connected site-to-site via WireGuard. -> local -> remote has a gateway 192.168.0....
sndrvanes's user avatar
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Is there a way to install the latest stable NGinx on Ubuntu Focal (20.04) with nginx-extra modules using binaries?

The official Ubuntu packages only go up to v1.18.0 which has some security vunlerabilities. Adding the official NGinx package repository only has the Nginx binary and no module binaries so odules like ...
Brendan's user avatar
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Should I compile Node.js from source on an Amazon Lightsail smallest instance?

I'm using the cheapest Amazon Lightsail instance to set up an Nginx + Node.js server. I have compiled Nginx successfully already, however it's taking too long to compile Node.js. Is this is even a ...
gregn3's user avatar
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Is an IPv6-Protocol capable of setting route plus source address?

This question is related to that question: Why is Linux choosing the wrong source ip address Setting a src ip for a static route on client may be okay for one time or if just needed. However in a ...
michi.0x5d's user avatar
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How to export a file to another user's bash while logging in via SSH (using Putty) to RHEL?

I am running RHEL 7.3, however the procedure may be similar on other Linux systems. I have logged in as root. I have a file called openrc which is full of lines like export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3....
Zac's user avatar
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Error when building NFS-ganesha v2.3 from source code

I am building NFS-ganesha v2.3 from source code (download here: on Debian 8. There are some errors: error: ‘SVCXPRT’ has no member ...
xuanhai266's user avatar
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Update source code without direct access to server

I built a webapplication (php/java) for a museum in the Netherlands. The webaplication runs on an ArchArm Raspberry 3. I installed a local webserver (lighttpd) to avoid dependency of the application ...
kzpm's user avatar
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Same html source code via two servers rendered differently

I am in the process of migrating my website from one host to another and noticed strange behavior: Identical html page served from two different hosting servers render identical on Chrome, Internet ...
papaworx's user avatar
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dpkg custom package name from source install

I want to be able to set a custom package name when installing a package using dpkg from source. Running this command: dpkg -i /path/to/deb/ruby-2.2.0.deb installs the package as: ruby-2.2.0 2.2.0 ...
PurrBiscuit's user avatar
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Linux Program Source Management

This particular problem has little do with SubVersion Repositories and more to do with the management of installed programs. My question revolves around the problem of installing a program from source....
Blackninja543's user avatar
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Failed to build rpm from source

I want to build a package from source, basically all I did was downloading Percona-Server-56-5.6.12-rc60.4.393.rhel6.src.rpm and adding -DWITH_INNODB_MEMCACHED=ON to spec file.
rabotalius's user avatar