Questions tagged [srv-record]

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12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Linux Client Active Directory Authentication stops working when failover

I have an issue with Linux clients trying to AD authentication by targeting a DNS name ( I have 2 Domain Controller servers DC1(, DC2( both domain controllers ...
Jim's user avatar
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Kerberos issues with Samba4 AD DC when resolv.conf not set to use localhost

I recently did a "classis conversion" of our small NT4 Samba domain to an AD one on my Debian 10 "Buster" system. I got everything working as far as I can tell, but I don't ...
Tim T's user avatar
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Odd Behavior of DNS forwarding with SRV record resolution

I'm running into a weird problem while setting up a new SAMBA AD DC on my network. I've got the DC itself up and running and checked on the server that I am able to resolve the DNS name of the server, ...
Jason O's user avatar
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SSL_VPN SRV record entry?

I am setting up a certificate for an SSL VPN on a sonicwall device the certificate is valid and appears as such when inspected but its still seen as untrusted since the VPN sign in is through an ...
Bryson Silver's user avatar
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Zabbix DB connection support DNS SRV Records

I have Zabbix Mysql 3 node Innodb cluster, which gives 3 DNS SRV Records with Mysql Router endpoints. I need to configure Zabbix server and web DB connection as DB host (e.g, ...
Ritz's user avatar
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When does a Windows client needs to query the domain controller's SRV record?

Today we have been alerted by the network support guys about high memory consumption in the firewall (FortiGate 100F) that could lead to it entering safe mode. We searched the logs and found a ...
sibirsk's user avatar
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SRV record not working properly?

I'm currently dealing with a little problem that routes back to me simply not having a static IP, as my ISP charges a ridiculous sum for that. I have a DDNS in place, which works fine. Except, I'm now ...
GrossKahn's user avatar
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Prevent LDAP requests

I have a work laptop that I connect to my local lan as well. On it I have a pi-hole. On it I can see that the laptop makes an awful lot of requests to the office domain which of course is not ...
jayb42's user avatar
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using own domain for mail with Office365, while retaining non-Office365 mailboxes

I have a domain I use the domain for a self-hosted website, and for email. Until now, the email was provided by the hosting provider and it was being used via their webmail portal and ...
ErikL's user avatar
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Can winbind influence name resolution in Linux

I have to Linux boxes on vagrant, the have the same /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts, but one is using winbind to do SSO with Active Directory. When I try to resolve the domain controllers with: dig ...
rtacconi's user avatar
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SRV records not populating correctly

I have a lync box with a SIP SRV record that isn't working for a significant portion of clients, despite their ability to resolve the FQDN of the edge server. What could cause inconsistent resolution ...
Couradical's user avatar
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How can I prevent BIND from sending "Authoritative answers can be found from:"?

Here is an example from performing an nslookup from a Unix server (IPs and domains all fake): $ nslookup > set type=srv > Server: Address: ...
roartechs's user avatar
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