Questions tagged [stealth]

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4 votes
6 answers

Stealthed vs Closed Port

I was reading a website about the difference between stealthed and closed ports. A closed port will echo a packet if closed. However, a stealthed port will not ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to create Stealth or DMZ Name Server? [duplicate]

We need to create an Stealth (DMZ, Split or Hidden Master) Name Server. We are able to create Name Server for our private network and our sub-domain's are resolve in our Local Area Network where not ...
1 vote
1 answer

svchost.exe using tcp https protocol on local port 50721?

I am noticing a ton of system processes running on my network from a specific computer and there are TCP https packets being sent. Here are a few IPs I notice. Is this normal? Ukraine addresses giving ...
0 votes
5 answers

how to make standard ssh port a stealth port?

I'm running a personal ssh server on a nonstandard port. If someone tries to log into my ssh server thru the standard port 22, it seems that the server sends "Connection refused" message. $ ssh ...
2 votes
3 answers

Linux Stealth Process

I have a process named "stealth" that has infected my server (slamming my CPU) and I can't figure out where it is to remove it for good. Everytime I kill the process it somehow starts itself again... ...
0 votes
2 answers

Apache: Stealth 404 the admin area until authenticated via basic auth, then allow access

Given a administrative area with urls like this: wp-admin/ wp-admin/whatever wp-admin/another-page wp-adminsecretlogin A standard basic-auth coverage would provide a username and password prompt on ...