Questions tagged [streaming]

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9 votes
3 answers

NGINX Serving Large mp4 Files extremely inefficiently

I am currently running nginx/1.0.15 on a Centos 6.6 OS. The server has the following specs: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2750 @ 2.40GHz (8 cores) 32GB Ram 5 x 6000 GB 7200 RPM (Raid 10) The Problem The ...
Kenneth's user avatar
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1 answer

Create NSC-File for multicast streaming with Windows Media Streaming

For streaming multicast I need to create a NSC-file for the players - this file is pseudo-coded by Microsoft. Now I need to create this file for each proxy-publishingpoint. Is there any way to stream ...
da_didi's user avatar
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Dynamic throttling of bandwidth

I am planning on setting up streaming server. Streaming is done kind of like YT does it; there will be a large number of audio content and each user can listen to it right on the website. In order ...
user31412's user avatar