Questions tagged [svnserve]

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29 votes
1 answer

Difference between the format and db/format files in a Subversion repository

What is the difference between the following two files on an SVN server (ie not in a checked out repository)? format db/format In our repositories the contents of the first is 5 while the contents ...
Rich's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How can systemd run a command as root before launching a service as a different user? [closed]

I'm running svnserve on a Fedora 17 machine with the following systemd service file: [Unit] Description=Subversion Server [Service] User=svn Type=forking ...
DNS's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Setting up SVN server for multiple users over http

The SVN annotate feature is quite powerful and makes quick work of who to track down for a particular feature on a particular line of code. This feature is rendered slightly more limited (but still ...
casualcoder's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it safe to run two instances of svnserve on one repository, or only one?

We've two nodes running heartbeat/drbd, and one of the services we're using is subversion. What I want to know is: is it safe to run svnserve on both nodes all the time, or should it only run on the ...
fredden's user avatar
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