Questions tagged [telegraf]

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0 answers

How can I do a difference between values at t0 and t1 in a received data set in Grafana?

I am trying capture the interface bandwidth on a firewall using SNMPv3 and show it on Grafana, I want to do a difference in values at t0 and t1 in the table below in Grafana, for eg., for a difference ...
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2 answers

Send InfluxDB2 Metrics to different Buckets with Telegraf

I would like to put different metrics in different buckets. In my bucket Websites, I want to put HTTP response metrics. This is how my configuration file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/httpmetrics.conf ...
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1 answer

"A service is listening on all interfaces" - explanation needed?

We got a security report, and one of the points was that a service is listening on all interfaces. I am not a security guy and I find it hard to understand what needs to be done and how to do it. The &...
1 vote
1 answer

Why do the creators of this dashboard multiply bytes by 8 to get bits? Isn't it the other way around?

To monitor a server we have imported a dashboard for Grafana. This uses Telegraf and InfluxDB as collector and database. When certain graphs needed to be adjusted, I noticed that in the network speed ...
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1 answer

syslog-ng: how to configure sending RFC5424 messages with octet-counting framing

Please don't bother reading this question. syslog-ng is already set up to send RFC5424 messages with octet-counting framing by default. I was confused by the behaviour of another component. This ...
0 votes
2 answers

syslog-ng: How to reduce high latency when forwarding logs to a syslog tcp consumer?

UPDATE 2: I've answered this via my new question at the link below. The root cause is behaviour by telegraf where by default it disconnects the TCP connection 5 seconds after the last received message....
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1 answer

syslog-ng / telegraf : EOF occurred when idle - incompatible?

This is a follow-on question from this previous question, created because I found out more information and it's cleaner to pose this as a new question. I'm using syslog-ng OSE v3.31.2 to receive ...
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1 answer

Monitoring Byte Usage of Large MySQL InnoDB Buffer Pools?

I am trying to monitor the total number of used bytes in a MySQL 5.7 InnoDB Buffer Pool, that can go up to 100GB, using Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data but it seems that this status variable is a 32-bit ...
4 votes
2 answers

Influxdb is restarting constantly since my last reboot

Since my last reboot, I am seeing the following every 1-2 minutes: Aug 02 13:53:00 monitor systemd[1]: influxdb.service: start operation timed out. Terminating. Aug 02 13:53:00 monitor systemd[1]: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Telegraf works manually but not the service - Run Telegraf in background

I have a virtual machine running on Ubuntu 20.04, I installed Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana for monitoring VMs and cluster's nodes. Everythings work except when I try to make telegraf working in ...
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0 answers

telegraf enum plugin not injecting the correct destination field

I have the following telegraf configurations: [[inputs.http_response]] name_override="test" address="https://localhost:12345/test" response_timeout="5s" method="GET&...
0 votes
1 answer

Telegraf Tail file that contains json data to Influx

How can I extract the json data into influx by tailing a file that has the JSON data? EG: My logs are like this: 2020-12-01T18:34:06+02:00 {"wfd_successful_hits_sec": "0&...
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1 answer

How to Linux get every IP address traffic on a single interface multi IP host

In my scenario, my host has an interface but it has multiple IP addresses. I want to get the traffic of every IP address.I want to get received and sent packets and bytes, and error packets. My ...
1 vote
0 answers

Convert json file to prometheus metrics

I have nginx json access log like this, a file that append sample like this to end of file. { "time": "2019-11-27T08:23:39+00:00", "msec": 1574843019.787, "ip": "", "agent_name": ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to monitor cloud system metrics through grafana

I have a system configured with telegraf + InfluxDB + Grafana in one machine. Now i need to collect server metrics for ubuntu servers which is deployed in cloud and need to plot in grafana. My ...
0 votes
1 answer

Monitor all processes in Linux with telegraf and grafana

I have a task to configure monitoring of all processes in a Linux system with Telegraf and Grafana. But there is some issue that there are many processes in a system. For gathering information about ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to apply grok to logs from syslog in telegraf?

In my current setup I am using Telegraf to ingest nginx logs from syslog and spit them out into influxdb. This works great. Telegraf has support for grok log parsing. As far as I can tell it can be ...
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1 answer

Monitor Java Heap on a Centos Server via Telegraf/Grafana

How to Monitor Java Heap usage on centos server using Telegraf and Grafana? This monitoring is particularly for Logstash process running on the server. I tried to use JSTAT to get data, but it has ...
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1 answer

enabling telegraf system input plugin on OpenBSD 6.5 Could use some examples. I have tried adding values listed in the above page to [[inputs.system]] For example: [[inputs....
0 votes
2 answers

While attempting to build telegraf on OpenBSD 6.4, gmake said:

I have followed the instructions from this page but gmake fails. Am I missing a dependency? dep ensure -vendor-only SIGSYS: bad system call ...
0 votes
1 answer

Telegraf not working with sysstat options like `-d` or `-n ALL`?

I am attempting to setup Telegraf on a Proxmox (Debian-based distro) to send metrics to InfluxDB. However, it seems to be complaining about sysstat syntax. I am using the sysstat plugin in Telegraf. ...