Questions tagged [terminal]

Terminal: 1) A device or program used to talk to a terminal server, usually over Serial or RDP, 2) A synonym for command-shell or command line, 3) A specific OS X program.

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0 answers

Windows Git Linux Tools - Prevent SSH timeout in terminal

I installed Git and included the Linux tools. They rock, except for the SSH times out after five or ten minutes when I am running in the console. It just freezes the terminal until I hit a few ...
AAA's user avatar
  • 247
2 votes
2 answers

Automatically selecting default in Unix terminal

I'm aware that a command such as something -y will force a yes answer on any response back from the terminal, but I'm having problems with getting Ansible to automate the process of configuration. ...
user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

PuTTY typing its name into the console

I was doing a MySQL dump over SSH using Putty, and now it is just typing PuTTY over and over again into the console, Ctrl+C doesn't do anything. Does anyone know why this is happening?
Adam's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to automaticly disconnect all terminal server?

I have 4 terminal servers in a cluster environment. I logged in a server and the RAM is at 100% percent. When I look there is 54 active session. I think one of the issue here is that there are many ...
Mike's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Docker attach to curses process

I'm trying to use docker attach to attach to curses-based graphical process: $ docker run --name irssi -it pandrew/irssi irssi When you detach from this process using ^P^Q and reattach with docker ...
Dmitry Minkovsky's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Closing the terminal with an open SSH session

I closed the terminal while still being logged in to a remote server during an SSH session (I didn't exit before closing the terminal). Could this damage the server? What consequences could there ...
Onion's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Is there a parallel SSH client with grid output similar to multitail [closed]

I've used multitail to monitor multiple log files on a single machine and displaying them in a "grid view" (2x3 or something similar). I was wondering if there is any such tool for SSH? Anything that ...
StFS's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Running commands using root in a loop [closed]

I`m following along this post : in order to setup VPN Server in Ubunto, however when i come to this command : for vpn in /proc/sys/net/...
Stacker's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Putty terminal color problems for Solaris

So I'm working on a Solaris 10 box from Putty running on Windows 7, and having a lot of trouble getting the terminal colors to work properly in actual programs like vim or tmux. Here is the output ...
Petriborg's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Putty: disable configuration of server terminal length

I would like to prevent Putty from setting the server terminal length so as to avoid the dreaded --More-- prompt in Cisco IOS. Please do not tell me to set length 0 in line config mode because this ...
ThomasMcLeod's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Home/end keys are not working correctly in the bash CLI for a jailed user using PuTTY

I'm using PuTTY to access my U14.04 LTS server via SSH. When I log in using my main account, the number pad keys work fine in the BASH CLI. When I log in to a user who's been jailed using Jailkit, ...
gone's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Send mail with priority from console

How can I send mail from the console marked with "priority high" flag? Currently I'm using this syntax: echo "message content" | mail -s "subject" [email protected] I don't see any switches for this ...
Sfisioza's user avatar
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2 answers

All terminal windows suddenly disappear in Linux [closed]

Sorry in advance for the wall of text. I'm having a problem which is leaving me with very few clues as to what might be going on. Also, I apologize if ServerFault isn't the ideal place for this ...
Mike Holt's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

SSH connection - after some time I can't type anything

This keeps hapenning on which ever server I am connected to. I type: ssh user@server I log in, everything works for a couple of minutes. But after some time, possibly when I switch to other ...
Томица Кораћ's user avatar
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Terminal Services 2003 Require accounts logging in to have a password

I am required to look after a Terminal Services 2003 machine. Occasionally company staff will create a new Active Directory user with no password and grant that user permission to login to the ...
Dave Lucre's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Dpkg: After comparing config files, how do I revert back to make my choice?

I'm part way through a fairly large apt-get upgrade which had 65 packages to be updated. I've gotten to a config file "merge conflict" where both my local config (containing a licence key) and the ...
i-CONICA's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

How to find out the virtualization type of an linux VPS?

Having access to an VPS, i need to know which type of virtualization it is running from the terminal. How can determine the virtualization platform that my VM is running on? (OpenVZ, Xen, KVM, etc?)
Samuel G. P.'s user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

CentOS colors in php-cli applications [closed]

I'm managing a server with CentOS 6.5 x64 installed. In my Ubuntu server, when I run composer or Laravel's artisan php cli command, parameters are colorful. But this doesn't happen when I SSH into a ...
Arda's user avatar
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1 answer

OSX - How can I copy a local users settings/preferences to a new mobile user

We are working on migrating all our local users to mobile accounts that are bound to LDAP. I am working on a script that prompts a user to enter their email and it creates a new mobile user and then ...
Chris Whittle's user avatar
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How to map terminal service printer port to something like COMx?

I'd like to state my environment configuration first as follows: A Zebra label printer with serial port (RS232) (print script .bat uses serial port only) A serial cable (RS232) suitable for the ...
McArthor Lee's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to have multiple users on FreeDOS? For remote terminal use

Is there a way to support multiple users on FreeDos? I'm asking because I have an old application in clipper that runs on MS-DOS and I'd like to make it available over my LAN so that users could "ssh"...
Adabada's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Killing a bash sh script [closed]

I made an .sh file which has (almost) unlimited loop of curl requests. I run this as $ bash Now it just keeps running the loop. I can't cancel its execution. It keeps running. I ...
arxoft's user avatar
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putty terminal cursor buggy on debian-wheezy

since my vagrant box changed from squeeze to wheezy my cursor on the terminal is kind of buggy. for example when i try to type this command: vagrant@portal-vagrant:/$ ls -l it ends like this: ls -...
braunbaer's user avatar
  • 113
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5 answers

How to run su from PHP launched on Apache? [closed]

I tried to run su command with PHP shell_exec function. At first I tried: <?php echo(shell_exec('echo \'password\' | su user -c \'whoami\' 2>&1;')); ?> and I got: su: must be run from ...
Patryk Hes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Terminate remote process when backgrounded ssh session is terminated

So right now I have a bash script that runs a command on a remote machine using ssh. The machine running the bash script is a Linux machine and the remote machine is a Windows machine running cygwin. ...
UrbenLegend's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Putty Terminal Locks randomly

I have an issue where my Putty Session will become unresponsive after a period of time. If I am tailing something, or waiting on a process that does not return data while executing, the terminal will ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to know who disconnected the session through qwinsta?

How to know who disconnected the session through qwinsta. I have done it on a server,and i disconnected my friends session.But, while I checked the Event log I could find only the disconnected user(...
Able Mathew Paul's user avatar
1 vote
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Wyse S50 RDP Failure

Background: I've got a LAN with about 6 Wyse S10 terminals, these terminals are serviced by a Microsoft 2008 R2 server with Remote Desktop Services enabled and 10 CALs assigned. I needed another ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Windows Server 2008 R2 Terminal Server - Providing Single Sign On to Windows 7 Clients

I've inherited a system that may have never been fully integrated as it could have been. We have a simple setup - A Windows 2008 R2 Server being used for Remote Desktop and Remote App access by users ...
JTWOOD's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

ttylog attaches to the wrong process - release notes a bit hard to understand too

I have a lengthy python script running on a machine: [root@server1]# ps aux | grep python root 30640 15.6 0.6 296416 102444 pts/4 S+ 11:29 2:38 python But I'm now working ...
LittleBobbyTables's user avatar
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Telnet Terminal F3 Key Transmit

I am creating a new install image for deployment, upgrading from a previous deployment of Fedora Core 4 to Linux Mint 15. I have the telnet session to the server working and all keys are operating as ...
DaneAU's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add user to a group from terminal on Mountain Lion?

When I run sudo dscl . -append /Groups/ GroupMembership $USERNAME I get append: Invalid Path <dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14009 (eDSUnknownNodeName)
tomekfranek's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

su: must be run from a terminal [duplicate]

I have tried to set up a scheduled backup of my Minecraft server. I used a script I found on GitHub at frdmn/ and it seems to work great when I run it from the terminal directly. The ...
Svish's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Terminal Services connection slow over VPN

I just started with a company and I've been asked to resolve a problem. I'm a jack of all trades and master of none so I'm looking for some help. We have a remote site (8 PC's and 6 printers) with ...
jim s's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Not able to wget to ftp server

I am trying to wget a ftp server from a remote machine. The command is not getting past 'Logging in as anonymous'. This is what i am getting. wget
Ashwin 's user avatar
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2 answers

Strange characters from output in shell

Over the past few years there have been some Linux systems that will output strange characters when running various commands. Here's an example of my output from the sensors command on one of those ...
Aaron's user avatar
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1 answer

Terminal Server trying to connect to 1433/tcp on client

We are facing a strange issue here. Everytime a user connects via RDP client to one of our terminal server, the server itself tries to establish a connection via 1433/tcp to the client (and even 80/...
Matze's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Unable to SSH into Host [closed]

I am attempting to SSH into my host. I'm using Mac OSX. When in terminal I type: ssh user@hostname I get an immediate error message stating: connect to host port 22: connection ...
stephenthedev's user avatar
-1 votes
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Scheduled Remote Desktop Manager With Credentials

I've a lot of servers with Windows Server and remote desktop enabled. For a problem with the windows domain, servers occasionally not perform the login process. So to solve this problem, I need a ...
Pablo's user avatar
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How to prevent printing of "debug path" in stdout?

Sys Vers: ubuntu precise 12.04 LTS I seem to have a config setting that forces an executable to log to stdout (or stderr) the current directory it walks through. All commands execute successfully ...
nicoclavier's user avatar
4 votes
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How to Add color support to watch command

as the title says, I want to see colors in my watch command. ex: # enable colors when running javascript unittests with watch watch mocha # enable colors when doing `ls` watch ls -aG
Mike Graf's user avatar
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-4 votes
4 answers

Setup web terminal access in case ssh crashes [closed]

I would like to setup my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server for a backdoor in case ssh crashes. I would simply connect to the server and restart ssh manually but this is not possible. Contacting the system ...
Tom Siwik's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Cisco console, USB and RJ45?

I have a new Cisco 3750X switch and I want to connect to it via console. Only.... this switch does not have a DB9 connector on it, its Serial port is RJ45. I have a USB to RJ45 cable, and am on ...
jeremy's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

editing files on remote server with Vi not recognised when I refresh my browser [closed]

My server is running on Apache Linux. I'm very new to this area. Is there a default folder where the website files are stored? I mean I thought I had it - the first one in the list below, but it doesn'...
CHarris's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

can't see my site after ctrl-alt-delete in Virtual Machine Console [closed]

I'm a total newbie to this and hope you might be able to help me. I just put my website up on a VPS server last week. I've been trying to get familiar with Terminal in Ubuntu and ssh for accessing ...
CHarris's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

hide resuls in linux terminal [closed]

so i basicly in my terminal write like this : $ espeak "my text" and i get output this: ALSA lib pcm.c:2217:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear ALSA lib pcm.c:2217:(...
romas's user avatar
  • 3
-5 votes
3 answers

How to open a directory contains "-"? [closed]

How can I open a directory via PUTTY that contains -? For example the name of dir is: some-thing-dir cd /some-thing-dir not working.
user2301881's user avatar
1 vote
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Running one-off interactive programs remotely over SSH

I've got a series of production servers that I'd like to be able to run certain utilities on without having to SSH into the machine. Unfortunately, some of those programs (top and iotop I've tried so ...
spitzanator's user avatar
0 votes
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Linux Terminal dig example -d

I am really having trouble making a post and this question is nowhere asked on the internet and i need to know if it is harmful so i can correct my mistake. I ran the following command in the Linux ...
Pieter Smith's user avatar
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How to check RAID level on linux (dmraid)

I already know the RAID is a software RAID made with dmraid (or I assume so based on the fact that df-h shows /dev/mapper/VolGroup..., also /dev/md0 is inactive). I've run dmraid -r and get: /dev/...
Nux's user avatar
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