Questions tagged [tomcat6]

Open source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation

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39 votes
7 answers

How does one get tomcat to bind to ipv4 address?

I recently installed tomcat via an installation script from the apache solr typo3 community and spent the last 3 days trying to figure out why it won't work until by chance I noticed that when I ...
Dark Star1's user avatar
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3 answers

Why can't I access Tomcat externally?

We hire a Virtual MS Server 2008 machine from a hosting company. I say this because maybe it's got a bunch of extra settings that aren't the "vanilla" 2008 settings. Anyway, I installed a default ...
andy's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Farm Deployer not working in Tomcat Cluster

I have setup apache-tomcat clustering(Ubuntu Server) and I used tomcat supported clustering technique with mod_jk following the link. I've setup with One Load Balancer and Two web servers. The major ...
user53864's user avatar
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1 answer

Tomcat: Log the equivalent of SSL_CLIENT_S_DN

In Apache HTTPD it is possible to create custom request logs which include the value of SSL_CLIENT_S_DN. Since the site requires mutual authentication (client certificates) this provides a good audit ...
Kevin's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache2 proxy Tomcat6 prevent 503 error while starting

While tomcat6 is starting up all my http requests are retained by the server and sends the response when the server is up. But when I use an apache2 as a proxy the apache2 responds inmediatly a 503 ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Unusual Apache->Tomcat caching issue

Right now, I have an Apache setup sitting in front of Tomcat to handle caching. This setup has been given to an external service to manage, and since the transition, I've noticed odd behavior. ...
Stefan Kendall's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Tomcat Cluster Farm Deployer issue

I have setup apache-tomcat cluster with mod_jk on ubuntu server. I have some issues with FarmDeployer which deploys war files to other web servers in the cluster and I got some hope that it works as I ...
user53864's user avatar
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1 answer

CentOS, Tomcat 6 failed and won't start - java issue?

Linux isn't my strong suit so bear with me if this seems a little newbish. I have a virtual linux box rented, has CentOS (not sure which version) and Apache with Tomcat 6. Over the past 24 hours, the ...
Sean W.'s user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Configuring the Tomcat Plugin of Munin

It would be great if anyone can share a working configuration for the tomcat_ plugin of munin. I need to monitor several tomcat instances on one machine. So far I can't figure out: which are the ...
Vladimir Tsvetkov's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Tomcat 6 virtual host + Apache 2 proxy

I have a problem with my Apache and Tomcat configuration. I have an Apache instance as a proxy to Tomcat. The Tomcat serves two virtual hosts. The problem occurs when one Apache virtual points to ...
user68786's user avatar
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1 answer

Passing Client IP across Multiple Proxies

I have a load balancer in front of an Apache httpd server, which in turn is in front of a server running Tomcat6. We're using Tomcat to running Shibboleth's IdP. The follow looks like this: Client -&...
KM.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Apache reverse proxy jumps back to insecure protocol after redirect

I installed a reverse proxy apache server which handles the SSL encryption for a tomcat. We have a struts web application, and everytime we use response.sendRedirect(), the application falls back into ...
Dennis Ich's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

EC2 instance running apache tomcat not accessible from outside

I have a 64-bit amazon linux instance in aws. I am running apache tomcat6 running on that machine. sudo fuser -v -n tcp 8080 USER PID ACCESS COMMAND 8080/tcp: ...
liv2hak's user avatar
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