Questions tagged [torrent]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Poor SSD I/O performance with rTorrent and Debian

I'm using a Dell PowerEdge R210 II server with Intel Xeon E3-1230, 32GB RAM DDR3, 2 x 480 GB SSDs SATA3, 2 x 1 Gbit network connection. I'm using both network connections at the same time (802.3ad ...
RazvanR104's user avatar
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Is it possible to put http torrent tracker (XBT) behind cloudflare tunnel

Similar question in this thread Is it possible to put http torrent tracker under CDN to prevent DDOS? basically xbt works on port 7210 (by default) and if I do redirect with tunnel, I lose IP address ...
Theo's user avatar
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OpenVPN server stops responding when client downloads torrent

I have an OpenVPN server running on a Windows 10 machine at home. The server is behind a CISCO router with static routing set up. It works flawlessly, redirects internet traffic, handles multiple ...
Riuo's user avatar
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Route all traffic from virtual interface to temporary tun0

I'm trying setting up at home an automated torrent client to download some big GIS databases I produce at work and release as .torrent files. My home server is a Raspberry PI with one Ethernet ...
Delcaran's user avatar
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D-Link DGS-1510-20 torrent QoS related configurtion

I have two options here. one, I purchased a broken D-Link switch, and two, there is some sort of QOS or firewall related rules that punish my mac pro from connecting to any other device. I have a ...
ufk's user avatar
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Track torrent traffic in shorewall

I use shorewall to configure my firewall. Is there anyway to track torrent traffic using shorewall accounting?
ian's user avatar
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