Questions tagged [vboxmanage]

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2 answers

What is the difference between IDE and SATA controlers?

On my Kali Linux storage devices,I have SATA and IDE controllers. What is the difference between them? I added kali and created kali.vdi disk on SATA? I sthis the right choice?
Richard Rublev's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Cannot remove hd with VBoxManage

I am not sure which parameter is missing. Could somebody point to the right direction please? $ VBoxManage storagectl '5771682b-aa14-4bcb-99d5-1c7cd66c528b' --remove Oracle VM VirtualBox Command Line ...
Istvan's user avatar
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VirtualBox VBoxManage: How can I see the current configuration?

VBoxManage provides some additional configuration possibilities for VirtualBox, for instance activating of symlinks in shared folders (is still not working for me...): C:\Windows\system32>...
automatix's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to import Virtuabox VM onto Headless Server

I have a Virtual Image on my Windows Machine. I want to transfer it to my Headless Debian Server. I've installed VirtualBox on the Debian machine. On the windows machine I've exported the file as a ...
xbanux's user avatar
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2 answers

Reducing VirtualBox VDI logical size

I was going to increase one of my VDI to 80 GB with the command: VBoxManage modifyhd MY_DISK.vdi --resize 819200 Yes, a wrong additional zero was gone there. Of course, as an idiot I hadn't a backup....
Erick Petrucelli's user avatar
3 votes
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Recovering a VHD after resizing it using VBoxManage

I am using VirtualBox 4.1.18 and had a virtual machine running Windows 8 RC with a single VHD, which was initially sized at 25GB (too small!). After installing the OS and some applications I ran out ...
Tom Robinson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

VirtualBox. How to script the start of the machine and installer run (windows)

I can see that I can start and stop a vm with virtualBox using VBoxManage. I m not sure this is the tool I need. I m trying to write a script that Will boot the VM (different flavours of Windows) ...
Miau's user avatar
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How to attach virtual disk on the fly? (virtual box)

I have this VM (ubuntu server 10.04 @ vbox 4.1.12) and I want to attach a virtual disk on it, but on the fly. I know that I can add more disks by powering off the machine and then attach them, but ...
thassiov's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set a fixed IP address for a VirtualBox machine using NAT interface?

I'd like to run some servers as VBoxHeadless machines. NAT networking with port mapping seems more than enough for me and using bridging is unnecessary. But how can I specify an IP address I want a ...
Ivan's user avatar
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How can I perform a controlled shutdown of a virtualbox guest using VBoxManage?

I'm currently testing Ubuntu 10.04, and have install the VirtualBox software. I have also installed Ubuntu 10.04 as a VirtualBox guest running on the host system. I've installed the VirtualBox Utils ...
Bryan's user avatar
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