Questions tagged [virtualenv]

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17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Running Celery as a Daemon while using VirtualEnv

I've setup and tested celery on my amazon linux server, using mysql as the messaging backend and it works fine when running the program directly. My python project and celery install are located in a ...
elkelk's user avatar
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Python 3.6.3 virtual environment issue in CentOS7 - "Error: Could not connect to Docker (is it running?)"

I have a virtualenv issue in my CentOS7 VM: Checking for virtualenv... Activating virtual environment /home/crimson/venv/python3 /home/crimson/venv/python3/myvra.json matches /home/crimson/venv/myvra....
KidACrimson's user avatar
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Trying to run gunicorn from supervisor gives error - error: class uri 'simple' invalid or not found

I am already running successfully 2 django projects (in same virtualenv with python 2.7) with Django + gunicorn + virtualenv + Supervisord environment. But now i am trying to run another project in ...
Muhammad Tahir's user avatar
3 votes
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How should virtualenv be set up in a production Web server (user, location, etc.)

I'm switching my production sever to use virtualenv, and I want to understand the best practices for setting up virtualenv in a production environment. The following questions are ones I've run into ...
mlissner's user avatar
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Installing compiled Python modules on Windows on a virtual env

I'm using virtualenv to maintain a Python installation on Windows. I want to install the popular PIL module, which comes as .exe. I run the .exe installer, but it tries to install to the regular ...
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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Linux "which virtualenv-2.7" shows a repeating path

I think I messed up some components when trying to install ruby, and not virtualenv-2.7 seems to be broken. I am not even sure if I am describing the problem correctly, as I can't figure out the ...
Andre Bulatov's user avatar
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Switching library paths in python virtualenv dynamically

There are two versions of Python that can be installed on RHEL 6.7, as many obviously know. Yum needs 2.6, and other programs for example Graphite need 2.7 After digging into it, I see that even when ...
Bob R's user avatar
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Automatically create virtualenvs for new user accounts

In Linux, how can I go about automatically creating virtualenvs for each newly created user account? Can it easily be done?
Staccato's user avatar
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Virtualenv not isolating pip installs properly on Ubuntu

I'm using virtualenv on Ubuntu 12 and when I install packages with pip (after activating the virtualenv) the packages are not being installed in the environment's site-packages directory, they're ...
Michael Waterfall's user avatar
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How to remove python-virtualenv RPM using commands that are run from an installing RPM?

I need to install virtualenv from an RPM. I do this from the RPM's post-install script, with the following: pip2 install pip --upgrade pip2 install virtualenv --upgrade However, the pip2 install ...
boardrider's user avatar
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Why doesn't gcc compile for Python packages inside virtualenv?

I am trying to compile a Python script into an executable that relies upon packages only installed inside a virtualenv: sudo su source /home/me/venv/bin/activate # Activates virtualenv cython --...
sscirrus's user avatar
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Django CMS using nginx and gunicorn in virtualenv renders html from version 3.4.4 after upgrade to 3.4.5 - where is the caching?

I set up a django-cms installation version 3.4.4 with nginx and gunicorn. Then I removed the installation and installed the new 3.4.5 version. Pip confirms this worked: (myenv) user@s23:~/myenv$ ...
Patrick's user avatar
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PyPi Django installation incomplete

I've encountered an interesting issue, and haven't yet managed to solve it with Google. I'm using virtualenv+python3.5. After a number of ImportErrors, I came to a conclusion that my Django ...
khvn's user avatar
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Apache maximum memory size per child

Running apache 2.0 on ubuntu 14.04 (MPM prefork), I'm seeing multiple child workers with variable "RES" megabyte values (as expected). While I have plenty of RAM to handle all of these processes (i.e. ...
dter's user avatar
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Gunicorn Flask Deployment with Supervisord doesn't find command on boot

I am deploying a Flask application with Gunicorn, Nginx and Supervisord. Here is my config file for the application: [program:apwd-flask] command = /home/aaron/dev/apwd-flask/venv/bin/gunicorn --...
Alpaus's user avatar
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Installing scipy in virtualenv on Elastic Beanstalk

I'm using Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk to deploy an example Flask app. I can get a simple "Hello World" app deployed perfectly, but now I'm trying to deploy the app with scipy as a requirement. I've ...
Dylan Fried's user avatar
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How to debug 403 error on Cent OS?

I'm trying to install phpMyAdmin and I'm getting a 403. /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf <Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/> Order Deny,Allow Allow from all </Directory> /etc/...
user281527's user avatar