Questions tagged [virtuozzo]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Does our VPS have its kmemsize limit set too low?

Short Version: Are there any official guidelines on what the kmemsize barrier and limit should be set to for a container in Virtuozzo/OpenVZ intended to be used as a Web server? We've found posts ...
davidreedernst's user avatar
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VPS hitting tcpsndbuf often

On my VPS running I'm recently hitting soft and hardlimits of tcpsndbuf very often, causing the server to become nearly unreachable as load goes up to 45 and higer. I have already tried limiting the ...
schneida's user avatar
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2 answers

Filesystem access causes occasional slowdowns on Lenny vps with minimal load

I have a virtual server hosting multiple small sites in a LAMP environment. The system was originally a Debian 4, later dist-upgraded to Debian 5. It has 1GB dedicated and 1GB shared RAM and 20GB ...
Kaivosukeltaja's user avatar
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Change default cron log location

I have apache server with $HOME is var/www/, I create a cron job and all logs get into that directory, how to change it to another folder? Is there any config file on apache to change that? Btw, I'm ...
Cross Vander's user avatar
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Run Virtuozzo OpenVZ 7 prlctl commands as non-root user

I created a Virtualbox VM for Virtuozzo OpenVZ 7 using this image: I want to create a Vagrant box ...
Wolkenarchitekt's user avatar
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I keep getting counter_cpu_share_used alerts in in Virtuozzo - do I have to take action?

On my Hosteurope vServer, I keep getting these counter_cpu_share_used alerts in Virtuozzo, basically whenever I actively use my vServer. Screenshot As you can see, I get red alerts all the time. It ...
Noniq's user avatar
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How do vCores work in Virtuozzo Virtualization?

We are evaluating vServers based on Virtuozzo. The marketing says 2 dedicated Cores 6 virtual Cores /proc/cpuinfo lists two cores. The support told us, that the virtual cores will be used when the ...
Alex's user avatar
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