Questions tagged [windows-net-command]

The complex and powerful ``net`` command on Windows

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Access denied (5) for net user /domain command

I would like to get some help debugging an issue we are experiencing in a specific server. We have a web application that uses windows accounts to validate user credentials and groups. We noticed that ...
Kaizer69's user avatar
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net view (and WNetEnumResource) is not finding anything but the local computer after changing motherboard?

I was going to post in StackOverflow but it's more of a network issue than programming issue as I've used WNetEnumResource() for years with no problem. I upgraded my motherboard of my Windows 10x64 ...
user3161924's user avatar
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get a list of AD groups used for a specific application

I would like to get a list from the Domain server of the AD groups being used for a specific application. The AD group contain an acronym for the application. For example, I would like to get all ...
FPV's user avatar
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