Questions tagged [xinetd]

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Why does xinetd try to close file descriptors on startup?

I have xinetd running inside a docker container (base image centos:7) on a rockylinux 9 host machine. On starting xinetd service in the docker image, it appears to hang. So I used strace, and found ...
MirroredFate's user avatar
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xnatd + netcat + ssh = 100% CPU usage

I have a Raspberry PI with a Syncthing Admin-Web-UI binding to localhost:8384. I can access this UI from my laptop using SSH-tunnel: $ ssh me@raspberrypi -Llocalhost:8384:localhost:8384 $ chrome http:/...
Boris Brodski's user avatar
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Xinetd listen to IP Address not assigned to an interface

Is it somehow possible to use Xinetd (or any other solution) to listen to incoming Packets for an IP Adress which is not assigned to an interface, and start up a daemon (like Xinetd) does? So my Linux ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Get the actual username of a SSH Client that established a SSH session to a remote server

Let's say we have a user account called john on a CentOS server ( and on the other side we have a user who owns this account and from time to time uses his account from different locations ...
Mohammad Yekrangian's user avatar
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xinetd how to activate sshd service on custom port?

When I try to run ssh service in xinetd with customized port (port=2211) it shows me this error: xinetd[16783]: Service ssh expects port 22, not 2211 If I change port to 22 in xinetd it works fine ...
Mojtaba Rezaeian's user avatar
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Make inetd pass connection over to an unix-domain socket

I'm trying to put Postfix behind inetd. The idea is to configure inetd to listen to inet smtp port and make Postfix listen to a unix-domain one. Is it possible to make inetd pass connection over to a ...
yaugenka's user avatar
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Installed xinetd, started it but said 'removing' on several services including one I configured in /etc/xinetd.d/

I am new to xinetd, but trying to mimic an old machine on site that is using it. So I copied the configs on that machine (changing names where appropriate) and then tried to start xinetd. Then ...
Codejoy's user avatar
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xinetd doesn't read "included directory"

I want to monitor my pfSense-Box with check_mk. Therefore I need access to a certain port via xinetd. I found a descripton for that in:
karls0's user avatar
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How to add custom xinetd Service in pfSense

On a pfSense 2.4, I installed a custom xinetd service. I appended the necessary line to the list in /etc/services and wrote a stanza in /var/etc/xinetd.conf. After reloading xinetd, the service runs ...
rexkogitans's user avatar
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xinetd: udp service returning just a string

I'm using xinetd to provide a simple service, that basically only needs to return a string value. The service is required to support tcp and udp. The tcp services looks like this, and works as ...
soey's user avatar
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4 answers

TFTP works localhost but not global

I have a TFTP server on Centos 7.4. The TFTP server is up and running and works well when trying to access a file, connecting on localhost. However, if I try to access the TFTP server from another ...
user440625's user avatar
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How do i stop xinetd mysql service check to log every success?

How do I stop xinetd mysql service check to log every success? It creates a log entry every second the check is successful, I cant use log_on_failure as the service just checks mysqld and turns status=...
AXPA's user avatar
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haproxy'd mysql client hangs attempting to connect

I am attempting to set up an haproxy LB for a cluster of mySQL slaves using the method outlined here in github's engineering blog. I've got the xinetd checks working but when I attempt to login via ...
Ethan Shrago's user avatar
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If I restart xinetd service , does it impact the currently active FTP connections?

In my Linux system FTP server is running from xinetd . I want to make a configuration change inside the /etc/xinetd.d/ directory for the FTP server launch , with respect to the arguments passed to the ...
Mathews Jose's user avatar
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xinetd read post data [closed]

I'm trying to write a simple handler for a webhook using xinetd and bash. I have the trivial case working with this config for xinetd: service github-hooks { port = 61000 ...
spinlock's user avatar
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NRPE Firewall blocking xinetd

From one side, my nagios server, IP Here is my Nagios's xinetd's NRPE config : # default: on # description: NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) service nrpe { flags = ...
Nicolas Frbezar's user avatar
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How to set up DNS port forwarding using xinetd?

I have a KVM hypervisor and a few VMs in a bridged network. I use xinetd to forward ports from the public IP address to the proper VM. Now I installed PowerDNS on a machine and I'd like to create a ...
Sergiu Tot's user avatar
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How to disable plain FTP with proftp and xinetd? [duplicate]

I'm using CentOS release 6.4 on a VPS. Its runs proftp with xinetd I've found configuration files at /etc/proftpd.conf /etc/xinetd.conf /etc/xinetd.d/ftp_psa I want to disable plain FTP, but need ...
inckka's user avatar
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Linux: tftp not working, transfer timed out, what could be the reason?

I have a server which runs cobbler and tftp server. My task is to configure a read-write tftp server. tftp is configured through xinetd and the configuration file looks like so: service tftp { ...
Itai Ganot's user avatar
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Does Dovecot no longer work under xInetd?

I've been trying to get Dovecot to work under CentOS 7 with xinetd and I get errors such as: Error: net_connect_unix(anvil) failed: No such file or directory Fatal: Couldn't connect to anvil and the ...
Aussie's user avatar
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web browser dislikes xinetd

How can I make an xinetd service such that a web browser can reliably show its output? The service always sees the HTTP GET request on its stdin, and sends its reply to stdout. xinetd handles the tcp ...
Klaus Hartnegg's user avatar
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xinetd port forwarding causes HttpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() to always return

We're attempting to identify where specific requests are coming from inside our Java application. We have changed the log files to include the IP address and we're using httpServletRequest....
Chris Williams's user avatar
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issue with xinetd arguments

i have created this BASH script called blah which does something simple like this (See below) #./blah -x "bindas" hello bindas i would like to execute script using xinetd with dynamic variable, ...
bindas's user avatar
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Bypass /etc/services lookup for xinetd

I'm looking to execute a script launched by xinetd over an arbitrary port. However after some testing it appears that I will need to explicitly define the service and port on /etc/services for xinetd ...
loloy.batoytoy's user avatar
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Fedora 17 tftp not sending files on requests

My Issue is I am attempting to set up tftp on a server, Everything appers to be running correctly exept when I try to download a file from tftp it never responds, There are not any error's that I see, ...
Tim Holum's user avatar
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Docker container exits without any message

I'm trying to run xinetd in a Docker container. My Docker file is very basic: # voip-monitor # # VERSION 0.0.1 FROM ubuntu:14.04 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ...
Jeroen Moors's user avatar
13 votes
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What is a ToD server, "Time of Day" (Not NTP)

I got a simple task: Setup a ToD server... It is not NTP. It runs on port 37. It seems to be bundled with inetd or xinetd. Shall be installed on Debian or CentOS. Alternatively FreeBSD (pfsense ...
Tillebeck's user avatar
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NRPE: What's the difference between `only_from` directive and `allowed_hosts` and which one is preferred by NRPE?

I see two different places where I can configure which Nagios server my NRPE clients will speak with. The first one, while configuring NRPE to run under xinetd: only_from = mon1....
Itai Ganot's user avatar
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Port forwarding via xinetd in NATed environment

I'm working on a setup that requires redirecting request coming on one of the server's port to other server's port in a NATed environment (example: all request coming on should be ...
vasco.debian's user avatar
4 votes
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systemd: get core dumps for service started by xinetd

I recently upgraded a system to openSUSE 13.1. We're running a custom-built service on the system through xinetd, and in the old xinetd init script had the line ulimit -c unlimited before starting ...
sjaensch's user avatar
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Pure-ftpd port does not get opened even though the service starts properly, what could be the cause?

I've installed Pure-ftpd on my CentOS 6.4 server, after configuring the server I ran /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start ; /etc/init.d/xinetd restart and it indicates that the service has started successfully....
Itai Ganot's user avatar
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preventing log_on_success in xinetd

I'd like to prevent a particular xinetd check from logging START/EXIT messages as it's a lot of logging I don't need. Is ther a way to set log_on_success = NONE or something? I'm able to find ways of ...
ceejayoz's user avatar
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xinetd service: OK to change user? (cvs pserver)

Legacy Source Control: CVS under xinetd We have a team that uses legacy source control: cvs. We run cvs pserver under xinetd (config file below). Audit Flag A security audit raised a flag: "make ...
user50460's user avatar
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Setting up the correct FTP user permissions

To possibly fix an error, I was told to set the correct permissions to a user: Make sure that ftp user of your repository has permissions for: change directory (cd) list directory (ls) create ...
user avatar
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Linux/RHEL Server Down with "xinetd" Alerts?

Suddenly one of my RHEL 6 Server [VM] (serving Apache on it also) went down and when i rebooted it, i saw several of following /var/log/messages as latest before it went down: May 4 08:16:37 ...
夏期劇場's user avatar
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Curl Failure when receiving data from peer using Percona XtraDB Cluster Check

I'm having a similar issue to the one mentioned here: xinetd 'connection reset by peer' I've setup percona-clustercheck (which comes with Percona's XtraDB Cluster packages) with xinetd and I'...
Brad's user avatar
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xinetd 'connection reset by peer'

I'm using percona-clustercheck (which comes with Percona's XtraDB Cluster packages) with xinetd and I'm getting an error when trying to curl the clustercheck service. /usr/bin/clustercheck: #!/bin/...
ceejayoz's user avatar
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is it possible to provide variable arguments to xinetd service?

I have created a bash script to listen on specific port (using xinetd), so whenever there is someone connecting to port, then it invokes the script and provides its output to user. But i need to ...
Farhan's user avatar
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Forward public port to localhost

I have a process running on my Ubuntu 12.04 server that insists on binding to a public IP address. I only want it accessible from localhost, and NOT the outside world. I've been trying to work out a ...
Dan's user avatar
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Why is xinetd ignoring 'bind' option? [closed]

On a server with proftpd controlled by xinetd (plesk/centos FWIW), I want to make proftpd listen only on a specific ip address. I've tried putting bind = in /etc/xinetd.d/ftp_psa, and ...
DaedalusFall's user avatar
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tomcat6 behind xinetd - real client ip

In server.xml, at the Connector I specify proxyPort as 80. Here's the xinetd service: service http { socket_type = stream protocol = tcp user = tomcat6 ...
Poni's user avatar
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Monitoring MySQL replication through HAProxy Xinetd service

I have have set up MySQL multi-master replication with HAProxy as a load balancer following Alex Williams' tutorial found here;
Joe Gibson's user avatar
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How do I get rsync to listen on two different ports via xinetd?

I have multiple servers that receive files via rsync on different ports. I'd like to merge them into the same physical server and let the clients continue to direct their files to the same port they ...
Jason Powers's user avatar
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ssh with xinetd

I want to configure xinetd for ssh connections (port 55555). Here is my config files: /etc/xinetd.d/sshd service ssh { disable = no socket_type = stream wait =...
canu johann's user avatar
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SSH tunnel with xinetd; bind Address already in use

I'm having an ssh tunnel connection which works fine from the command-line; ssh -f -N -L [email protected] -p 22 Now I'm trying to make this connect to connect on demand ...
Ezeyme's user avatar
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BASH Script as xinetd service

I have recently found out that a server I am working on has an xinetd service that is in fact a shell script that calls another shell script with arguments retrieved via respective network connections....
remote's user avatar
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Git daemon doesn't work properly when run from xinetd

I'm trying to set up a git public repository for my team. I have installed Git on a linux box (RedHat 5.6). As a first step, i'm trying to configure Git to use the git protocol, by setting it up to ...
liortal's user avatar
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vsftpd over xinetd: connection refused

I've been banging my head against this for hours and I'm stumped. I am setting up a Gentoo Linux box with vsftpd. I can get it to work as a standalone daemon, but not with xinetd. When I try to ...
curtisdf's user avatar
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ll Centos Xinetd

I have CentOS servers 5.5 and I see that the Xinetd is not install on any of them. Do you think it will be wise to install xinetd or not? These are production systems.
edotan's user avatar
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Auto Start of Proftpd on OpenSuse Linux

I'm trying to activate the Ftpservice on my Root Server, I have OpenSuse installed, and I'm using the xinetd method. I added this to my xineted.conf: service ftp { flags = ...
a_ak's user avatar
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