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4 votes

802.1X Chicken or the Egg?

You understand correctly: if your only way to connect to the network requires a certificate, you can't connect if you don't have one. Your devices will be able to connect to your wireless network only ...
Massimo's user avatar
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3 votes

Freeradius VLAN assignment with EAP-TLS and WiFi 802.1x

I managed to get this sorted. The solution was that the first line should be a "Check", then the remaining lines are replied. This worked for me: DEFAULT NAS-Port-Type == Wireless-802.11 ...
user397220's user avatar
2 votes

How to uncheck the Validate server certificate option on the Authentication tab in the Network Connection on windows 10 via command line?

The simplest way, in my opinion, to deploy a WLAN or LAN profile is the following: Create the profile with the GUI on your computer Start a command prompt and use: netsh wlan show profiles to show ...
Swisstone's user avatar
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How to uncheck the Validate server certificate option on the Authentication tab in the Network Connection on windows 10 via command line?

I don't know with a script, but if you have an Active Directory environment, you can do it from a group policy. I've accomplished that by using the GPMC. Create a new Group Policy, name it. The ...
Jorge Valentini's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to apply firewall on LAN to LAN packets with just PfSense and a layer 2 switch?

In case Layer 2 switch the IP is not so important and there are traffic based on MAC address. Until the destination is on the same network segment (for Layer 3 view once it is on the same subnet - e.g....
Kamil J's user avatar
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2 votes

802.1x Wifi with Disabled AD Account

RADIUS doesn't control the functionality we were looking for. We are, instead, going to use our UniFi controller to kick off users if they are disabled or deleted.
kccoers's user avatar
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1 vote

MAB and 802.1x Issue - MAB-authenticated device gets dropped

Have you tried adding "no cdp enable" to that interface? I had this issue once and that resolved it.
Christan's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to apply firewall on LAN to LAN packets with just PfSense and a layer 2 switch?

A "layer 2 switch" is really a switch, i.e., its only task is to forward network frames from one net branch to the other. But with today's plummeting hardware costs, many devices called "switch" have ...
vonbrand's user avatar
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1 vote

802.1x and windows 10 domain authentication

Some success: We found that the failover mechanism for authentication to 802.1x/MAB on the Cisco switch was not properly set on one of the ports we were testing on. That would make sense why the NPS ...
Eric Gibson's user avatar
1 vote

Implement 802.1x PAE in a linux server with one NIC

It's perfectly possible, but will require you rechecking some assumptions. Since 802.1x is not available (because your hardware doesn't support it) and you (rightly) don't regard MAC address controls ...
MadHatter's user avatar
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How to enable 802.1x EAP-TTLS with PAP in Windows 7?

Finally, I find an easy and open source tool: It adds the ttls option to authentication list. Test working.
Yuanqiu Li's user avatar

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