10 votes

Are there any established patterns for installing a kill or on/off switch for user cron jobs?

Rather than messing with crond, I strongly suggest to implement some (even simple) form of locking inside your build scripts. For example, touch and check for a file in /var/run/: if your script find ...
shodanshok's user avatar
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7 votes

Windows: How to start docker VM att system boot

I wrote a small webapp some time ago which has a system dependency which is only available for unix systems so docker was the natural choice (although i had quite some success with vagrant ..) I am ...
salgmachine's user avatar
5 votes

Windows: How to start docker VM att system boot

Just a small addon: When you start your docker images and want them to start at boot of docker (in this case the virtualmachine running docker) you can use the --restart always option in the docker ...
PWFraley's user avatar
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4 votes

If Robocopy is run from a different server, does it copy the files across the network if the source and destination are the same server?

Modern SMB 2+ client/server implementations supports server side copies and robocopy supports this feature. I just tried copying a big file from ServerA/folder to ServerA/folder2 (a Win2016 server) ...
shodanshok's user avatar
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3 votes

Windows: How to start docker VM att system boot

I have extended Charlie Carver's answer. With following script you can specify which boot2docker machine launch. Since Docker Toolbox folder may not be in your path and all the proper environmental ...
Ameba Spugnosa's user avatar
2 votes

How to install MSBuild 15.0 on Windows 2012 (Not R2)

W2012 is not supported. The note "Also installs on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1" was changed to "Also installs on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1"
P.C.'s user avatar
  • 36
2 votes

Is it possible to deploy a iOS app using Google Cloud Build?

After some investigation, I reached the conclusion that probably you can not do it because Cloud Build requires Docker, which is based on Linux VM whereas XCode is based on iOS. Additionally, I ...
Artemis Georgakopoulou's user avatar
2 votes

Jenkins: Difference between job and workspace/job?

The jobs directory is the place where Jenkins stores the job definitions, build artefacts and build logs. Workspace is the directory that is used to create the build. One can choose which files to ...
Tero Kilkanen's user avatar
2 votes

Best configuration for frequent short lived EC2 instances, eg a build server

What CI/CD tool do you use? Jenkins? GitLab? Bamboo? GoCD? CodePipeline? Something else? Most CI/CD tools have some way to spin up the build hosts only when needed, run the build, store the built ...
MLu's user avatar
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1 vote

Alternative to Jenkins Extended Choice Parameter plugin?

Personally I use the Active Choices plugin for dynamically-generated parameters.
jayhendren's user avatar
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1 vote

Cloud build is failing to connect to npm and install packages. Network error

“But it would be great with an issue tracker of some sorts? Or a status page if anyone knows about it?” Yes, visit here to check status information on the services that are part of Google ...
Anant Swaraj's user avatar
1 vote

Cloud build is failing to connect to npm and install packages. Network error

npm registry was having a connection problem at 10.28 UTC.
mforsetti's user avatar
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1 vote

Difference between Build Pipeline and Deployment Pipeline

1) build is putting the engine together. Compile, package, test and put into inventory. 2) deploy is install in a car, put gas in and start up. Spin up an instance in a container, server, runtime ...
Yaro's user avatar
  • 66
1 vote

Karma Unit Tests not able to run in Google Cloud Build with Puppeteer

Selected docker container, hasn't got required packages to run chrome; You should change, to updated one; cloud build.yaml to run headless-chrome tests (also, you should put puppeeter in dependencies ...
Nigidoz's user avatar
  • 126
1 vote

Are there any established patterns for installing a kill or on/off switch for user cron jobs?

I tend to just wrap all long running commands in a screen and get cron to start the screen only if there is not one running already. So the following line in crontab */2 * * * * /bin/bash /path/to/...
trs's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

How to install MSBuild 15.0 on Windows 2012 (Not R2)

One way around I find is install (you need know what you will need exactly) it on other computer and then copy it over to this server. I tested it on Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019. This mean I ...
Yankes's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

Controlling Sccm using CLI

Of course. You can achieve most of GUI operations through Powershell either in ConfigMgr. Just download the ConfigMgr Powershell module here. After installing the powershell module, you can simply ...
Jimmy Sun's user avatar
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1 vote

Buildbot access restriction configuration

Add view='auth' to the Authz call. authz_cfg=authz.Authz( auth=auth.HTPasswdAuth("/root/buildbot/bb-master/htpasswd"), view='auth' )
h0tw1r3's user avatar
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Windows: How to start docker VM att system boot

You could also use NSSM (Non-Sucking Service Manager) Launch NSSM from a command promt or powershell windows with the install param (nssm.exe install) This will launch GUI, eneter the following ...
David Brook's user avatar

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