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4 votes

cp without overwriting destination permissions

By default, GNU cp (version 8.32) will NOT overwrite destination permissions, so the question is moot: % ls -li total 8,192 19392015 -rwxrwxrwx 1 ravi ravi 4 Jan 3 16:54 bar* 19392014 -rw-r--r-- 1 ...
Tom Hale's user avatar
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3 votes

How to move and partially rename files on linux

This worked for me - could also be done with find instead of ls: #touch foo-1.3.{1..10}.war #ls -1 foo-1.3.10.war foo-1.3.1.war foo-1.3.2.war foo-1.3.3.war foo-1.3.4.war foo-1.3.5.war ...
Guz's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

UNIX Copy/Move files in same directory preserving timestamp

Only root can change ownership of files, so user3 will need to be able to use sudo to change ownership of files belonging to user1 and user2. mv will always preserve all metadata, including ...
wurtel's user avatar
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3 votes

How to make cp report an error when file was not copied?

I doubt you can do that with CP, because it only tells you if the command ran sucessfully or not. I would use rsync instead
SitecKris's user avatar
3 votes

mv fails but cp succeeds on nfs mount

Are your password / group databases in sync between client and server? Do you see any files on nfs mounted directory on nfs client as owned by nobody nobody Can you post output of nfsidmap -d from ...
Dmitry Zayats's user avatar
3 votes

cp -p will preserve times for some files but not all?

I know this is old, but I was having the same issue of trying to copy over cifs shares. I have several commands set up in sudoers with the NOPASSWD option and one is cp. If I do sudo cp -r from.file ...
user999684's user avatar
3 votes

copy files, get file names from a list

Xargs is nice/fast/etc but isn't easy to understand for novices in shell scripting. I think that's will be much more readable (and more clean than for with subshell). #!/bin/bash while read ...
strizhechenko's user avatar
2 votes

cpio VS tar and cp

I understand from the comments and other background that cpio is less ubiquitous now and inconsistent between versions. But cpio has one advantage I recently found invaluable when dealing with a large ...
mdisibio's user avatar
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2 votes

copy files, get file names from a list

You can do this IFS=$'\n' ; for file in `cat file_list.txt` ; do cp $file /path/ ; done Explanation Set internal field separator to newline Read file_list.txt and loop through each line assigning ...
Ryan Babchishin's user avatar
2 votes

Is it OK to copy files installed with rpm to another location?

Doing it that way negates most the the advantages of using packages. Fix the package to put its files where you want them. That way if you use rpm to verify files it will checksum the files in use. ...
John Mahowald's user avatar
2 votes

Why I can do a wildcard copy from one location, but can't from another?

sudo cp /home/jenkins/dist/*.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/ Here, your (non-privileged) shell will attempt to expand the '*' before passing the resulting command line to sudo - hence its behaviour will ...
symcbean's user avatar
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2 votes

Safest way to move a mount point that is a parent of other mount points on Linux to a new physical device

If you bind mount a directory, then the submounts will not be bound. So create a dummy directory somewhere, and do mount --bind /var/lib/kubelet/ /mnt/tmptmp_dummy/ Then the contents of the /var/lib/...
Lacek's user avatar
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2 votes

How to move and partially rename files on linux

Using just bash and commands in most common distributions by default: find . -name "foo-*.war" -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "other_folder/foo-dev-${1#foo-}"' _ {} \;
LTPCGO's user avatar
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2 votes

using find, exec and cp to copy specific files while preserving directory path

You have a race condition: since temp/s is in find's search path, find is listing files, while the spawned cps are adding new files. You have to exclude the sub-directory while running find: find . -...
Piotr P. Karwasz's user avatar
1 vote

How can I check if a transfer initiated with `aws s3 cp` was 100% successful?

One can use --only-show-errors: if the transfer is 100% successful, then nothing will be output. Documentation: --only-show-errors (boolean) Only errors and warnings are displayed. All other output ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

How to move and partially rename files on linux

You could use Perl implementation of rename program (there is another program called rename which is a part of util-linux package) like that: $ touch foo-1.3.{1..10}.war $ ls -l total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 ...
Arkadiusz Drabczyk's user avatar
1 vote

Making a copy of all .acignore->.gitignore in place, recursively

This should do the trick: find ./ -name '.acignore' | sed 's/.acignore//g' | xargs -I {} cp {}.acignore {}.gitignore It's "./" if you are inside the "c" directory. If you are ...
Lukas Räpple's user avatar
1 vote

Copying files in Linux keeps full path

To copy folder world to ~/backups/backup_2019-05-04: backupdir=~/backups/backup_$(date +%F) mkdir -p "$backupdir" cp -av ~/world "$backupdir" I used flag -a for archive mode which includes -R. You ...
Freddy's user avatar
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1 vote

what is the best approach to copy /var content

Instead of cp I suggest rsync -aqxP /var/* /var_copy ...but your plan will break many things (rm -rf /var "under" a running system). Better to copy things modify /etc/fstab reboot ... as ...
V-Mark's user avatar
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1 vote

Create copy of file in the same location

cp /very/long/file/path{,.bak} vim !$ or cpvi() { name=$1 cp "${name}" "${name}.bak" $EDITOR "${name}.bak" } cpvi /very/long/file/path
ptman's user avatar
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1 vote

cp is too slow, same with rsync (I assume) - is there a way to share files in two locations?

You could copy using reflinks `cp --reflink=always', which will create a differential file that references a static original. If you do this, you'll probably want to make the original immutable so the ...
Spooler's user avatar
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1 vote

ACL mask not updated when cp a directory with g=r-x to directory with default:mask::rwx and default:group::rwx

To copy ACLs from a directory to another, you had to instruct cp to do that, using the -a switch. In other words, use cp -a src dst EDIT The inherited ACLs will not grant permissions which the file ...
shodanshok's user avatar
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1 vote

copy files, get file names from a list

cat file_list.txt | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -r0i cp -t /path/to/dest/ "{}"
Anubioz's user avatar
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1 vote

Turning off cp (copy) command's interactive mode (cp : overwrite ?)

Yea the reason for cp command to be interactive because in many common shells by default copy comes with alias as cp -i this can be found by running command as follows : alias cp output will be ...
SAGAR Nair's user avatar

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