4 votes

How to create a EFI partition using PowerShell?

I suspect this would be the equivalent in PowerShell: New-Partition -DiskNumber 0 -Size 100MB -GptType "{c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b}" -DriveLetter "S" Format-Volume -...
Adam Parsons's user avatar
4 votes

Does `diskpart clean` send a TRIM command?

Adding to @longneck's answer: Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter <YourDriveLetter> -ReTrim -Verbose should be what you are looking for in Windows PowerShell, defrag <YourVolume> /L ...
Lenniey's user avatar
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Mirrored volume in Windows performance - Storage Spaces vs diskpart performance

It depends on how you configured your particular mirror. If you selected one column then you won’t have any performance boost, it would be one drive performing reads whilst second used only if first ...
BaronSamedi1958's user avatar
3 votes

Does `diskpart clean` send a TRIM command?

diskpart clean only overwrites the MBR or GPT areas. It does not TRIM the entire drive. I'm not aware of any utilities for Windows that can TRIM an entire drive. There are quite a few options for ...
longneck's user avatar
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How to convert my hard disk PartitionStyle from GPT back to RAW in Windows 10

RAW is not a Partition type the way MBR or GPT is. When Windows shows your HDD partition as RAW, it is NOT the Partition style it is talking about. It is the state of the file system installed on that ...
Devstr's user avatar
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Can Windows Server 2022 read passed through SAS drives in a JBOD configuration?

There's nothing special about SAS drives. If the controller is supported, they'll appear in Windows like any other drive.
vidarlo's user avatar
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Windows 10 safely delete recovery partition

This answer is intended for Windows version 2004 and newer, where the recovery partition (if exists) is after system partition. In 1909 and older the partition may be located before the system ...
Louis Waweru's user avatar
1 vote

Windows Server 2019 - Disk size not maching the diskpart info

This has worked for me in the past to reconcile the different sizes for my drives size showing in disk management and windows explorer disk properties: C\ > DISKPART DISKPART> List Volume ...
MrLumute's user avatar
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Completely remove virtual disks with diskpart (list volume still shows them)

Sorry if this is an dumb answer, but you have restarted the windows machine? I have tried creating an Parent disk with a child differencing disk like you have, and i can see them with list vdisk, but ...
Martinos's user avatar
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How to create a EFI partition using PowerShell?

Please note that you need to select a disk before you can create a partition. Read diskpart /?, use : Microsoft DiskPart syntax: diskpart [/s <script>] [/?] /s <script> -...
JosefZ's user avatar
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setting the 'hidden' attribute on a partion from Linux (parted) isnt respected by Windows?

Parted and gdisk differ in how they call the different GPT partition attribute bits: bit parted gdisk comment 0 hidden system partition defined in UEFI specification as "Required Partition"...
Xypron's user avatar
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Resizing partition with DiskPart using desired and minimum options is unsuccessful

Have/Had similar issues/question, so documenting my findings. From https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/storage/disk-management/shrink-a-basic-volume When you shrink a partition, certain ...
NiKiZe's user avatar
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Is there any way to fix a corrupted LDM database?

Your problem and my problem almost the same: I can see drives in disk management, but non of the partitions were executable, in my windows explorer the drive letters were gone. in my case, disk-part ...
VL Thlan's user avatar

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