6 votes

Mikrotik - redirecting YouTube to a local friendly page

If you don't have administrative rights on the client, you can't. (because it's considered as an attack) If you have administrative rights on the clients, you can install there your own certificate ...
Tom's user avatar
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6 votes

DNAT from localhost (

This works for me, routing traffic from localhost:8081 to, where is a veth behind the bridge interface named docker0. sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.docker0.route_localnet=1 ...
pwaller's user avatar
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5 votes

DNAT using iptables only works for traffic incoming on eth0

First, let's draw your network topology. I think this is side effect of the reverse path filter, because the packets are dropped at the routing decision step. Check the output of nstat -az '...
Anton Danilov's user avatar
5 votes

DNAT from localhost (

You will have to run the following three commands to make it work: iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d --dport 4242 -j DNAT --to sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.route_localnet=...
stephenjy's user avatar
3 votes

Strange behaviour on iptable with nat AND port forwarding

Your issue relates to especialities of the linux connection tracker. The quick answer: you cannot avoid this delay in your configuration. Only way is avoid this issue is usage the -j SNAT without a ...
Anton Danilov's user avatar
3 votes

Squid 3.5: Preventing forwarding loop in intercept mode

I met the similar requirement as well today. After some digging, it looks like this is a feature for Squid to prevent a vulnerable http://www.squid-cache.org/Advisories/SQUID-2011_1.txt. Reading code ...
chuyee's user avatar
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port rerouting with iptables not working

This will not work for at least two reasons: You added a rule with DNAT target in PREROUTING chain and this will not be hit when connecting locally. Intead, you need to add it to your OUTPUT chain in ...
Khaled's user avatar
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3 votes

How to DNAT Broadcast Packets

As alternative to AUTAPF, socat can be used. $ sudo socat UDP4-RECVFROM:139,broadcast,fork UDP4-SENDTO: Where - broadcast forward target Basen on [UDP port forwarding with ...
mmv-ru's user avatar
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3 votes

DNAT without default route

There are various ways to implement what you want. Draw your network topology. Simplest way It requires only single DNAT rule on the S2 (server in the new DC) and additinal routing configuration on ...
Anton Danilov's user avatar
2 votes

How-to DNAT-forward all IP traffic on Windows 10 from IP1 to IP2?

This may be an old one but there's no answers and 2k views. The reason why netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=80 connectaddress= connectport=80 doesn't ...
Architect Jamie's user avatar
2 votes

nftables natting with source IP

You can do the same rules in nftables this way: table inet nat { chain prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; iif eno1 ip daddr { <public_ip> } tcp dport 21 ...
setenforce 1's user avatar
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nftables: hairpin / loopback NAT with dynamic IP

Okay I managed to fix this and also simpified my config. The forward chain doesn't need to explicitly accept traffic for specifics ports, I can just tell it to forward anything that has a dnat rules ...
TCB13's user avatar
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nftables: hairpin / loopback NAT with dynamic IP

What you probably need is a 'FIB EXPRESSION' from nft man page. This is the rule I use for my DNAT (you will need to adjust for your setup): chain PREROUTING { type nat hook prerouting ...
Tomek's user avatar
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Forward traffic with iptables without exposing real IP/Port

So the first firewall rule I used works: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 5555 -j DNAT --to-destination x.x.15.42:23555 The only problem was indeed that the server was telling the client ...
mrmc's user avatar
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Nftables - how not to dnat an ip on interface (DNS)

You just have to add an additional condition to not match for this IP address, thus not performing NAT in the end: iifname "br0" ip saddr != udp dport 53 counter dnat to ...
A.B's user avatar
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Need correct iptable rules for NAT instance to prevent loop back for private subnet EC2 instance outgoing traffic

Your PREROUTING must exclude the local traffic, i.e. iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp ! --source --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination Note the exclamation mark before ...
MLu's user avatar
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Port 80 mixed up among clients using DNAT

Your provlem is your dnat rule has no destination address filter on it, you need to add '-d' to the rule.
Peter Green's user avatar
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KVM guest can't connect to itself after DNAT

One possible solution is to use SNAT on the HOST to change the source address of packets and forward them back to "ari" VM. It's not the most performant solution but it's simple and good enough for ...
kupson's user avatar
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nftables dnat forwarding is not working properly

Thanks to Роман Иванов for useful nft monitor. NAT doesn't work because i use this rule at the end of filter forward: iifname wan0 reject in chain NAT you need rule: NAT => PREROUTING nft add ...
xakru's user avatar
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nftables dnat forwarding is not working properly

Here are some steps you can take: Type nat hook prerouting priority 0; <-Should be -100 (minus hundred) according to NF_IP_PRI_NAT_DST netfilter constant Use "meta nftrace set 1" in prerouting and ...
Роман Иванов's user avatar
1 vote

IPTables -j DNAT doesn't appear to work in a certain case

An ICMP Echo reply packet is part of an established flow. That means, when the kernel received such a packet in a normal case, it was already expecting it (after the initial ICMP Echo request) , so ...
A.B's user avatar
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How to DNAT Broadcast Packets

If your goal is to receive the packet back as broadcast again on the destination then you can use L2 VPN. It does not DNAT, but tunnels the original packet to where the tunnel leads and then demarcate ...
alexlev2004's user avatar
1 vote

Forwarding ports from one bridged interface to a guest container on host OS

I would simply set up the public .180 address on the host OS vmbr0 interface, and then make port forwarding on the host OS. I can't see the point of having the separate VM here. If you really want to ...
Tero Kilkanen's user avatar
1 vote

iptables/nat/prerouting ignores UDP packets?

Same thing here. As the last thing to check, check the conntrack table. In my case, resetting the tracked connections make the rules work instantly. apt install conntrack -y # see current UDP ...
Ben's user avatar
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