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MX record pointing to a dynamic IP

MX record never points to an IP, "static" or "dynamic". Period. It points to some domain name which is the name of the server who should process the incoming mail for a domain in ...
Nikita Kipriyanov's user avatar
3 votes

IP address limit

Assuming you're using a /24 ( subnet mask then the limit is 254 ip addresses usable by host systems. If you want to enlarge that address range (increase the number of host usable ip ...
joeqwerty's user avatar
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How to manage redundant ISPs with dynamic DNS

I use AWS Route53 health checks for inbound DNS resolution and internet failover. Create a health check. Create an public DNS entry for each service. Associate the health check with the DNS entry.
ewwhite's user avatar
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SNMP: How to monitor devices that do not have static IP adress with Zabbix

You can set Zabbix to connect to DNS in your host config:
Lenniey's user avatar
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How to use nsupdate to update a wildcard dns record

Better late than never? I'll just add my answer here since I found your question when looking for an answer myself. Just "slashing" the asterisk worked out fine for me. update add \* 600 ...
Tomas Tornevall's user avatar
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How to run DHCPcd on interface eth1 only

No, your approach isn't correct. Raspbian uses dhcpcd instead of /etc/network/interfaces (which is considered deprecated) by default. But as you've already configured your statics IPs through that ...
NStorm's user avatar
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MX record pointing to a dynamic IP

You need 1 domain you own (or at least can set records for) You need a subdomain from a dynamic DNS provider which updates (the A record of) your every time your IP ...
Virsacer's user avatar
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MX record pointing to a dynamic IP

As others have said already, standing up a SMTP server on a new IP is something to be avoided like the plague. Not only does most ISPs block tcp/25 everywhere they can, aka. every single consumer ...
Stuggi's user avatar
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Netplan- How to configure a static IPv6-address and SLACC

Yes, It is possible. You should edit the netpplan configuration file (etc/netplan/config.yaml) and here is a example to achieve your goal. dhcp4: no dhcp6: no addresses: - "YOUR_IPV6&...
AmirD12's user avatar
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My debian server have a dynamic ip address. Have one program like a vpn to give

There might be VPN providers out there that will allow port forwarding but I don't think this is very common. Another option would be to use ngrok basically it will create a URL pointing back to your ...
proxx's user avatar
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DHCP server failover with dynamic bootp range declaration

From your own log output: The failover protocol itself does not permit dynamic bootp - this is not a limitation specific to the ISC DHCP server. Please don't ask me to defend this until you have read ...
NiKiZe's user avatar
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ISP configured Dynamic IP is different from what websites see when I access them

The subnet is Shared address space Not a valid public IP address, if you try to connect to that address from the same ISP it might work, but it is not globally routable. The reason for ...
NiKiZe's user avatar
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ansible Dynamic inventory Hosts value does not accept list of hosts

Apart from the above error, you can get the same error if you are using a .ini hosts file. Change the extension to a .yml file to match the actual file format. Mine was that simple and it was resolved ...
iProcessor's user avatar
1 vote

How to manage redundant ISPs with dynamic DNS

It depends on your dual WAN router's features, but I believe the most straight-forward solution could be to make the router to use ISP/WAN 2 only when it detects that ISP/WAN 1 is down. This way you ...
Esa Jokinen's user avatar
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What are our possibilities when we have dynamic IP and want a mail server behind it?

Public MX Server on DHCP While folks are correct in that it will not work (as stated), there is a way around this. You will need a VM with an IP that has a good reputation (never sent spam). Set up ...
Aaron's user avatar
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