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3 votes

Missing raddb folder

Typically the software has a default location for configuration files decided on by the developer which can be overridden at build time. You, or typically a package maintainer and the packaging ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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3 votes

MacOS clients sporadically disconnect from WPA Enterprise wireless network

This is a well known bug in a mac, but they fixed that a few months ago. If you have the latest update check the router instead or buy a cheap router. Select extender mode when setting it up, then ...
Franieeeeee's user avatar
3 votes

Freeradius VLAN assignment with EAP-TLS and WiFi 802.1x

I managed to get this sorted. The solution was that the first line should be a "Check", then the remaining lines are replied. This worked for me: DEFAULT NAS-Port-Type == Wireless-802.11 ...
user397220's user avatar
3 votes

FreeRADIUS with LDAP vs Kerberos

For FreeRADIUS The comment is there as a generic disclaimer and to address a deficiency in FreeRADIUS. In the majority of cases you don't know what the user's DN is to perform the bind. So first, ...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
3 votes

How to encrypt user password in Freeradius

In short, You need to specify a password hash format instead of Cleartext-Password, and You need to set auth_goodpass and auth_badpass to 'no' to prevent logging passwords. Specifying a hash format ...
gowenfawr's user avatar
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2 votes

freeradius, rlm_rest : Failed to Authenticate user

You're not using rest to do authentication here, you're just using it to retrieve the user's password. You need to list the pap module too to actually perform the comparison. i.e. authorize { ...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
2 votes

CentOS 6 ssh is not prompting for the verification code?

Thank you all for your help :) I had to increase the timeout in the pam_radius.conf changed it from 15 to 30.
Winn's user avatar
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2 votes

FreeRadius authentication issue

No User-Password or CHAP-Password attribute in the request. This why the request is failing, The request is not supplying any password!
Anirudh Malhotra's user avatar
2 votes

Should a server or a client be able to verify a client/server certificate - intermediate certificate chain with a known root ca?

Yes it's fine to use chains with a common intermediary CA. Yes. Yes and it does. You need to post the debug output from FreeRADIUS. Saying it returns "error 20" is not helpful. That's likely not a ...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
2 votes

What characters are allowed for the username and password in FreeRADIUS?

Radius strings may be any valid UTF8 sequence. There's no limitations on what characters can be used for a user's password or for their username.
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
2 votes

Client Certificate Authentication Apache 2.2

Since my version of Debian is Wheezy (7), I had to use apache 2.2 and use a clever work around. Here's my Apache configuration (with a couple lines omitted): AddRadiusAuth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:1812 ~~~~~~~~...
alexs973's user avatar
2 votes

Why freeradius server says invalid Message-Authenticator which is generated from radtest?

It's probably not loading the right clients.conf or you have another definition for Try using testing123 which is the default for the localhost client definition. If it works, you know ...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
2 votes

Freeradius 3 can't find Auth-Type for pfSense OpenVPN Auth-Requests

In the above example you're doing PAP not PEAP. There's no module which'll automatically set ntlm_auth as the auth type so you need to do it in the policy language, i.e. authorize { if (&...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
2 votes

Separate users in two groups (staff and guests) in FreeRADIUS 3

If you want to assign groups to users do it with check items which insert items into the &control list, i.e. guest1 Mygroup := 'guests', Cleartext-Password := 'password1' staff1 Mygroup := '...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
2 votes

MSCHAPv2 authentication not working

You need neither enable the ntlm_auth row in /etc/raddb/mods-available/mschap nor set ntlm auth = yes in your smb.conf. As MSCHAPv2 doesn't seem to support NTLMv2, you do need to set the following in ...
pinjaliina's user avatar
2 votes

2FA via freeRADIUS, ignoring password

I figured this out myself. If anyone is interested, it's related to the configuration in /etc/pam.d/radiusd First, follow one of these tutorials to set up Google Authenticator as the second factor on ...
Jeedee's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it ok to use PAP with TTLS on radius server?

In this instance, provided the certificate presented by the server is validated correctly by the supplicant, confidentiality (protection against snooping) and integrity (protection against ...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
2 votes

Adding compiled FreeRADIUS to systemd

The configure option "with-systemd" adds support of the systemd watch dog, but not includes the systemd unit file. If you don't sure, what you need it, don't enable this option. Try to diagnostize ...
Anton Danilov's user avatar
2 votes

How to configure FreeRADIUS for use with strongSwan group selection?

You're missing the comma at the end of the Reply-Message line. See the examples in the users file man page.
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
2 votes

How to encrypt user password in Freeradius

Here is the list of attributes coresponding to the hashing method : Header Attribute Description ------ --------- --...
molik's user avatar
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2 votes

Daloradius ERROR: (3) sql: ERROR: rlm_sql_mysql: ERROR 1054 (Unknown column 'acctupdatetime' in 'field list')

Solution The issue is some table fields are missing. The SQL schema in daloradius does not create all the fields. To fix this error you have to add the missing SQL fields manually by yourself. Run ...
xaander1's user avatar
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1 vote

MSCHAPv2 authentication not working

Setting ntlm auth = yes in the global section of smb.conf "fixed" it. I'd like to go back to disallowing ntlmv1 so if somebody has a way to get this working without ntlmv1 please post your own answer.
Dessa Simpson's user avatar
1 vote

Can't authenticate radius against active directory

With AD you have two credential options, either the plaintext password, or the NT-Password (MD4 hash of the password). With plaintext auth you can use an LDAP authenticated bind to validate the ...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
1 vote

What does the FreeRADIUS error "SSL says error 25 : path length constraint exceeded" mean?

What does the error "SSL says error 25 : path length constraint exceeded" mean and does this have to do with the length of the chains of trust? This refers to the pathLenConstraint extension of the ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
1 vote

freeradius failover when ldap not available

Use the redundant section e.g. authorize { redundant { ldap files } } If the first module fails, the second module will be called. If you want the server to start if LDAP is ...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
1 vote

freeradius hush rlm_ldap log messages

You could, you know, fix the underlying issue. i.e. Tweak the connection pool settings to that the connection pool isn't constantly creating and destroying connections. Without knowing why it's ...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
1 vote

FreeRadius + Active Directory + Google Authenticator

We have a similar setup, but without Google auth. AD group restrictions in freeradius can be configured as follows: The users file contains: DEFAULT Ldap-Group != "vpn", Auth-Type := Reject The ...
roelvanmeer's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I force freeradius to check certificates validity?

Yes I found a wait I have to enable eap-tls Then you have to give a Ca certificate and user certificate The Ca certificate is here only to secure the connection not for identification. The fact ...
arnaud's user avatar
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1 vote

Freeradius: Clients.conf and CoA

Got a reply from other forum that it is not possible in v3
Lakshman Pilaka's user avatar
1 vote

How to clone and restore FreeRadius setup in another server?

Yes, everything is self-contained within raddb. You could also theoretically create your own debian package which provides 'freeradius-config' and use that to install your custom configuration.
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar

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