9 votes

iptables equivalent for mac os x

I too had to do a similar thing recently, and in searching came upon this answer. Unfortunately, the answer of Nafe uses ipfw which is now deprecated and unavailable in OSX; and the answer of Kevin ...
ahron's user avatar
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IPFW denies ssl connections

I do not use IPv6, but I notice from /etc/rc.firewall and /etc/protocols that ICMP has a different symbolic name for IPv6 which is ipv6-icmp. If you need to pass IPv6 ICMP packets, you may want to add ...
Richard Smith's user avatar
1 vote

ipfw testing without blocking the FreeBSD server in the case of ipfw error

There is a very handy script: /usr/share/examples/ipfw/change_rules.sh It works exactly as you want: # Invoke this script to edit ${firewall_script}. It will call ${EDITOR}, # or vi(1) if the ...
Kondybas's user avatar
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Allowing access to UDP range port in ipfw/FreeBSD

add 2000 allow udp from to me 20500-20750 Right, that will work. With the above configuration, do I ensure that all traffic is allowed? It depends on what you meant of "all traffic&...
Denis Yusupov's user avatar

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