26 votes

How to add local forward setting to my ssh config file?

I think, you have differently defined command and config. In command, you are using localhost and in config, IP address ( This should works for you: Host myhost User myuser ...
dorinand's user avatar
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18 votes

Why does my hostname appear with the address rather than in /etc/hosts?

I was curious myself, and i didnt like any of the other answer because they didnt seem to answer what i was looking for atleast. The Answer: Looking back at this doc it almost appears as if Thomas was ...
Brian Thomas's user avatar
17 votes

iptables: what does "--src-type LOCAL" mean exactly?

I believe the answer that addr-type LOCAL means loopback is wrong, because it is only a partial answer and is extremely misleading. LOCAL means ANY IP assigned on one of the interfaces of the host, ...
Lethargos's user avatar
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17 votes

Can't SSH into a Vagrant Virtual Machine

It's old but as there is no answer, I'll provide one. Command: vagrant ssh Is the equivalent of ssh vagrant@localhost -p 2222 -i .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key This is default ...
stefwhite's user avatar
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11 votes

How to add local forward setting to my ssh config file?

The syntax of the ssh_config file was correct - so the error had to be somewhere else. The command line which worked was: ssh -L 8888:localhost:8000 but in the LocalForward directive, you ...
Martin's user avatar
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6 votes

DNAT from localhost (

This works for me, routing traffic from localhost:8081 to, where is a veth behind the bridge interface named docker0. sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.docker0.route_localnet=1 ...
pwaller's user avatar
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6 votes

Why does my hostname appear with the address rather than in /etc/hosts?

I read several answers around, and I'm frankly a bit confused. I first tried to understand what is canonical hostname here. What I can say is that @cmroanirgo is right in saying that on my Ubuntu ...
Riccardo Manfrin's user avatar
5 votes

iptables: what does "--src-type LOCAL" mean exactly?

The terminology "local route" means the packets will be delivered "locally" to your host, because the destination is assigned to one of your host's interfaces. It does not only mean localhost, as in ...
invsblduck's user avatar
5 votes

DNAT from localhost (

You will have to run the following three commands to make it work: iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d --dport 4242 -j DNAT --to sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.route_localnet=...
stephenjy's user avatar
5 votes

Will it detriment my security if I allow all connections from localhost through iptables?

Remember that localhost ( is the loopback interface on the system. If someone can snoop traffic on that interface, they are already on your system so you have worse problems to deal with.
user9517's user avatar
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5 votes

Conflict with Chrome and RFC2606

What you are doing is wrong. localhost is a hostname pointing to not a domain, so adding hosts to it as if it is a domain but pointing somewhere else is logically incorrect. You may be ...
JamesRyan's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I force localhost resolution to be instead of ::1?

Remove IPv6, as your legacy application don't seem to support it. Check the download there, it's a quick try easy to do: How to disable IPv6 or its components in Windows How to do it manually: ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
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5 votes

Difference between and

The other answer quotes an obsolete bogus reference which doesn't match the link and doesn't look like it will be corrected. Here is the correct quote from today's Debian Reference Manual: 5.1.1. ...
A.B's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it important to use localhost/ rather than machine's own IP address?

Using an identical hosts file is fine and will have no performance impact, the traffic stays local if you connect to H1 from H1. However, if you connect to localhost/, the source IP will be ...
Sven's user avatar
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4 votes

Ubuntu Apache Server 503 Error: disabled connection for (localhost)

Your understanding on apache configuration is a bit backwards and upside-down. I'd suggest reading the documentation on any new software you're trying to configure. :) In short, this part of your ...
EEAA's user avatar
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4 votes

Can't SSH into a Vagrant Virtual Machine

Windows / Vagrant / Ubuntu This is what worked for me and you can quickly figure out if this will work by running this on the ssh client. ssh [email protected] -p 2222 -v The -v will put it in ...
mrjamiebowman's user avatar
4 votes

/etc/hosts file being ignored

I just wasted an hour because a copy'n'paste update to my /etc/hosts had a tab instead of a blank separating the ip and the name. So another thing worth checking if an entry is being ignored for ...
xverges's user avatar
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4 votes

How to access 3 etc to other computer/network over LAN?

Any packets with an address in the range can never appear on any network anywhere. Traffic sent to an address in that range will immediately loop back inside the host. Start with RFC 1700, ...
Ron Maupin's user avatar
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4 votes

localhost domain bypasses /etc/hosts file

You can't. The localhost is already reserved as a Special-Use Domain Name (RFC 6761, 6.3). The domain localhost. and any names falling within .localhost. are special in the following ways: - - Name ...
Esa Jokinen's user avatar
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4 votes

Nginx static file configuration for CenotOS 7 Minimal Installation

Your system has SELinux enabled. By default SELinux does not allow the web server to read files in users' home directories. The directories enabled for web serving are /var/www (where system packages ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
4 votes

Minikube. How to allow access to local mySQL database from container

Minikube v1.10 added a hostname to the cluster DNS that allows pods to connect to the host. Have your pods use this DNS entry to access the host IP. At this time, the DNS hostname is host.minikube....
levibostian's user avatar
4 votes

nginx won't load site on local machine

You have to enable the website. ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/myproject.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/myproject.conf And the ofcourse, restart/reload nginx.
Orphans's user avatar
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4 votes

mysql bind-address change from to server's IP Address breaks websites

When binding an IPv4 socket, the BSD socket API (used by most *nix and other OSes) leaves two choices: bind to a single address, or bind to all addresses using the reserved address aka ...
A.B's user avatar
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3 votes

In my /etc/hosts/ file on Linux/OSX, how do I do a wildcard subdomain?

Copying from this blog here is how to do it on mac: https://hedichaibi.com/how-to-setup-wildcard-dev-domains-with-dnsmasq-on-a-mac/ ~ brew install dnsmasq ~ vim /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf # This ...
Lance's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does local host say "It Works"?

Use apachectl -S (mac) to list the loaded configuration and to see all your loaded virtual hosts. Probably your project's .conf file is not in that list.
obotezat's user avatar
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3 votes

Nginx SSL on localhost

You are missing a listen directive: listen [::]:443 ssl; This tells nginx to listen for IPv6 connections. Your existing listen directive listens only for IPv4 connections, and this is borne out in ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
3 votes

abcdefg.com resolves to Why?

Because whoever owns the domain changed DNS. It's their domain, they can do that. MXToolbox query confirms it resolves to with a TTL of 24 hours.
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

What does "localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself" mean?

DNS here refers to the Windows operating system DNS resolver, which is part of the network stack.
Tero Kilkanen's user avatar
3 votes

nginx won't load site on local machine

How about just myproject.local in the /etc/hosts? In my experience it would not necessary the semicolon in the end of line
cmj's user avatar
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3 votes

changing netmask of loopback interface

Then loopback only responds to Do not do it, there is no purpose to this non-standard configuration. Just one thing that might be broken: Debian systems that ensure their own hostname ...
John Mahowald's user avatar

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