5 votes

How to update one of many TXT records with nsupdate

When you not only specify the record name and type but also the existing value the name server should only remove the record with that value and leave the other records of the same type unchanged. ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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nsupdate answering SERVFAIL

Thank you for acting like a sysadmin and posting your server logs rather trying to debug server issues from a client utility alone. apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" profile="/usr/sbin/named" ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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4 votes

using nsupdate to delete PTR record by hostname

nsupdate can't do that. The first parameter after "delete" is "name" of the record. You're trying to delete with "data" of the record. You can scan the zone file, find matching records, add them to a ...
Mer's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I send DNS Resource Record updates from Linux to a Windows Active Directory DNS zone that only accepts secure updates?

First, a few assumptions: You have an AD DNS server already operational. It has a zone configured which allows updates as long as the updates are secure. You have some AD credentials with permissions ...
user3629081's user avatar
3 votes

Revert back to manual text edits in Bind

My apologies for quoting the manual verbatim, but the authors are probably better writers than I am https://ftp.isc.org/www/bind/arm95/Bv9ARM.ch04.html The section on the journal database starts with:...
HBruijn's user avatar
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3 votes

Bind9 nsupdate update-policy rule to grant _acme-challenge.**.domain.tld (all additional subdomains)

After spending more than a day on it, I found it as I was writing the question. Just as there is no wildcard expansion available past the left-most subdomain, you can't use the update-policy wildcard ...
ki9's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use nsupdate to update a wildcard dns record

Better late than never? I'll just add my answer here since I found your question when looking for an answer myself. Just "slashing" the asterisk worked out fine for me. update add \*.domain.com 600 ...
Tomas Tornevall's user avatar
1 vote

nsupdate works directly but not via openvpn

Both the ipchange and the up hooks are run before any routes pulled from the server. Any script which runs in those hooks and tries to access a VPN resource will fail because the routing is not set up ...
Lacek's user avatar
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Why does nsupdate fail with "operation canceled"?

The target server's firewall may be blocking TCP port 53. Even though DNS usually uses UDP, nsupdate sometimes needs TCP; see man nsupdate: By default, nsupdate uses UDP to send update requests to ...
nh2's user avatar
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Bind9 nsupdate update-policy rule to grant _acme-challenge.**.domain.tld (all additional subdomains)

You can't directly do what you were trying, but, if you DO want to not explicitly list it inside an update-policy, you CAN get away with some CNAME trickery and provide a separation of roles/access. ...
robbat2's user avatar
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bind9 nsupdate update failed: NOTAUTH

Bind can't access to /etc/bind/zones even it has enough permissions, So i changed Zone files location to /var/lib/bind and now nsupdate can update zones well.
user3690884's user avatar
1 vote

Are nsupdate commands sent as clear text or encrypted?

The secret is encrypted. We can't tell you the strength of the encryption as you didn't provide us the specifics (HMAC-MD5 via TSIG, etc.), but it is a safe assumption that DDNS secrets include a ...
Andrew B's user avatar
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Split DNS configuration: can't update external zone from internal system using nsupdate

I think the best solution would generally be to just use dedicated TSIG keys to access the different views. I know the question mentions this and says it didn't work, but that must have been because ...
Håkan Lindqvist's user avatar

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