25 votes

How to migrate LDAP (database,schema,configuration) to other machine

The solution : So here's what I did to make this works. Stop Slapd on main server Slapcat databases from the main server (There are 2 database that needs to be exported. I use the "-n" tag slapcat -...
J_LDAP's user avatar
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22 votes

How to disable anonymous access on LDAP

If the accepted answer does not work for you (it didn't for me on Ubuntu), try the following. Create ldiff file: nano /usr/share/slapd/ldap_disable_bind_anon.ldif Paste in this: dn: cn=config ...
gavanon's user avatar
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19 votes

Does Linux keeps a cache of groups members if on LDAP ? (Difference between groups vs getent group))

pam_ldap and nsswitch have no caching mechanisms, but nscd or sssd may be present on your system that implement cache. To invalidate / flush nscd groups cache use: sudo nscd --invalidate=group To ...
Slipeer's user avatar
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18 votes

OpenLDAP TLS Authentification

I was following the same guide and had the same issue. It will work if you do the steps to "Tighten up ownership and permissions" listed after the offending ldapmodify command first--namely: sudo ...
Hildigerr's user avatar
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14 votes

openldap sizelimit. Can't receive more than 500 entries

OpenLDAP search limit can be set at server side or client side. 1. Server side in database section of slapd.conf (old style configuration deprecated but steel usable) or cn=config (...
Abdelhamid MEDDEB's user avatar
12 votes

Using Lets Encrypt certificates with openLDAP

The fullchain.pem file is NOT a concatenation of the certificate chain above the cert.pem file, it is a concatenation of the chain.pem and cert.pem file. The chain.pem file and the root authority ...
Ghitea Andrei Paul's user avatar
11 votes

OpenLDAP No such object (32)

You need to find out what backend databases you have configured: ldapsearch -H ldapi:/// -Y EXTERNAL -b "cn=config" -LLL -Q "olcDatabase=*" dn The one you're looking for could be BDB, HDB or MDB. (...
Wraezor Sharp's user avatar
11 votes

When is ldapi:// -Y EXTERNAL needed? Apparently, cosine.ldif breaks without it

You use ldapadd -H ldapi:/// -Y EXTERNAL ... when you want to modify cn=config - the LDAP config itself. LDAP schema is a part of cn=config. -H ldapi:/// - use UNIX-domain socket (/var/run/ldapi) -Y ...
Paweł Tatarczuk's user avatar
10 votes

ldap_modify: Insufficient access (50)

As I had a quite similar problem, I tried daff interesting solution but to no avail. Contrary to Lynn Owens I failed to add a password to the admin in olcDatabase={0}config,cn=config. I finally ...
phep's user avatar
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9 votes

sshPublicKey Attribute not showing - OpenLDAP PHPLDAP SSH Key Auth

Since this was really a GUI Issue, (another example of why its best to learn things on the CLI), my answer will be a Picture. But long story short is I was reading the directions to fast! "Adding a ...
FreeSoftwareServers's user avatar
9 votes

Setting Up multiple domain in LDAP server

The answer to that is dependent on how you want to use the LDAP server. If you want to have three complete separate LDAP trees, you would configure multiple databases in the cn=config configuration ...
Sven's user avatar
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8 votes

Persuading openldap to work with SSL on Ubuntu with cn=config

Roger's link has since rotted, here is the same on the Internet Archive's WayBack Machine, as of the last date archived before he changed his site: https://web.archive.org/web/20150530064010/http://...
Ricky C's user avatar
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8 votes

How to modify/add a new objectClass to an entry in OpenLDAP

Here is an example LDIF file to add the objectClass posixAccount to an existing entry uid=testuser,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com of e.g. objectClass inetOrgPerson: dn: uid=testuser,ou=people,dc=example,...
user2372674's user avatar
8 votes

OpenLDAP No such object (32)

Perhaps your second configured database isn't of the type bdb. For instance, CentOS 7 uses hdb by default. dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config
84104's user avatar
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7 votes

How to properly insert a set of olcAccess attributes to the configuration of an OpenLDAP database?

Another, much easier, answer is to use the ldapvi command to edit the olcAccess entries: ldapvi -h ldapi:// -Y EXTERNAL -b cn=config It dumps all of cn=config into VIM, lets you edit it at your ...
TexasDex's user avatar
7 votes

How to use ldapsearch with SSL on different port (-p does not work)?

ldapsearch: -H incompatible with -p Huh? Why is this a problem? You either use the deprecated -h and -p to respectively set the hostname and non-default port number, or you use -H with a properly ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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6 votes

How to connect postgresql with LDAP user?

Thanks everyone, I just made a change in /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/pg_hba.conf with : local all all ldap ldapserver=ldap.server ldapport=389 ldaptls=0 ldapprefix=...
user1070579's user avatar
6 votes

Using Lets Encrypt certificates with openLDAP

Do you have any extra security measures enabled (like apparmor) which restrict read access to your certificates? I got the same error message ldap_modify: Other (e.g., implementation specific) error (...
boggle's user avatar
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6 votes

How can Samba be configured to use LDAP for authentication only?

I assume that you want to run Samba in simple WinNT-compatible domain controller mode, not the full Active Directory mode. First you have to understand that SMB authentication is based on a NTLM ...
Michael Ströder's user avatar
5 votes

How to disable an LDAP account?

You might be interested in trying slapo-ppolicy (Password Policy overlay), as suggested here. That's indeed a sort of standard, though it might be a bit overkill for what you're trying to do. ...
sphakka's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I authenticate with LDAP via the command line?

We're using FreeIPA/IDM and I was able to authenticate against this using the following: $ ldapsearch -h idm-01a.somednsdom.com \ -D 'uid=<my username>,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=somedcdom,dc=...
slm's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I authenticate with LDAP via the command line?

Note, if you don't know your full bind DN, you can also just use your normal username or email with -U ldapsearch -v -h contoso.com -U [email protected] -w 'MY_PASSWORD' -b 'DC=contoso,DC=com' '...
turiyag's user avatar
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5 votes

OpenLDAP/SSSD Automatically Add User to Local Group

According to the ubuntu documentation you can do a mapping of domain users to local groups, I'm not sure if it is applicable to any OS, but it seems to use standard modules that should be on any *nix ...
dragon788's user avatar
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5 votes

Are SPNs specific to Windows and Active Directory?

They're a Kerberos thing. MIT Kerberos has them. I'd have to google other implementations to see if they have them, too.
Katherine Villyard's user avatar
5 votes

ldap_result: Can't contact LDAP server (-1)

STARTTLS means "explicit TLS" where the connection is established on regular port and then STARTTLS command is sent to initiate SSL handshake and switch to protection mode. To connect try add -Z or -...
Slipeer's user avatar
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5 votes

Modify openLDAP cn=config without slapd running

I know you've basically solved your problem, but I thought I'd add my own steps for making offline slapd configurations if anybody else comes across this. This is from my own documentation for Debian ...
Joshua Schaeffer's user avatar
5 votes

OpenLDAP cn=config: No such object (32)?

I've stumbled over this issue myself but wasn't satisfied by accepted answer as it points out the reason for the issue but is very limited on providing actual instructions on how to fix it. So I kept ...
Thomas Urban's user avatar
4 votes

OpenLdap 2.4 on centos 6 doesn't listen on port 636

For similar issues on CentOS 7.2 & OpenLDAP 2.4.40-9, you need to modify /etc/sysconfig/slapd and add ldaps:///. It would look like: SLAPD_URLS="ldapi:/// ldap:/// ldaps:///" Then restart slapd ...
S R's user avatar
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4 votes

OpenLdap: Why slapd tell me there's no DB_CONFIG when there is one

Maybe others person may hit the same problem. For me, the version of openldap: openldap.x86_64 2.4.40-13.el7 @base openldap-clients.x86_64 2.4.40-13....
onebraveman's user avatar
4 votes

smbk5pwd overlay on OpenLDAP 2.4

Since the existing answers seems a) lacking in detail or b) advocating a pointless schema addition that is no longer required, I've written up a post that explains how to enable smbk5pwd in simple ...
Myk Dowling's user avatar

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