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Yum can't add rpm repository via yum install command

It looks like your web request is timing out when trying to reach on port 443 for HTTPS. This host is actually load balanced using DNS between a couple different ip's so it's ...
frontsidebus's user avatar
3 votes

Nginx+pagespeed module | image cache time is 5 mins on first page load

From docs When PageSpeed fetches a resource via HTTP or HTTPS, it examines the Expires and Cache-Control headers to determine how frequently it should update its cache. When these headers don't ...
Andrey Vorobyev's user avatar
2 votes

Keep-Alive in Headers

Enabling Keep-Alive Ensure in Apache you have set ( from GTmetrix ) KeepAlive On Setting a header does not enable keep-alive. You must also enable this in Apache.
Aaron's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I start using my custom nginx built from source?

Looks like you have built your binary in another directory then the one installed from the distribution repo. And to which your systemd file is pointing. The best course of action now is to just ...
esoroka's user avatar
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Website disk space and loading speed

Typical requests are entirely unaffected by type/usage/status/load of hard disks. This is because typical requests are served from various caches - most obviously: RAM. While typical hard disks do ...
anx's user avatar
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Unable to start new nginx binary installed with ngx_pagespped

killall -9 nginx then start your local one.
drookie's user avatar
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Is it possible to configure a CDN so that it will step out of the way for a subset of regional IPs?

For .com, it sounds like the answer for you would be to use a DNS provider that supports geographic resolution (I know that Route53 and NS1 do this) and set the "default" to use the CDN, but configure ...
Joshua DeWald's user avatar

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