2 votes

LUKS Automatic unlock of with key file on remote ubuntu server

I wrote a keyscript (and initramfs hook) that allows a key to be retrieved by UUID over HTTPS. 1. Install dependencies: sudo apt -y install curl initramfs-tools dropbear-initramfs 2. Add a initramfs ...
mevdschee's user avatar
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Why my clipboard can only paste out from RDP into my desktop not the other way around?

Restart the Rdpclip.exe (RDP Clipboard) Process in Windows, go to Task manager, Users Tab, expand processes of the user you have problem, and right click on RDP Clipboard Monitor, then "End task&...
lisandro's user avatar
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How can I query the version number of a remote rsync server (daemon)?

While I don't know of a built-in way to determine the version of a remote rsyncd daemon, you can get an idea by telnetting into port 873 to view its response. It will greet you with the protocol ...
jpiddle888's user avatar
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How to remotely add reservation to DHCP Server using PowerShell?

Use Add-DhcpServerv4Reservation: Add-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ScopeId -IPAddress -ClientId "F0-DE-F1-7A-00-5E" You can also run it against a remote DHCP server using ...
Massimo's user avatar
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How to avoid doing a fsck when upgrading the kernel on a Debian server?

Linux ext file systems must be fsck'd offline for the check to be valid. Which for the root file system means the primary copy cannot be checked while the system is running. As you are running LVM, ...
John Mahowald's user avatar
1 vote

Remotely updating windows server via Invoke-WUJob

This one-liner works for me. Does require an elevated powershell. $ServerVMs = @("DC1","DC2") Invoke-WUJob -ComputerName $ServerVMs -Script {ipmo PSWindowsUpdate; Install-...
Eric Nord's user avatar
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