7 votes

sqlplus CONNECT command with an '@' symbol in the password

Try like this. Connect SYSTEM/\"password@\"@tnsname
sabith bin muhammed's user avatar
2 votes

ORA-12154 when trying to connect as SYSDBA

You commanded your shell to run sqlplus program and give it one argument / as sysdba. The argument is a single word that contains spaces inside (that's what quotes do in shell). Thus sqlplus looks for ...
kubanczyk's user avatar
  • 14k
1 vote

SQLPlus: Execute SQL scripts located on database server machine

Short answer: no, you cannot. sqlplus is a client application, it has no way to access the server's filesystem.
Lukas's user avatar
  • 36
1 vote

SQL Developer cannot connect but SQL*plus can

Here are some of the things I did to resolve the problem. Download latest version of SQL*Developer ( I downloaded 17.4.0 ) Go to Tools -> Preferences -> Database -> Advanced At the bottom of the ...
oradbanj's user avatar
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1 vote

Run Oracle SQL script and exit from sqlplus.exe via command prompt

Another one for Linux without pipes or forking another sub-shell/-process sqlplus -S dbuser/dbpasswd@dbsid @scriptname </dev/null After @scriptname is complete, sqlplus waits for user input. In ...
Olaf Dietsche's user avatar

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