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2 votes

Time to run znapzend job

This question is old but for future reference I'm answering anyway. znapzend stores the schedule configuration in the filesystem metadata, not in a file in the filesystem itself. See the top of the ...
C. R. Oldham's user avatar
2 votes

How can I ratelimit znapzend?

You could try limiting mbuffer, which znapzend uses: -r <rate> : limit read rate to <rate> B/s, where <rate> can be given in b,k,M,G You may need to alias the mbuffer executable ...
user121391's user avatar
  • 2,572
1 vote

znapzend not taking snapshots after the initial set up

Spoke too soon guys. It is working. I had to wait till the new hour started
Harj's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

Can znapzend be used for replication only?

After upgrading znapzend from 0.17.0 to 0.19.0 the problem of the last snapshot being deleted on the destination has been eliminated.
user247671's user avatar
1 vote

How can I ratelimit znapzend?

See Introduction to Linux Traffic Control. As an alternative you could prioritize your traffic rather than rate limit so you still get fast backups.
Ryan Babchishin's user avatar

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