Graduated from FAUP (Faculty of Architecture of University of Porto) with full degree in Architecture (2000-2007). He worked in an architectural design studio between 2007 and 2010 in all stages of an architectural project, from concept to construction designs. Between 2010 and 2012 he obtained a scholarship for a RD&T project that crossed Architecture with Information and Communication Technologies (DARC: Digital Architecture Representation and Communication) which he co-developed in CCRE (Spatial Communication and Representation Center), a R&D unit of CEAU (Architecture and Urbanism Study Center) of FAUP. In that period and institution he developed his Master thesis with a research on ICT platforms for communication and management of Architectural Competitions and monitored the CAAD (Computer Architectural Aided Design) and CFM (Communication, Photography and Multimedia) courses at FAUP, testing the findings of the DARC research project in a real classroom context. He also became an integrated member of CEAU and of Cityscopio Cultural Association, a non-lucrative organization with particular interest in documentary and artistic photography on architecture, city, and territory.
Between 2010 and 2011 he obtained his post-graduation in Urban Forms and Dynamics from FAUP, the base for his proposal for an FCT Grant which he obtained in mid-2013. Since then he is working on his PhD with a thesis called “From informality to formal variability – planning and urban management strategies under uncertainty: the municipality of Santo Tirso between the Provisional Regulations and the review of the Municipal Plan”. In 2013 he was invited as assistant teacher for the course of CAAD in FAUP.
As member of CEAU, he has participated in the organization of several scientific events and as co-author of scientific papers and web prototypes.
He has a particular interest in crossing knowledge in the fields of Architecture, Photography, Rendering, Webdevelopment and Illustration.