sam_pan_mariusz's user avatar
sam_pan_mariusz's user avatar
sam_pan_mariusz's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Warsaw, Poland
48 votes

Why am I getting an "Invalid command 'ProxyPass'" error when I start my Apache 2.2 server?

10 votes

Helo command rejected: Host not found - Setup postfix to accept sending mails from my home server through my public server

5 votes

What is the latency threshold for running a Terminal Server (RDS) over the WAN?

4 votes

Virtualbox host only + NAT network slow

3 votes

Grep access on maillog for non root

3 votes

Foreign mail server returns "502 Command not implemented."

3 votes

Why does my Upstart job work with sudo but not with setuid?

3 votes

How to shrink size of raw virtual machine disk image (kvm)?

3 votes

Ubuntu 14.04 Active Directory auth fails after static ip config

3 votes

Xenserver Virtual Adapter Limit

2 votes

Is it possible to configure pip, gem, cabal, pear, npm to do unattended upgrades like apt?

2 votes

Wget, self signed cert and --no-check-certificate not working

2 votes

XenServer 6.2: reattach SR but all disks have no description

2 votes

phpMyAdmin can't import file exported from command line

2 votes

How can I upgrade Python to 2.7.9 on Ubuntu 14.4?

2 votes

How do I chose between upstart, runit, supervisor, daemontools, ... for restarting a process if it dies? (process supervision / monitoring)

2 votes

MySQL SSL error, only when connecting from windows/osX

2 votes

Connection to port 22 refused

2 votes

Samba4 - detect password change

2 votes

Which symbols to avoid when naming AD DS groups?

2 votes

Webmin - Disallow access by IP

2 votes

MySQL reading /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny

2 votes

How to combine two SPF (TXT) records when one is from a local mail server?

2 votes

TCP/IP - why does routing without masquerading work?

2 votes

Which memory settings to use for this MySQL server?

2 votes

DNS resolution happening inconsistently over OpenVPN

2 votes

apt-get update hangs on fresh install of ubuntu 14.04.3 in virtual box

2 votes

Restore files that are not in the Bacula database using a Bacula file deamon

1 vote

How can I force xenserver to create a full (not paravirtualized) vm?

1 vote

Does Windows Server 2012 R2 Come With A Proxy Serer?