Jeff Strunk's user avatar
Jeff Strunk's user avatar
Jeff Strunk's user avatar
Jeff Strunk
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
35 votes

Forward SSH through SSH tunnel

22 votes

Create an AWS HVM Linux AMI from an Existing Paravirtual Linux AMI

10 votes

MegaCli: Get the /dev/sd* device name for a logical drive

7 votes

Allow developers to access command line on linux server

7 votes

What services does hosts.allow NOT affect?

7 votes

How to authenticate users in nested groups in Apache LDAP?

6 votes

dn-based linux groups from ldap

6 votes

How are UDP source ports selected?

5 votes

AWS: run a process (with python fabric)

4 votes

When setting up OpenLDAP for the first time, what are some things to keep in mind?

4 votes

How does LDAP handle supplementary/secondary user groups?

3 votes

Linux Central Authentication/Authorization Methods

3 votes

Central authentication and /home storage with caching

3 votes

Open source system for swipe card access?

3 votes

Some puppet modules are not found when running master/agent but work with puppet apply

2 votes

Strange Change in ssh behavior + LDAP

2 votes

Samba: How do I set passwords for the users in the username map?

2 votes

Known SSH server always ask my password on the first connection, following connections use key authenticating

2 votes

How to configure SUDO for no password if user is logged in remotely from a specific host

2 votes

Nagios not accepting regex in command

2 votes

Conflict with Yum install php and mysql

2 votes

ZFS on Linux for RHEL/OEL NFS Sharing

1 vote

ZFS on Linux for RHEL/OEL NFS Sharing

1 vote

Mac OS X client crashes while mounting and writing to Linux server via NFSv4

1 vote

How to use 389 Directory Server with Mac OS X for login

1 vote

mount --bind and moving 2 files between mounts

1 vote

Hosting a Django Site with Apache/Ubuntu

1 vote

Git Repo to mantain the app configurations in several servers

1 vote

SSH + SAMBA + LDAP question

1 vote

How to migate from IMAP to Exchange